How to Calculate Projectile Motion for a Marble in a Lab Experiment

In summary, the students are working on a projectile motion lab using a heavy marble and a Styrofoam cup. They have been instructed to neglect air resistance and will be given the angle tomorrow. They are looking for help with a formula to launch the marble into the cup. The formula will involve calculus and vectors, and the first step is to determine the time of flight and initial velocity.
  • #1

I am a high school student in Grade 12.

We are currently doing projectile motion. We are using a marble. The teacher said that we should neglect air resistance because it is a very heavy marble. The marble, in the projector, is sitting at 36.5 cm. There is no given angle because we will get one tomorrow. We need to launch the marble into a Styrofoam cup. We do not know what height the Styrofoam cup will be.

If you could help me out with a formula, that would be great.

Thank you.
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  • #2

Have you learn calculus?
a(t)=g where g is constant.
Intergate twice with respect of time you get displacement equation.

For horizontal motion, g=0.

Have you learn about vectors?
In physics, all calculations normally involve vectors.
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  • #3

I will not provide you with a formula but I'll help you derive one. For starters, you can assume the horizontal velocity of the marble is constant. Therefore, if you know how long it is in the air, you can determine its range.

Your first step is to determine the time of flight. It's a function of initial velocity, the height at which the projectile was released, and the angle of release.

If you are not given the initial velocity, you will have to determine that as well. Calculus, per se, is not needed to solve this problem.

FAQ: How to Calculate Projectile Motion for a Marble in a Lab Experiment

What is a Projectile Motion Lab?

A Projectile Motion Lab is an experiment that studies the motion of an object that is launched into the air and moves under the influence of gravity.

What equipment is needed for a Projectile Motion Lab?

The equipment needed for a Projectile Motion Lab include a projectile (such as a ball), a projectile launcher, a measuring device (such as a ruler or a measuring tape), and a timer.

How is the data collected in a Projectile Motion Lab?

In a Projectile Motion Lab, the data is collected by measuring the distance traveled by the projectile, the time it takes to travel that distance, and the angle at which the projectile is launched. These measurements are then used to calculate the velocity, acceleration, and trajectory of the projectile.

What can be learned from a Projectile Motion Lab?

A Projectile Motion Lab can help in understanding the concepts of gravity, velocity, acceleration, and trajectory. It can also help in applying mathematical equations to real-world scenarios and in predicting the motion of an object in freefall.

How can the results of a Projectile Motion Lab be applied in everyday life?

The results of a Projectile Motion Lab can be applied in everyday life in various fields such as sports, engineering, and physics. For example, understanding the motion of a projectile can help in improving the accuracy of a basketball player's shots or in designing a better trajectory for a rocket launch.
