Proof by induction- countably infinite sets

In summary, the problem is to prove by induction that the union of any finite set of countably infinite sets is countably infinite. The previous proof showed that the union of any two countably infinite sets is also countably infinite. To prove the induction step, one must assume that the union of N countably infinite sets is countably infinite and show that this implies the union of N+1 countably infinite sets is also countably infinite. By taking the union of the previous set with one more set, it can be proven that the union of N+1 countably infinite sets is countably infinite.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have to prove by induction that the union of any finite set of countably infinite sets is countably infinite.

Homework Equations

I have already proven, in a previous problem, that the union of any 2 countably infinite sets is countably infinite.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think for the basis I should use the fact that I have already proven that the union of 2 such sets is countably infinite. And I have an intuitive understanding of how the proof should go from there. The set can be denoted as M={A1,A2,A3,...} where An is countably infinite but M is finite. I figure the from my earlier proof, I can go through and say A1 union A2 is countably infinite, and that quantity union A3 is countably infinite, and so on. But I'm not very good at formalizing this, and I'm not very familiar at all with inductive proofs.
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  • #2
You're pretty much there. The induction step should be:

(1) Assume that the union of N countably infinite sets is countably infinite
(2) Show this implies that the union of N+1 countably infinite sets is countably infinite.

Well, if you have a union of N countably infinite sets that is countably infinite, and you take the union of that set with one more, then you've proved it.
  • #3
Suppose it is true that, for k countably infinite sets, A1 A2, ..., Ak, [itex]B= \cup_{i=1}^k A_i[/itex] is countably infinite. Now, suppose you have A1, A2, ..., Ak, Ak+1 countably infinite sets. What can you say about [itex]B\cup A_{k+1}[/itex]?
  • #4
Okay, I've figured it out now. I was just having trouble understanding the procedure for an inductive proof. Thanks a lot!

FAQ: Proof by induction- countably infinite sets

1. What is proof by induction?

Proof by induction is a mathematical technique used to prove that a statement is true for all natural numbers. It involves proving that the statement is true for the first natural number, and then showing that if it is true for any natural number, it must also be true for the next natural number. This process continues until it is proven to be true for all natural numbers.

2. How is proof by induction used to prove properties of countably infinite sets?

Proof by induction can be used to prove properties of countably infinite sets by considering each element of the set as a natural number. We can then use the induction principle to show that the property holds for the first element, and then show that if it holds for any element, it must also hold for the next element. This allows us to prove the property for all elements of the countably infinite set.

3. What are some common examples of proofs using induction for countably infinite sets?

Some common examples of proofs using induction for countably infinite sets include proving the sum of the first n natural numbers is equal to n(n+1)/2 and proving the product of the first n natural numbers is equal to n! (n factorial). These can be proven using induction on the natural numbers.

4. What is the difference between strong and weak induction?

Strong induction is a variation of proof by induction that allows us to assume the truth of the statement for all natural numbers up to a certain value, rather than just the previous natural number. This can be useful for proving properties of countably infinite sets, as it allows us to make use of more information in the induction step. Weak induction, on the other hand, only allows us to assume the truth of the statement for the previous natural number.

5. Can proof by induction be used for uncountable sets?

No, proof by induction can only be used for countably infinite sets. Uncountable sets, such as the set of real numbers, have infinitely many elements and cannot be represented as a sequence of natural numbers. Therefore, the induction principle cannot be applied to them. Different proof techniques, such as proof by contradiction or direct proof, must be used for uncountable sets.
