Projectile Motion & Motorcycle Jumps

In summary, the speaker is a 43-year-old undergraduate who is struggling with a physics problem involving projectile motion. They are having trouble understanding the equations and formulas used to solve the problem. The problem involves a daredevil jumping a canyon and the speaker's professor is using a simplified version of the equation for acceleration due to gravity. The speaker is looking for help understanding the significance of certain numbers in the equation and how to calculate the time the motorcycle will be in the air.
  • #1
This is my first visit to this website. I am a 43-year-old undergraduate majoring in Environmental Horticulture and somehow missed physics along the way. It's been 2-3 years since I had all my algebra, trig and pre-calc and now in my first 2 weeks of physics I find I need help. We just studied projectile motion and the problems that go with it. I think I understand the concepts and can find the answer to a problem that deals with how far the projectile travels given an inital velocity and angle. However, the problem I'm trying to do now the distance is given and I need to come up with the time and the velocity. I actually have my instructor's notes how to solve this, but his notes seem more convoluted than what it necessary based on other websites I have seen. Also, I notice that everyone uses different formulas or at least different symbols in those formulas and it is all very confusing. At any rate, the problem is A daredevil jumps a canyon 15 m wide by driving a motorcycle up an incline sloped at an angle of 37 degrees with the horizontal. What minimum speed must she have in order to clear the canyon? How long will she be in the air? He starts out with the horizontal being Vo = 15/.8t and I'm ok with that until later. Then for the vertical, working from the equation y = Voyt - 1/2 a(or g in this case)t^2, my professor works to Vo sin 37 deg. t - 5t^2 = 0. Here's where I get confused. Does the 5 in the 5t^2 come from 1/2 of 10 m/s for g and how does this equation equal 0 and what is the significance of that? He then goes on to substitutions and other things that I pretty much understand, but I can't get past this zero business.

Thanks for your help and this probably won't be my last post this semester!

Gainesville, Florida
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes 5=10/2

Okay what is the displacement in y direction
  • #3
A more accurate figure for the "acceleration due to gravity" is 9.8 m/s2 but 10 is okay for an example. I wouldn't want to be that "rough" in planning how to jump a canyon but I guess making the initial speeder higher than necessary is the way to go!
  • #4
Thanks for answering my question, but each of you has just answered part of it. Can you answer the other part of my question, because that's the part I'm really having trouble with. And by the way, the professor is having us use 10 m/s^2 instead of 9.8.
  • #5
That equation gives the height of the projectile at time t.

The height is 0 at the beginning and at the end of the flight. To find out how long the motocycle was in the air, you can calculate the time it takes for the equation to be zero.
  • #6
The basic formula is

here y=position of particle after time t
y0= initial position
here a=-g

Now after landing the other side of the cannon the position will be same as initial therefore y=y0

Hence u get y-y0= 0

FAQ: Projectile Motion & Motorcycle Jumps

What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object through the air or space under the influence of gravity. It is a combination of horizontal and vertical motion, resulting in a curved path known as a parabola.

How does projectile motion apply to motorcycle jumps?

In motorcycle jumps, the rider and bike become the projectile. As the motorcycle leaves the ramp, it follows a parabolic path until it lands on the other side. The rider's actions, such as speed, angle, and body positioning, determine the success of the jump.

What factors affect the distance of a motorcycle jump?

The distance of a motorcycle jump is affected by speed, angle of take-off, and air resistance. The faster the rider is traveling and the steeper the angle of the ramp, the farther the jump will be. Air resistance can also play a role in reducing the distance of the jump.

How does the weight of the motorcycle affect the jump?

The weight of the motorcycle can affect the jump in two ways. A heavier motorcycle will require more force to accelerate, making it more challenging to achieve the necessary speed for the jump. Additionally, a heavier motorcycle will experience more air resistance, which can reduce the distance of the jump.

What safety precautions should be taken when attempting a motorcycle jump?

When attempting a motorcycle jump, it is crucial to wear appropriate safety gear, such as a helmet, pads, and protective clothing. The rider should also have proper training and experience in performing jumps and should inspect the ramp and landing area for any potential hazards. It is also essential to have a safety team present in case of an emergency.
