Projectile Motion of soccer ball

In summary, the problem involves a soccer player kicking a rock horizontally off a 40 m high cliff into a pool of water. The player hears the sound of the splash 3 seconds later and the goal is to find the initial speed given to the rock. Using various equations and known variables, it is determined that the sound travels a distance of 49.05 m in 0.143 seconds, and using the Pythagorean theorem, the horizontal distance between the cliff and where the stone fell in the water can be found.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A soccer player kicks a rock horizontally off a 40 m high cliff into a pool of water. If the player hears the sound of the splash 3 seconds later, what was the intial speed given to the rock? Assume that the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s

Homework Equations

V_f = V_i - gt
X_f = x_i + vt - 1/2gt^2 (which becomes zero)
Y_f = Y_i + vt (which becomes zero) -1/2gt^2
y direction velocity = v_i sin*
x directino velocity = v_i cos*

The Attempt at a Solution

Well first I tried using -1/2gt^2 to find the y_f, just to check its validity... and I got y_f = -44.1 m, which is lower than the cliff...
And I also found t = 2.857 to get to y_f = -40

But I'm so confused with so little data. I know that:
y_i = 0 m
y_f = -40 m or -44.1 m
t = 3s
x_i = 0m
x_f = ?
a_x = 0 m/s^2
a_y = -9.8 m/s^2
v_x = ? m/s
v_y = 0 m/s

Could someone possibly guide me a little bit, since I'm not understanding the equations properly, I guess. Thanks ^_^
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  • #2
How long does it take to drop the 40m?
  • #3
2.857 seconds
  • #4
twotaileddemon said:
2.857 seconds

exactly. so for how long does sound travel... and what distance does it travel?
  • #5
sound travels at a rate of 343 m/s...
v = d/t
d= vt
So it travels (353 m/s)(2.857 s) = 1008.5 m?
  • #6
twotaileddemon said:
sound travels at a rate of 343 m/s...
v = d/t
d= vt
So it travels (353 m/s)(2.857 s) = 1008.5 m?

yes, but the sound only begins its travel the moment the stone hits the water... that is at t = 2.857
  • #7
So if the soccer player hears the sound 3s after he threw the stone, that must mean the sound traveled in that .143 second interval
Then that would mean it travels at (343 m/s)(.143 m) = 49.05 m?
  • #8
twotaileddemon said:
So if the soccer player hears the sound 3s after he threw the stone, that must mean the sound traveled in that .143 second interval
Then that would mean it travels at (343 m/s)(.143 m) = 49.05 m?

Yes... now can you get the horizontal distance between the cliff and where the stone fell in the water?
  • #9
Um... I'm not sure how to do that part. I know an equation
x_f = x_i + (v_i)(t) - .5gt^2 = (v_i)(t).. which has two missing variables
t would be 2.857 s because the stone reaches the water at that point...
I don't think 49.05 fits in that equation either..
  • #10
well, actually.. if I use 49.05 m minus the distance the stone traveled between 2.857 s and 3 s, I can find the horizontal distance between the cliff and the point where the stone reached the water. But without a velocity variable I'm lost..
  • #11
twotaileddemon said:
well, actually.. if I use 49.05 m minus the distance the stone traveled between 2.857 s and 3 s, I can find the horizontal distance between the cliff and the point where the stone reached the water. But without a velocity variable I'm lost..

Use the pythagorean theorem... the 40m vertical and the horizontal displacement, and the 49.05m form a right triangle.

the sound travels in a straight line back to the original point.
  • #12
oh! That makes sense now. I know how to complete the problem. thank you for your help very very much. I did not realize the sound traveled straight back such as the hypotenuse of a triangle.
  • #13
twotaileddemon said:
oh! That makes sense now. I know how to complete the problem. thank you for your help very very much. I did not realize the sound traveled straight back such as the hypotenuse of a triangle.

no prob.

FAQ: Projectile Motion of soccer ball

What is projectile motion?

Projectile motion is the motion of an object through the air under the influence of gravity. It follows a curved path known as a parabola.

How does the mass of a soccer ball affect its projectile motion?

The mass of a soccer ball does not directly affect its projectile motion. As long as the ball is kicked with the same initial velocity, it will follow the same path regardless of its mass.

What factors affect the distance a soccer ball travels during projectile motion?

The distance a soccer ball travels during projectile motion is affected by its initial velocity, the angle at which it is kicked, and any external forces such as air resistance.

Why does a soccer ball follow a curved path during projectile motion?

A soccer ball follows a curved path due to the force of gravity pulling it towards the ground. This creates a downward acceleration, causing the ball to follow a parabolic trajectory.

How can the principles of projectile motion be applied in soccer?

The principles of projectile motion can be applied in soccer to determine the optimal angle and velocity for a kick, as well as to predict the trajectory of a ball during a free kick or corner kick.

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