Projectile Motion on a Slope: Calculating Distance Traveled

In summary, an arrow shot from a 15 degree slope hits the ground 290.7 meters down if shot with a speed of 50 m/s from 1.75 m above the ground.
  • #1
Lord Anoobis

Homework Statement

An archer standing on a 15 degree slope shoots an arrow 20 degrees above the horizontal. How far down the slope does the arrow hit if it is shot with a speed of 50m/s from 1.75m above the ground?

Homework Equations

##y = x##tan##\theta## - ##\frac{gx^2}{2v^2 cos^2\theta}##

The Attempt at a Solution

I took the slope the archer is standing on to be a line through the origin of the x-y coordinate system, thus intersecting the trajectory of the arrow at two points, one being (0, 0). The slope this line is then

##y = -(tan15^o)x##

Setting the equations equal to each other and punching in values I obtained

##-(tan15^o)x = xtan20^o - \frac{9.8x^2}{5000cos^2 20^o}##

##x = \frac{(tan15^o + tan20^o)(5000cos^2 20^o)}{9.8}##

with x = 284.7 and y = -76.28 giving a final distance of 294.7m. The actual answer is 297m according to the book. I've been over this calculation a few times and it is clear that another set of eyes is required to shed some light on this conundrum. Please assist.
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  • #2
Did you take care of the fact that the arrow is shot from 1.75 m above the ground?
  • #3
initial upward velocity = sin(20)*50.
initial y = 1.75

yslope= mx+b
yslope= tan(-15)*x+0

tan(-15 deg)*cos(20 deg)*50*t=-.5*9.8*t^2+sin(20 deg)*50*t+1.75


I tried. It's possible the book has a typo.
  • #4
Lord Anoobis said:
I've been over this calculation a few times and it is clear that another set of eyes is required to shed some light on this conundrum. Please assist.
You don't seem to have taken into account the initial height of 1.75 m.

(TSny beat me to it.)
  • #5
TSny said:
Did you take care of the fact that the arrow is shot from 1.75 m above the ground?
It seems I did not, and shifting the curve upward by 1.75m does indeed solve the problem.
Something else though. Initially I thought about rotating the system so that the ground is level and the launch angle is 35 degrees. Am I correct that this would not work? If one considers say, the same 15 degree slope and a launch angle of 75 degrees, rotating would simply send the arrow straight up, not so?
  • #6
Lord Anoobis said:
It seems I did not, and shifting the curve upward by 1.75m does indeed solve the problem.
Something else though. Initially I thought about rotating the system so that the ground is level and the launch angle is 35 degrees. Am I correct that this would not work?

Right. It would not work unless you also rotated the direction of the acceleration of gravity.

If one considers say, the same 15 degree slope and a launch angle of 75 degrees, rotating would simply send the arrow straight up, not so?

That's right (assuming gravity still acts vertically)
  • #7
TSny said:
Right. It would not work unless you also rotated the direction of the acceleration of gravity.
That's right (assuming gravity still acts vertically)
Of course. I didn't consider that, but I can see now that going about it that way wouldn't be simpler at all, seeing that compensating for the direction of gravitational acceleration would result in a horizontal component thereof as well.
Thanks for the help.

FAQ: Projectile Motion on a Slope: Calculating Distance Traveled

1. How does the angle of the slope affect the projectile's trajectory?

The angle of the slope determines the initial velocity of the projectile and therefore affects the range, height, and time of flight of the projectile. The steeper the slope, the greater the initial velocity and the longer the projectile will travel before hitting the ground.

2. Does the mass of the projectile affect its motion down a slope?

Yes, the mass of the projectile affects its acceleration down the slope. A heavier projectile will experience a greater force of gravity and therefore will accelerate faster down the slope compared to a lighter projectile.

3. How does the coefficient of friction of the surface affect the projectile's motion down a slope?

The coefficient of friction plays a significant role in determining the acceleration of the projectile down the slope. A higher coefficient of friction will result in a slower acceleration as the projectile experiences a greater resistance force from the surface.

4. Can the projectile's horizontal and vertical velocities be calculated separately?

Yes, the projectile's horizontal and vertical velocities can be calculated separately using trigonometry. The horizontal velocity remains constant while the vertical velocity changes due to the acceleration of gravity.

5. How does the height of the slope affect the projectile's range?

The height of the slope does not affect the projectile's range as long as the initial velocity and angle of the slope remain constant. The range is determined by the horizontal velocity and time of flight, which are not affected by the height of the slope.
