Proof: Matrix Rank 1 | 3x3 Matrix A = BC

In summary, I proved that if B is a 3x1 matrix and C is a 1x3 matrix, then the 3x3 matrix BC has rank at most 1 (rank BC \leq 1). I'm not sure if that would be useful in this proof, though; this one is more like proving the converse.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that if A is any 3x3 matrix having rank 1, then there exist a 3x1 matrix B and a 1x3 matrix c such that A=BC

Homework Equations

rank (BC)=rank (A)=1
rank (BC) [tex]\leq[/tex] rank (B) and rank (BC) [tex]\leq[/tex] rank (C)

The Attempt at a Solution

I prove that if B is a 3x1 matrix and C is a 1x3 matrix, then the 3x3 matrix BC has rank at most 1 (rank BC [tex]\leq[/tex] 1) in a different part of the problem. I'm not sure if that would be useful in this proof, though; this one is more like proving the converse. This is how far I got with this proof in particular:

define A=BC,where B is 3×n matrix and C is n×3 matrix

rank BC=1 ≤ rank B ≤ n,1 ≤ rank B ≤ 3
1 ≤ rank C ≤ n,1 ≤ rank C ≤ 3

from here, I need to show that n=1, but I don't know how to get to that point. A little help here?
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  • #2
If A has rank 1, then every column of A is a multiple of the same vector. Call the vector v and the first column av, the second column bv and the third column cv. Can you figure out an explicit way to factor that matrix?
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  • #3
the vector v van be factored out, so that after some elementary row ops, bv and cv are rows of zeros. I think I might get what you're getting at, but how can I use that in terms of B and C?
  • #4
Don't do row ops. If you are writing vectors in column form, then put B=v. What's C?
  • #5
the first entry of C is a, the second is b, and the third is c. When you put it like that, it seems so obvious. Thanks, I think I got it from here!

FAQ: Proof: Matrix Rank 1 | 3x3 Matrix A = BC

What is the definition of matrix rank?

The rank of a matrix is the maximum number of linearly independent rows or columns in the matrix. In other words, it is the dimension of the vector space spanned by the rows or columns of the matrix.

What is a matrix A?

A matrix A is a rectangular array of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns. It is typically denoted as A = [aij], where i represents the row and j represents the column.

What is a matrix B and C?

Matrix B and C are also rectangular arrays of numbers or symbols arranged in rows and columns. In the context of the statement "Matrix Rank 1 | 3x3 Matrix A = BC", B and C are assumed to be matrices of size 3x1 and 1x3, respectively, and their product BC is a 3x3 matrix.

What does it mean for a matrix to have rank 1?

A matrix has rank 1 if its rows or columns are all multiples of each other. In other words, all the rows or columns can be obtained by multiplying a single row or column by a constant.

How is the rank of a matrix related to its nullity?

The nullity of a matrix is the dimension of its null space, which is the set of all vectors that when multiplied by the matrix result in the zero vector. The rank-nullity theorem states that the rank of a matrix plus its nullity is equal to the number of columns in the matrix.
