Proof for the greatest integer function inequality

In summary, the greatest integer function inequality n≤ x <n+1 for some x belongs to R and n is a unique integer can be proved using the Archimedian property. The proof involves considering a set S of real numbers, defining it as n>x for some integer n and any real x. By the Archimedian property, this set is non-empty, and by the Well-Ordering Principle, it has a least element, which we can call l. From this, we can obtain the inequality l<=x<l+1, thus proving the original inequality.
  • #1
Can anyone help me prove the greatest integer function inequality-
n≤ x <n+1 for some x belongs to R and n is a unique integer

this is how I tried to prove it-
consider a set S of Real numbers which is bounded below
say min(S)=inf(S)=n so n≤x

by the property x<inf(S) + h we have x< n+1 for some h=1
thus we get n≤ x <n+1

Is this method correct? and can I use the archimedian property to prove the above,how?
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  • #2
I suppose you mean the following theorem:

To every real number x, there exists a unique integer n such that n ≤ x < n+1.

I don't undertand your attemped proof. What is S, and why is its supremum an integer?

It is a good idea to use the Archimedian property here: Given x, there is always an integer m such that m*1>x. Hence, there is a smallest such integer...
  • #3
Yes,I mean that theorem.
I am not able to solve it using Archimedian property.Can you work out the entire proof please?
  • #4
wellorderingp said:
Can you work out the entire proof please?

We don't do that in this forum. We only give hints to allow you to solve the problem on your own.

So listen to the hints and questions of Erland and see if you can come up with a proof.
  • #5
Okay so finally I came up with something sensible

Consider a set S defined by n>x for some integer n and any real x
This set is non empty since there exist such n and x by archimedian property.
Since the set is non empty it will have a least element by wop,let that be l
So l>x since it is in S
l-1<l and it contradicts its minimality so, l-1 won't belong to S
Hence we get l-1<=x<l
= l<=x<l+1

Now is it correct?

FAQ: Proof for the greatest integer function inequality

What is the greatest integer function?

The greatest integer function, denoted as [x], is a function that rounds down any real number to the nearest integer. For example, [3.5] = 3, [2.9] = 2, and [-4.3] = -5.

What is the proof for the greatest integer function inequality?

The proof for the greatest integer function inequality states that for any real number x, [x] ≤ x < [x] + 1. This means that the greatest integer function always rounds down to the nearest integer and the integer immediately following it.

How is the greatest integer function inequality useful?

The greatest integer function inequality is useful in various mathematical proofs and applications, such as in number theory, calculus, and computer science. It allows for precise calculations and comparisons between real numbers and integers.

Can the greatest integer function inequality be extended to other functions?

Yes, the greatest integer function inequality can be extended to other functions, such as the floor function (⌊x⌋) and the ceiling function (⌈x⌉). These functions also round down or up to the nearest integer, respectively.

Are there any exceptions to the greatest integer function inequality?

Yes, the greatest integer function inequality does not hold for non-real or complex numbers. It also does not hold for infinity or undefined values. Additionally, the inequality may not hold for certain functions or equations that involve the greatest integer function.

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