Proof by contradiction for simple inequality

In summary, the conversation discusses a proof by contradiction for the statement that if a is approximately equal to 1, then -1 is less than or equal to (1-a)/a which is less than or equal to 1. The proof shows that assuming (1-a)/a is greater than 1 leads to a contradiction with the given fact that a is close to 1. This is a sound proof using the definition of "approximately equal to" as there exists an epsilon value for which the statement holds for all values of a that are within epsilon distance from 1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm trying to show that if ##a \approx 1##, then
$$-1 \leq \frac{1-a}{a} \leq 1$$

I've started off trying a contradiction, i.e. suppose
$$ \frac{|1-a|}{a} > 1$$

either i)
$$\frac{1-a}{a} < -1$$
then multiply by a and add a to show
$$1 < 0$$
which is clearly false,

or ii)
$$1 < \frac{1-a}{a}$$
Which by the same reckoning leads me to
$$a < \frac{1}{2}$$

Which seems inconsistent with the original statement that ##a \approx 1##.
It's hardly a rock solid proof though, is it?
Is there a better way of doing this?
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  • #2
Yes, it is inconsistent! This is a proof by contradiction, remember? Your result that a< 1/2 contradicts the fact that a is close to 1.
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  • #3
Thanks HallsofIvy. So you think that is enough to prove the original statement then?
The reason I thought it was a bit wooly, was that ##a \approx 1## is unclear regarding exactly how close to 1 it is!
Also, given that my final conclusion limits ##a## to less than 1/2, I'm unclear as to why they chose 1 as the bound in the original question. They could have chosen a range of other numbers (i.e ##-0.5 < (1-a)/a < 0.5##) and normally these things work out neater.
But if you think it's a sound proof, that's all that counts.
  • #4
No, your conclusion is NOT that a is less than 1/2! Your conclusion is that assuming that (1- a)/a> 1 leads to "a< 1/2" which contradicts the given fact that "[itex]a\approx. 1[/itex]".
  • #5
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear:
Yes, I am concluding that assuming (1-a)/a > 1 leads to a < 1/2. But my problem is with the second point. Does that necessarily contradict the fact that ##a \approx 1##? That doesn't seem mathematically rigorous to me (although I'm only a beginner). Imagine, for example, that ##a## was a measure of the distance on a galactic scale...something like a=1/4 would be fairly close to 1, on that scale wouldn't it? Doesn't the "approximately equal to" have some more precise definition?
  • #6
You can make it more precise by defining "If ##a \approx 1## then X" to mean "There is an ##\epsilon > 0## such that X for all ##a## satisfying ##|a - 1| < \epsilon##."

Then ##a < 1/2## contradicts ##a \approx 1## because for any candidate ##\epsilon##, you can find a value ##a## such that ##1/2 < a < 1## for which ##|a - 1| < \epsilon## but not ##a < 1/2##.
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  • #7
Thanks CompuChip, that tidies it up nicely.

Related to Proof by contradiction for simple inequality

1. What is the concept of proof by contradiction for simple inequality?

Proof by contradiction is a method of mathematical proof in which we assume the opposite of what we want to prove, and then show that this assumption leads to a contradiction. This allows us to conclude that our original statement must be true.

2. When is proof by contradiction for simple inequality used?

This method is typically used when trying to prove an inequality that cannot be easily proven using other methods, such as direct proof or proof by induction. It is also useful when trying to prove the uniqueness or existence of a solution to a problem.

3. Can you provide an example of using proof by contradiction for simple inequality?

Sure, let's say we want to prove that √2 is an irrational number. We can assume that √2 is rational, meaning it can be expressed as a ratio of two integers, a/b. We then manipulate this assumption to lead to a contradiction, such as √2 = a/b, which means 2 = a²/b². This shows that a² must be an even number, which in turn means a must be an even number. But if a is even, then a² must be divisible by 4, and therefore b² must also be divisible by 4. This contradicts our original assumption that a/b is a simplified fraction. Thus, our initial assumption was incorrect and √2 must be irrational.

4. What are the advantages of using proof by contradiction for simple inequality?

Proof by contradiction allows us to prove statements that may not be easily proven using other methods. It also helps us to strengthen our logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.

5. Are there any limitations to using proof by contradiction for simple inequality?

One limitation of this method is that it requires a certain level of creativity and intuition to come up with a contradictory statement. It also does not provide a constructive solution to the problem, as it only shows that the original assumption was incorrect. Additionally, it may not be applicable to all types of mathematical problems.
