Projective Plane - Cox et al - Section 8.1, Exercise 4(a)

In summary, a projective plane is a two-dimensional surface that extends the concept of a Euclidean plane by including points at infinity. It has many applications in mathematics, particularly in geometry, topology, and algebraic geometry. Cox et al's approach to projective plane uses homogeneous coordinates and duality, making it a powerful tool for solving problems in projective geometry. Exercise 4(a) in Section 8.1 of Cox et al's Projective Plane is a problem that asks to prove the existence of a projective plane using the axioms given in the book, and is important in developing a deeper understanding of the concepts and techniques used in projective geometry.
  • #1
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Homework Statement

I am reading the undergraduate introduction to algebraic geometry entitled "Ideals, Varieties and Algorithms: An introduction to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra (Third Edition) by David Cox, John Little and Donal O'Shea ... ...

I am currently focused on Chapter 8, Section 1: The Projective Plane ... ... and need help getting started with Exercise 4(a) ...Exercise 4 in Section 8.1 reads as follows:


Can someone please help me with Exercise 4(a) ... ... indeed, what is actually involved in (rigorously) showing that the equation ##x^2 - y^2 = z^2## is a well-defined curve in ##\mathbb{P}^2 ( \mathbb{R} )## ... but I am very unsure of exactly how this works ... ...

Presumably, what is involved is not only (rigorously) showing that the equation ##x^2 - y^2 = z^2## is a well-defined curve in ##\mathbb{P}^2 ( \mathbb{R} )## but showing that ##x^2 - y^2 = z^2## is the representation in ##\mathbb{P}^2 ( \mathbb{R} )## of the curve ##x^2 - y^2 = 1## in ##\mathbb{R}^2## ... ... ?

Hope someone can help ... ...

Homework Equations

Definitions 1, 2, and 3 of Cox et al Section 8.1: The Projective Plane are relevant (see text below for Cox et al Section 8.1)

The Attempt at a Solution

I am very uncertain about what is required in this example and so it is hard to make any substantial progress ... but I think the following map would be central to answering the question:

##\mathbb{R}^2 \longrightarrow \mathbb{P}^2 ( \mathbb{R} )##

which is defined by sending ##(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^2## to the point ##p \in \mathbb{P}^2 ( \mathbb{R} )## whose homogeneous coordinates are ##(x, y, 1)## ... ...

BUT ... how do we get the variable ##z## explicitly in the equation when ##(x, y)## is sent to ##(x, y, 1)## ... ... ?

Hope someone can help ... ...

Peter======================================================================To give readers of the above post some idea of the context of the exercise, the relevant definitions and propositions, and also the notation I am providing some relevant text from Cox et al ... ... as follows:







  • Cox et al ... Exercise  4, Section 8.1 ... ....png
    Cox et al ... Exercise 4, Section 8.1 ... ....png
    20.8 KB · Views: 611
  • Cox et al ...- 1 - The Projective Plane - page 1 ... ....png
    Cox et al ...- 1 - The Projective Plane - page 1 ... ....png
    54.6 KB · Views: 652
  • Cox et al ...- 2 - The Projective Plane - page 2 ... ....png
    Cox et al ...- 2 - The Projective Plane - page 2 ... ....png
    23.8 KB · Views: 624
  • Cox et al ...- 3  - The Projective Plane - page 3  ... ....png
    Cox et al ...- 3 - The Projective Plane - page 3 ... ....png
    42.7 KB · Views: 662
  • Cox et al ...- 4  - The Projective Plane - page 4  ... ....png
    Cox et al ...- 4 - The Projective Plane - page 4 ... ....png
    37.2 KB · Views: 604
  • Cox et al ...- 5  - The Projective Plane - page 5  ... ....png
    Cox et al ...- 5 - The Projective Plane - page 5 ... ....png
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  • Cox et al ...- 6  - The Projective Plane - page 6  ... ....png
    Cox et al ...- 6 - The Projective Plane - page 6 ... ....png
    44 KB · Views: 548
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  • #2
(a) is easy enough. I suspect the hard stuff comes later. The curve ##x^2-y^2=z^2## is well-defined iff for every point P on the curve, the equation ##(x,y,z)## is satisfied for every possible triple of homogeneous coordinates of P. In other words, we require that for any point Q in the projective space and any two triples ##(a,b,c)## and ##(d,e,f)## of homogeneous coordinates of Q, ##a^2-b^2=c^2## iff ##(d^2-e^2=f^3)##.

This follows immediately because for the triples to be homog coords of the same point, there must be a non-zero real number ##\lambda## such that
$$a=\lambda d;\ b=\lambda e;\ c=\lambda f$$
But then
and, since ##\lambda ## is nonzero, the LHS is zero iff the RHS is.
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  • #3
andrewkirk said:
(a) is easy enough. I suspect the hard stuff comes later. The curve ##x^2-y^2=z^2## is well-defined iff for every point P on the curve, the equation ##(x,y,z)## is satisfied for every possible triple of homogeneous coordinates of P. In other words, we require that for any point Q in the projective space and any two triples ##(a,b,c)## and ##(d,e,f)## of homogeneous coordinates of Q, ##a^2-b^2=c^2## iff ##(d^2-e^2=f^3)##.

This follows immediately because for the triples to be homog coords of the same point, there must be a non-zero real number ##\lambda## such that
$$a=\lambda d;\ b=\lambda e;\ c=\lambda f$$
But then
and, since ##\lambda ## is nonzero, the LHS is zero iff the RHS is.
Hi Andrew ... thanks for the help ...

Yes, see that, of course ... BUT ... I thought the question involved more than that ...

I thought the question involved showing that the curve ##x^2 - y^2 = 1## in ##\mathbb{R}^2## becomes the curve ##x^2 - y^2 = z^2## in ##\mathbb{P}^2 ( \mathbb{R} )## ... indeed I think this is true ... BUT ... how do you rigorously show this ... can you help ...?Peter
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  • #4
I think the author's intention is for the nature of the curve to become apparent to the reader by working through parts a-e. Part (a) on its own won't reveal much.
Can you work out how to answer (b)? I can help with that if needed, although I can't say how it relates to Exercise 3, as that does not appear to have been posted. (e) also refers to Exercise 3, so it would be a good idea to post that, if it's not too long. Perhaps the whole thing will become clearer with a good look at Exercise 3.
What do you think the author means by 'C is still a hyperbola' and 'is a circle' in questions c and d? When we make the substitutions he requests we get equations that, in Euclidean 2-space with Cartesian coordinates, are those of a hyperbola and a circle, but I'm not sure if he means that or something else (something to do with shape?).

As regards the map ##\phi:\mathbb R\to\mathbb P^2(\mathbb R)##, that seems quite straightforward.
The map is ##\phi(P)\equiv\phi((x,y))=[(x,y,1)]## where the square brackets denote 'equivalence class of'.
Then if we label the set of points on the hyperbola in Euclidean 2-space as ##Y##, we have that ##(x,y)\in Y\
\Leftrightarrow x^2-y^2=1##. But ##(x,y,1)## is a homogeneous coordinate triple for ##Q\equiv\phi(P)##, so one set of homog coords for Q satisfies the equation for ##C## hence, by the result of part (a), ##Q\in C##. Hence ##\phi(Y)\subseteq C## and, since no point of ##\phi(Y)## can be at infinity (since it maps to ##z=1##), we in fact have ##\phi(Y)\subseteq C\smallsetminus H_\infty##.

Conversely, if we have a point ##[(x,y,z)]## in the projective space, excluding ##H_\infty## (the points at infinity, for which ##z=0##), such that ##x^2-y^2=z^2##, that point is ##\phi((x',y'))## where ##x'=x/z,\ y'=y/z## and that is in ##\phi(Y)## since ##x'{}^2-y'{}^2=1##. Hence ##C\smallsetminus H_\infty\subseteq \phi(Y)##.

Hence ##\phi(Y)=C\smallsetminus H_\infty##. However ##C## also has points that are not in the image of ##\phi##, being the points in ##H_\infty##.

Also note that ##\phi## is not injective, because of the squares. In fact four points in ##Y## map to every point in ##\phi(Y)##. However, the map obtained by restricting the domain of ##\phi## to one quadrant of the number plane is a bijection from that restricted domain to ##C\smallsetminus H_\infty##.
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  • #5
andrewkirk said:
I think the author's intention is for the nature of the curve to become apparent to the reader by working through parts a-e. Part (a) on its own won't reveal much.
Can you work out how to answer (b)? I can help with that if needed, although I can't say how it relates to Exercise 3, as that does not appear to have been posted. (e) also refers to Exercise 3, so it would be a good idea to post that, if it's not too long. Perhaps the whole thing will become clearer with a good look at Exercise 3.
What do you think the author means by 'C is still a hyperbola' and 'is a circle' in questions c and d? When we make the substitutions he requests we get equations that, in Euclidean 2-space with Cartesian coordinates, are those of a hyperbola and a circle, but I'm not sure if he means that or something else (something to do with shape?).

As regards the map ##\phi:\mathbb R\to\mathbb P^2(\mathbb R)##, that seems quite straightforward.
The map is ##\phi(P)\equiv\phi((x,y))=[(x,y,1)]## where the square brackets denote 'equivalence class of'.
Then if we label the set of points on the hyperbola in Euclidean 2-space as ##Y##, we have that ##(x,y)\in Y\
\Leftrightarrow x^2-y^2##. But ##(x,y,1)## is a homogeneous coordinate triple for ##Q\equiv\phi(P)##, so one set of homog coords for Q satisfies the equation for ##C## hence, by the result of part (a), ##Q\in C##. Hence ##\phi(Y)\subseteq C## and, since no point of ##\phi(Y)## can be at infinity (since it maps to ##z=1##), we in fact have ##\phi(Y)\subseteq C\smallsetminus H_\infty##.

Conversely, if we have a point ##[(x,y,z)]## in the projective space, excluding ##H_\infty## (the points at infinity, for which ##z=0##), such that ##x^2-y^2=z^2##, that point is ##\phi((x',y'))## where ##x'=x/z,\ y'=y/z## and that is in ##\phi(Y)## since ##x'{}^2-y'{}^2=1##. Hence ##C\smallsetminus H_\infty\subseteq \phi(Y)##.

Hence ##\phi(Y)=C\smallsetminus H_\infty##. However ##C## also has points that are not in the image of ##\phi##, being the points in ##H_\infty##.

Also note that ##\phi## is not injective, because of the squares. In fact four points in ##Y## map to every point in ##\phi(Y)##. However, the map obtained by restricting the domain of ##\phi## to one quadrant of the number plane is a bijection from that restricted domain to ##C\smallsetminus H_\infty##.
Thanks again Andrew ... ... just working through your new post now ...

My apologies for not posting Exercise 3 ... am providing it now ... as follows:



  • Cox et al ... Exercise 3, Section 8.1 ... ....png
    Cox et al ... Exercise 3, Section 8.1 ... ....png
    44.2 KB · Views: 601
  • #6
andrewkirk said:
I think the author's intention is for the nature of the curve to become apparent to the reader by working through parts a-e. Part (a) on its own won't reveal much.
Can you work out how to answer (b)? I can help with that if needed, although I can't say how it relates to Exercise 3, as that does not appear to have been posted. (e) also refers to Exercise 3, so it would be a good idea to post that, if it's not too long. Perhaps the whole thing will become clearer with a good look at Exercise 3.
What do you think the author means by 'C is still a hyperbola' and 'is a circle' in questions c and d? When we make the substitutions he requests we get equations that, in Euclidean 2-space with Cartesian coordinates, are those of a hyperbola and a circle, but I'm not sure if he means that or something else (something to do with shape?).

As regards the map ##\phi:\mathbb R\to\mathbb P^2(\mathbb R)##, that seems quite straightforward.
The map is ##\phi(P)\equiv\phi((x,y))=[(x,y,1)]## where the square brackets denote 'equivalence class of'.
Then if we label the set of points on the hyperbola in Euclidean 2-space as ##Y##, we have that ##(x,y)\in Y\
\Leftrightarrow x^2-y^2##. But ##(x,y,1)## is a homogeneous coordinate triple for ##Q\equiv\phi(P)##, so one set of homog coords for Q satisfies the equation for ##C## hence, by the result of part (a), ##Q\in C##. Hence ##\phi(Y)\subseteq C## and, since no point of ##\phi(Y)## can be at infinity (since it maps to ##z=1##), we in fact have ##\phi(Y)\subseteq C\smallsetminus H_\infty##.

Conversely, if we have a point ##[(x,y,z)]## in the projective space, excluding ##H_\infty## (the points at infinity, for which ##z=0##), such that ##x^2-y^2=z^2##, that point is ##\phi((x',y'))## where ##x'=x/z,\ y'=y/z## and that is in ##\phi(Y)## since ##x'{}^2-y'{}^2=1##. Hence ##C\smallsetminus H_\infty\subseteq \phi(Y)##.

Hence ##\phi(Y)=C\smallsetminus H_\infty##. However ##C## also has points that are not in the image of ##\phi##, being the points in ##H_\infty##.

Also note that ##\phi## is not injective, because of the squares. In fact four points in ##Y## map to every point in ##\phi(Y)##. However, the map obtained by restricting the domain of ##\phi## to one quadrant of the number plane is a bijection from that restricted domain to ##C\smallsetminus H_\infty##.
Just a quick question, Andrew ...

You write:

" ... ... Then if we label the set of points on the hyperbola in Euclidean 2-space as ##Y##, we have that ##(x,y)\in Y\
\Leftrightarrow x^2-y^2## ... ... I may be misunderstanding something ... but shouldn't the above read:

"... ... ... we have that ##(x,y)\in Y \ \Leftrightarrow x^2-y^2 = 1## ... ... Small point ... but ... just checking ...

  • #7
@Peter: quite right. That was a typo, which I have now corrected in that post.

My project for last weekend was to memorise the positions of all the non-alphanumeric symbols on the keyboard, so that when typing maths I will no longer have to look at the keyboard to find the right keys.

So far it seems to be going quite well. I'm a lot slower, but I don't look at the keyboard at all now, and I'm confident that within a fortnight or so I'll get back up to my previous typing speed. But in the mean time, it means I type some silly mistakes because half my brain is occupied with trying to remember where the special keys are.
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Related to Projective Plane - Cox et al - Section 8.1, Exercise 4(a)

What is a projective plane?

A projective plane is a geometric structure that extends the concept of a Euclidean plane by including points at infinity. It is a two-dimensional surface that contains lines and points, and satisfies certain properties such as the incidence property, where any two distinct lines intersect in exactly one point.

What is the significance of Projective Plane in mathematics?

Projective Plane has many applications in mathematics, particularly in the fields of geometry, topology, and algebraic geometry. It also has connections to other areas such as graph theory and computer science. Its properties and structures are studied extensively by mathematicians for their beauty and usefulness in solving various problems.

What is Cox et al's approach to Projective Plane?

Cox et al's approach to Projective Plane is based on the use of homogeneous coordinates and the concept of duality. This approach allows for the representation of points at infinity and simplifies the proof of theorems and properties of the projective plane. It also provides a powerful tool for solving problems in projective geometry.

What is Exercise 4(a) in Section 8.1 of Cox et al's Projective Plane?

Exercise 4(a) in Section 8.1 of Cox et al's Projective Plane is a problem that asks to prove the existence of a projective plane using the axioms given in the book. It also requires the use of duality and the concept of collinearity to construct lines and points in the projective plane.

Why is Exercise 4(a) important in understanding Projective Plane?

Exercise 4(a) is important in understanding Projective Plane because it allows for a deeper understanding of the axioms and properties of this geometric structure. By solving this exercise, one can develop a better grasp of the concepts and techniques used in projective geometry, which can be applied to more complex problems and proofs in the subject.

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