Projectile motion rifle question

In summary, the rifle must be raised by 5.056439020552 cm in order to hit the target dead center with a bullet traveling at 442 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A rifle that shoots bullets at 442 m/s is to be aimed at a target 44.9 m away. If the center of the target is level with the rifle, how high (in cm) above the target must the rifle barrel be pointed so that the bullet hits dead center?

Homework Equations

y-y0 = v0sin(Ø0)t-1/2gt2

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not really sure what to do to solve the equation I figured out that the time is .1 s but I believe that I need to find out what the angle Ø is to solve the equation and I don't know how to find it. I am not looking for the answer maybe just an idea on what direction to head.
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  • #2
y-y0 = v0sin(Ø0)t-1/2gt2

"If the center of the target is level with the rifle"

This is the cue you need to interpret. Based on this cue you can *simplify* the above equation. This does assume that you know which way your angle is being measured. Think about the initial speed and the direction that the problem provides. Good Luck!
  • #3
What I am unsure about is do they want you to angle the rifle a certain amount of cm and have a parabolic type trajectory or actually raise it up and have the bullet fall to the target. And by simplify the equation I am guessing you mean that (y-y0) would be equal to 0 becuase it is landing at the same height that it left from but I am not sure
  • #4
I would have to say that you just need to find the distance the bullet falls before it hits the target, then, if one were to raise the level of the rifle by this distance, the next bullet would hit dead center. Since they want a distance in centimeters rather than an angle in radians or degrees, you don't need to worry about the angle --> This is a very nice simplification, as the problem states that the target and rifle are level - meaning your angle is 0. In real life you would probably tilt the rifle rather than find higher ground, but that approach should have been discarded when you're asked for a distance in centimeters (you would have to know the rifles length in order to project this tilt angle as a length). Hope that clears it up.
  • #5
OK so possibly it is the book that's wrong and not me because using that equation I got y=4.905cm but the answer online is

Number 5.056439020552 Units cm

I also used the books solution which is

and using my numbers I still get the 4.905 so I am pretty confused
  • #6
well nevermind I worked it out again and got the right answer still don't really understand the solution though
  • #7
Since you got the right answer, I'll try to explain the problem.

Imagine that you are to shoot at a target but are not allowed to tilt the rifle in any way. The rifle must be kept parallel to the ground. But you are allow to raise the rifle as high as you want. You know that no matter how quickly the bullet travels horizontally, it will fall at a predictable acceleration vertically. That acceleration is g.

So first you find out how long it takes the bullet to horizontally get to the target's distance (for now ignore if you vertically hit the bull's eye or not). Then once you find that time, you find out the distance the bullet drops during that time. Once you know that distance, you raise the rifle by that distance and are sure to hit your target!

FAQ: Projectile motion rifle question

1. How does a projectile motion rifle work?

A projectile motion rifle uses a combination of barrel length, ammunition, and launching angle to propel a bullet through the air towards a target. The bullet is propelled by the force of expanding gas created by the burning gunpowder.

2. What factors affect the trajectory of a projectile motion rifle?

The trajectory of a projectile motion rifle is affected by the muzzle velocity, muzzle angle, air resistance, and gravity. Muzzle velocity and angle determine the initial velocity of the bullet, air resistance slows down the bullet, and gravity pulls the bullet downwards.

3. Can a projectile motion rifle shoot at different angles?

Yes, a projectile motion rifle can shoot at different angles. The angle at which the rifle is pointed will affect the trajectory of the bullet. The optimal angle for maximum range and accuracy may vary depending on the specific rifle and ammunition used.

4. How does air resistance affect the trajectory of a projectile motion rifle?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can significantly affect the trajectory of a projectile motion rifle. As the bullet travels through the air, it experiences resistance which slows it down and alters its trajectory. This is why long-range shooters must take into account air resistance when aiming and adjusting for wind conditions.

5. What is the maximum range of a projectile motion rifle?

The maximum range of a projectile motion rifle depends on various factors such as the muzzle velocity, muzzle angle, air resistance, and gravity. Generally, a rifle can shoot accurately up to a few thousand yards, but the effective range may be shorter due to practical limitations and external factors such as wind and temperature.
