Projecting an Image in a Dark Room - Optics Question

In summary, the colleague used a white sheet at the back of the room to create an image that was projected onto the wall.
  • #1
Hi guys, I have an optics question. I am running an activity for kids to simulate being inside a camera. So I am in a dark room, and I have a small hole in one of the doors which allows light in. An image comes in through the hole, and a magnifying glass can be used to focus this image, which creates a brilliant effect and is really impressive. My only problem is that the light shines diagonally in through the hole and lands on the side of the wall which isn't really ideal. The aim is to project the image onto a wall/sheet onto the back. Does anyone have any idea how I can change the direction of the image projection?
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  • #2
google "camera obscura". A colleague did this for my class recently- he simply put a large roll of white paper at the back of the room, but didn't use any lens at all. It was an incredible demo.

Why does the light not exit the hole symmetrically? Is the hole too close to the wall? Or am I not understanding something...
  • #3
I have a door at the front of the room, and am trying to project the image outside to the back of the room. However, just inside the door there is a small side wall. The light seems to be shining here (in full colour), and I can use a magnifying glass to focus on objects from the outside. Ideally, I would be able to change the direction of the light entering the room and project it onto a white sheet at the back of the room. I don't know how to achieve this however. Any ideas much appreciated!

Another thing I should mention is that the hole is not in the exact center of the door. Does it need to be in the centre for the light to shine straight through to the back??

Its a great effect, when people walk by you can see them, and you can see any movement. I'd love to be able to achieve this, it really impresses the kids.

FAQ: Projecting an Image in a Dark Room - Optics Question

What is the purpose of projecting an image in a dark room?

The purpose of projecting an image in a dark room is to study the characteristics of light, such as refraction and reflection, and how they interact with different materials and surfaces. It also allows for the manipulation and enhancement of images for educational or entertainment purposes.

What equipment is needed for projecting an image in a dark room?

The equipment needed for projecting an image in a dark room includes a light source, a lens, a screen or surface for the image to be projected onto, and a dark room with controlled lighting. Additional equipment may include filters, mirrors, and other optics tools for adjusting and manipulating the projected image.

How does the lens affect the projected image?

The lens is a crucial component in projecting an image in a dark room as it helps to focus and direct the light rays onto the screen. The type of lens used, its shape, and its distance from the screen all affect the size, clarity, and brightness of the projected image.

Can any image be projected in a dark room?

Yes, any image can be projected in a dark room as long as it is properly sized and focused by the lens. However, the quality and clarity of the projected image may vary depending on the quality of the original image and the equipment used.

What are some real-world applications of projecting an image in a dark room?

Projecting an image in a dark room has various real-world applications, including in education, entertainment, and advertising. For example, projectors are commonly used in classrooms to display educational materials, in movie theaters to show films, and in concerts and events for visual effects and displays.
