Projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates

In summary, the wrong solution projects BC into AB but does not take into account the angle between BC and the vertical axis. The correct solution projects BC into AB and then determines the angle between BC and the vertical axis.
  • #1

My problem is that I believe I have a wrong concept somewhere, and I can't find what I'm doing wrong exactly. For this problem let's suppose what I want to do is find the rectangular coordinates of BC.

I had two "possible solutions" I tried to achieve this, . First the correct one:
(I apologize by drawing quality)

By determining angles I can find that the angle between the vertical axis and BC is, therefore:

Now the wrong one:

By looking at the original figure alone, first I project BC into AB, then project BC into either X axis or Y axis.
  1. Projecting BC into AB -> [itex](300\sin(20),300\sin(20))[/itex]
  2. Projecting my new AB' into X and Y axis -> [itex]((300\sin(20))\sin(60),(300\sin(20))\cos(60))[/itex]

So, why is my second procedure wrong?
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  • #2
ShizukaSm said:
what I want to do is find the rectangular coordinates of BC.
You mean, C in relation to B, yes?
[*]Projecting BC into AB -> [itex](300\sin(20),300\sin(20))[/itex]
I'm not at all sure what you mean by that. Is that supposed to be the coordinates, relative to B, of the projection of C onto the line AB (extrapolated)? If so, it's wrong.
  • #3
ShizukaSm said:
By determining angles I can find that the angle between the vertical axis and BC is, therefore:
Just checking:
You mean to find the vector from B to C in cartesian coords oriented to the ground/vertical?
i.e. so the +j direction is OA?

##\vec{v}=\overrightarrow{BC} \\ \Rightarrow [\vec{v}]_{OA}= v_x\hat{\imath}+v_y\hat{\jmath} = (v_x,v_y)^t = 300(\sin 50, \cos 50)^t##

(here I'm using ##[\cdots ]_{proj}## to label the projection)

Now the wrong one:

By looking at the original figure alone, first I project BC into AB, then project BC into either X axis or Y axis.
  1. Projecting BC into AB -> [itex](300\sin(20),300\sin(20))[/itex]
  2. Projecting my new AB' into X and Y axis -> [itex]((300\sin(20))\sin(60),(300\sin(20))\cos(60))[/itex]

So, why is my second procedure wrong?
step 1: the angle is wrong.
step 2: each projection of BC to AB needs to be projected onto i/j - so there should be a sum in there.
Redo using unit vector notation and it should be clear.

if ##\vec{u}=\overrightarrow{AB}## then the angle between ##\vec{v}## and ##\vec{u}## is 50+60=110deg.
define ##\hat{\jmath}_u = \vec{u}/u## - i.e. it's a unit vector pointing in the same direction as ##\vec{u}##, and let ##\hat{i}_u## to be perpendicular to the right, to make cartesian coords aligned with the y-axis along ##\vec{u}##

then .the projection onto AB goes:.. ##[\vec{v}]_{AB} = \hat{\imath}_u\sin 70 + \hat{\jmath}_u \cos 70##

for step 2, you need to express ##\hat{\imath}_u## and ##\hat{\jmath}_u## in terms of ##\hat{\imath}## and ##\hat{\jmath}##
so that ## [\vec{v}]_{OA} = [\hat{\imath}_u]_{OA}\sin 70 + [\hat{\jmath}_u]_{OA} \cos 70##i.e. ##[\hat{\jmath}_u]_{OA} = \hat{\imath}\sin 60 -\hat{\jmath}\cos 60##

... see what I mean? Each component of the projection onto AB gets another two components.
(caveat: I'm doing this from mobile so I probably made a dumb mistake - the approach should be fine.)
  • #4
Simon Bridge said:
Just checking:
You mean to find the vector from B to C in cartesian coords oriented to the ground/vertical?
i.e. so the +j direction is OA?
Yes, exactly. the +j direction would be OA and +i the , to the right.

Simon Bridge said:
step 1: the angle is wrong.
step 2: each projection of BC to AB needs to be projected onto i/j - so there should be a sum in there.
Redo using unit vector notation and it should be clear.

Ok so, I think I understood what you meant. Basically I was ignoring the j coordinate in my original idea. I didn't quite understood everything just yet, though. Please take a look in what I did in order for me to explain better what I can't quite understand:

Just explaining the picture, I made two drawings to ensure I understood the situation (Initially I was ignoring ##BC_j##) and not "polute" the first.

My doubt is, I don't understand why ##BC_y = -(BC_i\cos(60)) + BC_j\cos(30)##, for instance. I discovered the "minus" because of empirical evidence (i.e. making sure it equals the answer I know is correct) and because of your tip. But... since it's a distance, shouldn't both of them be "positive"?

I also don't understand ##BC_x##. In my second draw, for instance, wouldn't I be add the "same" part twice?

Thanks in advance!
  • #5
You made the AC direction the +x direction in the BC coordinates where I made it the +y direction. No matter - you can make any definition you like as long as you are clear about it.

Note: The projection of ##\vec{u}## in the direction of ##\vec{v}## is $$\frac{\vec{u}\cdot\vec{v}}{|\vec{v}|}=|\vec{u}|\cos\theta$$ ... which is not what you wrote.

But, despite all the confusion over dot products, you got the correct relation by exploiting the geometry rather than using general formulas.

In the next step you appear to have noticed that each AB-frame component resolves into two OA-frame components.

That minus sign you got comes right off the graph - it is due to the direction of the projection.
Without the minus sign, the resulting vector points the wrong way.

In general:

If ##\vec{v}=v_x \hat{\imath}##, ##v_x## is the amount of ##\vec{v}## in the direction of ##\hat{\imath}## ... if ##\vec{v}## points in the opposite direction to ##\hat{\imath}## then ##v_x## must be negative.

Hope that helps :)

FAQ: Projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates

1. What is the projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates?

The projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates is a method used to represent distances on a flat surface, such as a map or graph. It involves converting the coordinates of a location from a spherical coordinate system to a two-dimensional rectangular coordinate system.

2. How is the projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates calculated?

The calculation of the projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates depends on the type of projection being used. Some common methods include the Mercator, Robinson, and Lambert conformal conic projections. Each method has its own set of equations and formulas for converting spherical coordinates to rectangular coordinates.

3. What are the advantages of using rectangular coordinates for projections?

Rectangular coordinates offer several advantages for projections, including easy measurement of distances and angles, accurate representation of local areas, and compatibility with mathematical calculations. Additionally, many map projections use rectangular coordinates as their base system, making it easier to compare and combine different maps.

4. Can the projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates introduce errors?

Yes, the projection of a distance in rectangular coordinates can introduce errors due to the distortion of the spherical surface onto a flat plane. This distortion can cause inaccuracies in the representation of distances, shapes, and areas, especially for larger scales and in regions near the poles.

5. How are projections of distances in rectangular coordinates used in real-world applications?

Projections of distances in rectangular coordinates are used in various applications, such as cartography, navigation, and surveying. They are also used in geographic information systems (GIS) to create and analyze maps, as well as in engineering and urban planning for determining the most efficient routes and locations for infrastructure and transportation systems.
