Proof Help - Rank of the transpose of a Matrix

In summary, a matrix A is a linear transformation if it has the following properties: rank(A) + nullity(A) = #columns(A) and nullity(A) = nullity(B).
  • #1

I'm having trouble with a proof regarding the rank of the transpose of a matrix. Here's the question:

Let A be an m x n matrix of rank r, which is of course less than or equal to min{m,n}. Prove that (A^t)A has the same rank as A.

Where A^t = the transpose of A.

I can easily prove that the rank of A^t = rank of A, however I'm havin difficulty with this proof.

It's urgently needed for an exam coming up in the next day or two, so I appreciate any help you can give me.
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  • #2
Are you familiar with the dimension theorem? It states for a linear transformation [itex]T:V \rightarrow W[/itex] between vectors spaces V and W,
nullity(T) + rank(T) = dim(V)

Note that A, and (A^t)A have the same domain. So one way to prove that they have the same rank, is to show that they have the same null space and then use the result of the dimension theorem.
  • #3
Thanks for your help.

I've figured out the proof, using the dimension theorem as you suggested. It's not even that difficult once I know what result I'm moving towards.
  • #4
I have the same question as mcintyre_ie. However I till don't understand how to solve it.
For example, if A is n*m matrix, and of course A^T is m*n matrix, r(A)=m and n>m.
Than we want to prove (A^T)A has rank m.
According to nocturnal, V=A, T=(A^T), nullity T is n-mm rank T is m, and rank V=m.
nullity(T) + rank(T) = dim(V) equal to
I don't know what it means and how to prove the problem.

Would you please give me some helps? Thank!
  • #5
pcming said:
According to nocturnal, V=A, T=(A^T), nullity T is n-mm rank T is m, and
In regards to the dimension theorem V is not to be taken as A. V is the domain of the arbitrary linear transformation T. V is a vector space. A is a matrix.

Let B = (A^t)A. So B is an mxm matrix.
In my earlier post, I was hinting that you treat both A and B as
linear transformations.

Do you know what it means for a matrix to be a linear transformation? If so, what are the domains of A and B. What are their respective ranges?
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  • #6
I think I know how to prove my question.

I treat (A^T)A as two trsnsformations to prove that the nullity of B is 0. Is it right?
  • #7
pcming said:
I think I know how to prove my question.

I treat (A^T)A as two trsnsformations to prove that the nullity of B is 0. Is it right?
No. One of the transformations is left multiplication by the matrix A, the other is left multiplication by the matrix B, which I defined to be (A^T)A.

I'm going to abandon this approach for the moment and start again. (I think I may be confusing you by calling A and B linear transformations)

An equivalent statement of the dimension theorem for matrices is that for a matrix A,
rank(A) + nullity(A) = #columns(A)

Using the dimension theorem for the matrices A and B we get the following two equations:
(1) rank(A) + nullity(A) = #columns(A)
(2) rank(B) + nullity(B) = #columns(B)

Note that #columns(A) = m = #columns(B), since B = (A^T)A which is an mxm matrix.
What we'd like to show is that nullity(A) = nullity(B) from which it would follow, via equations (1) and (2), that rank(A) = rank(B).

To show that nullity(A) = nullity(B), we show that A and B have the same nullspace which amounts to showing:
[tex] A\hat{x} = \hat{0} \Longleftrightarrow (A^TA)\hat{x} = \hat{0}[/tex]
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  • #8
Thank you for your reply!
That's what I mean.
However I also treat the (A^A)A as two transformations to prove the nullity(A)=nullity(B).
which given an m nonzero vectors belong to space Xm. The first transformation A transform the x nonzero vectors to n nonzero vectors in Xn space because nullity(n)=0. And than the A^T transforms the n vectors to m nonzero vectors in Xm' space because nullity(A^T) is also 0. Thus the transformation of B transforms m nonzero vectors from Xm space to m nonzero vectors in Xm' spce, which means the nullity(B) is 0.

How do you think if I prove the equation in this way?
  • #9
pcming said:
Thank you for your reply!
That's what I mean.
However I also treat the (A^A)A as two transformations to prove the nullity(A)=nullity(B).
which given an m nonzero vectors belong to space Xm. The first transformation A transform the x nonzero vectors to n nonzero vectors in Xn space because nullity(n)=0. And than the A^T transforms the n vectors to m nonzero vectors in Xm' space because nullity(A^T) is also 0. Thus the transformation of B transforms m nonzero vectors from Xm space to m nonzero vectors in Xm' spce, which means the nullity(B) is 0.

How do you think if I prove the equation in this way?
Im sorry, I can't make sense out of a single thing you said. Rather than go through your post and ask what each statement means, perhaps you could rewrite it, including definitions for any new terms you use (such as Xm). Also look up the definitions of any terms you encounter to make sure you using them correctly, like "nullspace" and "nullity."

For example, what is Xm? What do you mean treat (A^t)A as two linear transformations, I only see the one, namely (A^t)A, so list the two seperately. What on Earth does "nullity(n) = 0" mean?

Note that you can not just assume that nullity(A)=0. For example take
[tex] A = \left[
1 & 0 \\
0 & 0
\hat{x} = \left[
0 \\
\right] [/tex]

Then we have

[tex] \hat{x} \neq \hat{0}[/tex] and [tex]A\hat{x} = \bar{0}[/tex]

so nullity(A) is not 0.
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  • #10
I had the same question and with your clear explanation I was able to somehow solve it. My question is that to prove ker(A)=ker(AT A) can we set A as say, a 2 by 3 matrix and show iff ([tex] A\hat{x} = \hat{0} \Longleftrightarrow (A^TA)\hat{x} = \hat{0}[/tex])?
Seems tedious but I did it. The problem is that I don't know whether the assumption I made that”both A and X are ≠0 is correct or not??
Thanks for the help!

nocturnal said:
No. One of the transformations is left multiplication by the matrix A, the other is left multiplication by the matrix B, which I defined to be (A^T)A.

I'm going to abandon this approach for the moment and start again. (I think I may be confusing you by calling A and B linear transformations)

An equivalent statement of the dimension theorem for matrices is that for a matrix A,
rank(A) + nullity(A) = #columns(A)

Using the dimension theorem for the matrices A and B we get the following two equations:
(1) rank(A) + nullity(A) = #columns(A)
(2) rank(B) + nullity(B) = #columns(B)

Note that #columns(A) = m = #columns(B), since B = (A^T)A which is an mxm matrix.
What we'd like to show is that nullity(A) = nullity(B) from which it would follow, via equations (1) and (2), that rank(A) = rank(B).

To show that nullity(A) = nullity(B), we show that A and B have the same nullspace which amounts to showing:
[tex] A\hat{x} = \hat{0} \Longleftrightarrow (A^TA)\hat{x} = \hat{0}[/tex]

FAQ: Proof Help - Rank of the transpose of a Matrix

1. What is the rank of the transpose of a matrix?

The rank of the transpose of a matrix is equal to the rank of the original matrix. This means that the number of linearly independent rows (or columns) of the transpose will be the same as the number of linearly independent rows (or columns) of the original matrix.

2. How is the rank of the transpose related to the rank of the original matrix?

The rank of the transpose and the rank of the original matrix are equal because the transpose operation preserves the linear independence of the rows and columns of a matrix. This means that if two rows (or columns) of the original matrix are linearly independent, their corresponding columns (or rows) in the transpose will also be linearly independent.

3. Can the rank of the transpose of a matrix be greater than the rank of the original matrix?

No, the rank of the transpose of a matrix cannot be greater than the rank of the original matrix. The transpose operation does not introduce any additional linearly independent rows or columns, so the rank will remain the same.

4. How can the rank of the transpose of a matrix be calculated?

The rank of the transpose of a matrix can be calculated using the same methods as finding the rank of the original matrix. This includes methods such as Gaussian elimination, calculating the determinant, or using the dimension of the null space.

5. Why is the rank of the transpose important in linear algebra?

The rank of the transpose is important in linear algebra because it provides information about the linear independence and dimension of a matrix. It can also be used to determine if a matrix is invertible, and is often used in solving systems of linear equations and other applications in mathematics and science.

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