Projection Functions and Homomorphisms

In summary, to show the existence of a homomorphism ##f: K \rightarrow G \times H## satisfying ##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1## and ##\pi_H \circ f = \sigma_2##, we can define ##f(k) = \bigg(\sigma_1(k), \sigma_2(k)\bigg)## for all ##k \in K##. This mapping satisfies all the conditions given in the problem and is a homomorphism.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let ##G##, ##H##, and ##K## be groups with homomorphisms ##\sigma_1 : K \rightarrow G## and ##\sigma_2 : K \rightarrow H##. Does there exist a homomorphism ##f: K \rightarrow G \times H## such that ##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1## and ##\pi_H \circ f = \sigma_2##? Is this function unique?

If either ##\sigma_1## or ##\sigma_2## are monomorphisms, then ##f## will also be a monomorphism.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Define ##f## to be the mapping ##f : K \rightarrow G \times H##.

##\pi_G ((g,h)) = g## and ##\pi_H((g,h)) = h##, where ##(g,h) \in G \times H##.

##\pi_G \circ f = \pi_G (f(k))##, where ##k \in K##.

##\pi_G \circ f = \pi_G(f(k)) = \pi((g,h)) = g \in G##

There exists an ##k_1 \in K## such that ##\sigma_1 (k_1) = g##. Thus,

##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1(k_1)## or

##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1##.

I did something similar for ##\pi_H \circ f##. However, this feels unsettling. Also, how would I even verify that ##f## is a homomorphism, if I do not know the rule of its mapping? Would I have to contrive a rule?
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  • #2
Bashyboy said:

Homework Statement

Let ##G##, ##H##, and ##K## be groups with homomorphisms ##\sigma_1 : K \rightarrow G## and ##\sigma_2 : K \rightarrow H##. Does there exist a homomorphism ##f: K \rightarrow G \times H## such that ##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1## and ##\pi_H \circ f = \sigma_2##? Is this function unique?

If either ##\sigma_1## or ##\sigma_2## are monomorphisms, then ##f## will also be a monomorphism.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Define ##f## to be the mapping ##f : K \rightarrow G \times H##.

##\pi_G ((g,h)) = g## and ##\pi_H((g,h)) = h##, where ##(g,h) \in G \times H##.

##\pi_G \circ f = \pi_G (f(k))##, where ##k \in K##.

##\pi_G \circ f = \pi_G(f(k)) = \pi((g,h)) = g \in G##

There exists an ##k_1 \in K## such that ##\sigma_1 (k_1) = g##. Thus,

##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1(k_1)## or

##\pi_G \circ f = \sigma_1##.

I did something similar for ##\pi_H \circ f##. However, this feels unsettling. Also, how would I even verify that ##f## is a homomorphism, if I do not know the rule of its mapping? Would I have to contrive a rule?

You are asked to show whether or not such a homomorphism exists. If you think it does, then you can either try to show that the non-existence of such a homomorphism leads to a contradiction, or you can exhibit a specific [itex]f[/itex].

Unless otherwise specified, the group operation on [itex]G \times H[/itex] is [itex](g_1,h_1)(g_2,h_2) = (g_1g_2,h_1h_2)[/itex]. You are given homomorphisms [itex]\sigma_1 : K \to G[/itex] and [itex]\sigma_2 : K \to H[/itex]. Can you think of a way to use those to construct a map [itex]K \to G \times H[/itex]? Is that map a homomorphism? Does it satisfy the other conditions given in the problem?
  • #3
Would the rule be as simple as ##f(k) = (g,h)##? I tried this, but I ran into some difficulty when trying to verify if it is a homomorphism:

First of all, let me define some conventions: Let ##\star_1## be the operator associated with the group ##K###, ##\star_2## with ##G##, ##\star_3## with ##H##, and ##\star## with ##G \times H##.

##f(k_1 \star_1 k_2)= f(k_1) \star f(k_2)##

##f(k_1 \star_1 k_2) = (g_1,h_1) \star (g_2,h_2)##

##f(k_1 \star_1 k_2) = (g_1 \star_2 g_2 , h_1 \star_3 h_2)##

The problem I am facing is, how do I evaluate ##f(k_1 \star_1 k_2)##?
  • #4
What is [itex]f(k_1)[/itex] in terms of the homomorphisms you are given? What is [itex]f(k_2)[/itex]? What is [itex]f(k_1k_2)[/itex]? Is it equal to [itex]f(k_1)f(k_2)[/itex]?
  • #5
pasmith said:
What is f(k1)f(k_1) in terms of the homomorphisms you are given? What is f(k2)f(k_2)?
Well, I suppose that ##f(k_1) = (g_1,h_1)## and ##f(k_2) = (g_2,h_2)##.

pasmith said:
What is ##f(k_1k_2)##? Is it equal to ##f(k_1)f(k_2)##?

That is what I am trying to demonstrate. If the equality ##f(k_1 k_2) = f(k_1) f(k_2)## is true, then I know that ##f## is a homomorphism. However, I am not sure how to evaluate ##f(k_1 k_2)##, which leads me to suspect that the rule I have constructed is not specific enough.
  • #6
So, does anyone have any new thoughts?
  • #7
I figured it out. Define the mapping ##f: K \rightarrow G \times H## to have the rule ##f(k) = \bigg(f_1(k),f_2(k) \bigg)##
  • #8
Bashyboy said:

The Attempt at a Solution

Define ##f## to be the mapping ##f : K \rightarrow G \times H##.

If there are preliminary definitions needed to define [itex] f [/itex], you should give them before you say "Define [itex] f [/itex]". Aren't projections and their notation already defined in your course matherials? If so, defining [itex] \pi_G [/itex] and [itex] \pi_H [/itex] could be part of "2. Homework Equations ", but you don't need to state those definitions in your proof.

To define [itex] f [/itex], all you must do is (for each [itex] k \in K [/itex] ) is to define the element [itex] f(k) [/itex]. What element of [itex] G \times H [/itex] will it be?

Once you have defined [itex] f [/itex] as a function, you don't need to define things like [itex] \pi_G \circ f [/itex]. The definition of that follows from the standard definition for composing functions.

FAQ: Projection Functions and Homomorphisms

1. What are projection functions and homomorphisms?

Projection functions and homomorphisms are mathematical concepts used in algebra and geometry. They involve mapping one set of objects onto another set in a way that preserves the structure and relationships between the objects.

2. How are projection functions and homomorphisms different?

Projection functions and homomorphisms are different in that projection functions focus on preserving the structure and relationships within a set, while homomorphisms also preserve operations between elements in the set.

3. What are some examples of projection functions and homomorphisms?

An example of a projection function is the projection of a three-dimensional object onto a two-dimensional plane. An example of a homomorphism is the mapping of integers to their absolute values.

4. How are projection functions and homomorphisms used in science?

Projection functions and homomorphisms are used in a wide range of scientific fields, including physics, computer science, and biology. They are particularly useful for studying and understanding complex systems and their relationships.

5. What are some potential applications of projection functions and homomorphisms?

Some potential applications of projection functions and homomorphisms include data compression, pattern recognition, and data analysis. They can also be used in modeling and simulating systems in physics, economics, and other fields.

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