Proof: If S is denumerable, then S is equinumerous w/ a proper subset

  • Thread starter playboy
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The argument for the rationals being countable goes back to Cantor at the end of the 19th century.)In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of denumerable sets and their relationship with the natural numbers. It is stated that a set S is denumerable if it is in bijection with N, and this means that S must also be infinite. The terms "countable" and "uncountable" are also defined, with some confusion arising over the use of these terms. The conversation concludes with a discussion about the rational numbers and their countability.
  • #1
The question is:

" Prove that if S is denumerable, then S is equinumerous with a proper subset of itself"

To begin, I am confused with the term denumerable because the textbook gives some diagram which is throwing me off. So can somebody clarify this for me:

A set S is denumerable if S and N (natural numbers) are equinumerous. That is, their is a BIJECTIVE function f: N---->S

The textbook says N is INFINITE. So if N is infite, that means that S HAS TO BE INFINTE if S is denumerable?

Now I'm reading the books diagram like this:

Countable sets are FINITE OR DENUMERABLE

So is this true: "if a set S is denumerable, then it HAS TO BE INFINITE?"
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  • #2
If a set is in bijection with N is it infinite? Of course.
  • #3
matt grime said:
If a set is in bijection with N is it infinite? Of course.

If a set is Denumerable, then it is in bijection with N. That means it has to be infite also. That is what i thought. So every denumerable set is infinite.

But the textbook says this:

Countable sets are FINITE OR DENUMERABLE

Is the above true? If an infine set is Denumerable, then how can a countable set be Denumerable?
  • #4
The *definition* of countable is that it is either finite or denumerable. It is just a definition.

Definition: a set is countable if it can be placed in bijection with some subset (including N itself) of the natural numbers, otherwise it is uncountable.
  • #5
Maybe it would help to look at the terms for the three kinds of sets this way.
1)   [b]finite[/b]        not denumerable        countable 

2) not finite       [b]denumerable[/b]           countable

3) not finite      not denumerable     [b]not countable[/b]
Your book let's not finite = infinite and not countable = uncountable.

But just as a warning, not everyone uses these terms the same way -- and it's somewhat confusing. If you learn yours, you can figure out what other people are talking about. One other use is
1)  [b]finite[/b]       not countable    not uncountable

2) not finite      [b]countable[/b]      not uncountable

3) not finite    not countable     [b]uncountable[/b]
This way, not countableuncountable and not uncountable = at most countable. I prefer the way your book does it because it fits better with the ways negation normally works in English (with not, un-, in-) and doesn't unnecessarily complicate things, e.g., by making something both not countable and at most countable.
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  • #6
Thank you honestrosewater for that post, it helps.

My TA gave examples of countable numbers
Q = {m/n, m,n in Z}

I was trying to tell him that "m,n in Z" can't make it countable?

I say this because a set is countable if f:N--->s is surjective or if f:S---->N is injective.

so shouldn't it be Q = {m/n, m,n in N and n cannot be 0}
  • #7
Well, modulo the issue that you can't have zero as a denominator, I don't get you at all.

Firstly Q means the rational numbers, and you have to have negative rationals.

Secondly, why does having Z bother you? Z obviously has a bijection with the naturals, or an injection into the naturals, so there is no problem at all. Q is simply (a subset of) the product of two countable sets, and is hence countable.

FAQ: Proof: If S is denumerable, then S is equinumerous w/ a proper subset

1. What is the definition of denumerable?

Denumerable, also known as countably infinite, is a set that can be put into a bijection (one-to-one correspondence) with the set of positive integers.

2. How is a set equinumerous with a proper subset?

A set is equinumerous with a proper subset if there exists a bijection between the two sets, meaning that each element in the set is paired with a unique element in the proper subset and vice versa.

3. Why is it important to prove that a set is equinumerous with a proper subset?

Proving that a set is equinumerous with a proper subset is important because it shows that the set is not larger than the set of positive integers, and therefore is countable. This is useful in various mathematical proofs and applications.

4. Can a denumerable set be equinumerous with more than one proper subset?

Yes, a denumerable set can have multiple proper subsets that it is equinumerous with, as long as there exists a bijection between the set and each proper subset.

5. What are some examples of denumerable sets?

Some examples of denumerable sets include the set of natural numbers (positive integers), the set of even integers, and the set of rational numbers. These sets can all be put into a bijection with the set of positive integers, making them countably infinite.
