Projectiles launched at an angle, neglecting air resistance

In summary, the conversation discusses two problems involving projectile motion at different angles and distances. The first problem involves finding the initial velocity, time it takes to reach a wall, and the velocity components and speed at the wall. The second problem involves finding the initial velocity and maximum height reached by the projectile. The equations used for solving these problems are the horizontal equation d = vt and the vertical equations Vf = Vi + at and d = Vi*t + ½at². Two unknowns (time and initial velocity) are present in both problems, so a system of equations must be used to solve for them.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2 Problems that I am unable to solve: 1.) projectile launched at an angle 35 degrees, just clears a wall 20m high at a distance of 130m from launch. Solve for initial velocity, time it takes the projectile to reach the wall, and the velocity components + speed of the projectile when it reaches the wall.

Given: Delta X (to wall) = 130m
Theta = 35 degrees
G = -9.81m/s^2

2.) a projectile is launched at an angle of 34 degrees and travels a total distance of 230m. Solve for initial velocity and maximum height reached by projectile.

Given: Delta X = 230m
Theta = 34 degrees
Vf = 0 m/s

Homework Equations

Vx=Vi(cosine of theta) = constant

Delta X= Vi(cosine of theta)(Delta T)

Vy,f=Vi(sin of theta) - G(Delta T)

Vy,f^2 = Vi^2 (sin of theta)^2 - 2G(Delta Y)

Delta Y= Vi(sin theta)(Delta T) - 1/2G(Delta T)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

N/A; All of the equations listed call for information that is not provided ie: there are always at least two variables in the equations.
Physics news on
  • #2
The standard procedure for projectile motion works well on this.
Write two headings: horizontal part and vertical part
Under horizontal, you have constant speed so you write d = vt
Under vertical, you have accelerated motion, so you write
Vf = Vi + at and d = Vi*t + ½at²
Put in the numbers you know in all three equations. Use v for the initial speed, v*cos(35) for horizontal speed, v*sin(35) for vertical initial speed. Often one of the equations can be solved for the time, which is the key to the others. In this case you'll find you have two unknowns (time and initial speed) so you have to use two of the equations as a system to solve for them. Show your work here and we'll make sure you solve the problem! Remember the method for the next 2D motion problem.

FAQ: Projectiles launched at an angle, neglecting air resistance

1. What is a projectile launched at an angle?

A projectile launched at an angle is an object that is thrown, shot, or propelled through the air at an angle relative to the ground. Examples include a baseball thrown by a pitcher or a cannonball fired from a cannon.

2. What is the initial velocity of a projectile launched at an angle?

The initial velocity of a projectile launched at an angle is the speed at which the object is launched and the direction in which it is launched. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction. The initial velocity can be calculated using the formula v0 = v * cos(θ), where v is the initial speed and θ is the launch angle.

3. How does neglecting air resistance affect the motion of a projectile launched at an angle?

Neglecting air resistance means that the force of air resistance is not taken into account when calculating the motion of the projectile. This simplifies the equations and allows us to focus on the effects of gravity. In reality, air resistance does affect the motion of a projectile, but it is often negligible for objects launched at low speeds or over short distances.

4. What factors affect the trajectory of a projectile launched at an angle?

The trajectory of a projectile launched at an angle is affected by several factors, including the initial velocity, the launch angle, and the acceleration due to gravity. The mass and shape of the projectile can also have an impact, as well as external factors like air resistance and wind.

5. What is the maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle?

The maximum height reached by a projectile launched at an angle is called the peak height or apex. It can be calculated using the formula h = (v02 * sin2 (θ)) / (2 * g), where v0 is the initial velocity, θ is the launch angle, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The maximum height is achieved when the vertical component of the initial velocity equals zero.
