Proof of a relationship between interior and closure

In summary, we discussed the definitions of closure and interior and how to use them to prove statements. In particular, we showed that for a point x, if x is not an element of the interior of the complement of A, then x must be an element of the closure of A. We also discussed different proof techniques, such as proof by contradiction, and how to use them effectively.
  • #1
A^closure = X\(X\A)^interior

I am REALLY bad at proofs. I never know where to start. I only have the definitions of closure and interior. I feel like they threw us in the deep end

I've written like 3pages, but mostly just pictures.
interior: a is an element of A^int iff there exists r>0 with B(a,r) subset of A
closure: a is an element of A^closure iff for all r>0, B(a,r)(and)A are not empty
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  • #2
I'll do one implication, you try the other.

(Edit: \overline isn't working in TeX, so I'll denote the closure of A by cl(A).)

Suppose [itex] x \in cl(A) [/itex]. Now we need to show that [itex] x \notin (X\backslash A)^\circ[/itex]. For contradiction, suppose that [itex] x \in (X\backslash A)^\circ [/itex]. Then there is some [itex]r_0 >0[/itex] such that [itex] B(x, r_0) \subseteq X \backslash A [/itex]. Thus [itex] B(x, r_0) \cap A = \varnothing[/itex]. However, this contradicts the assumption that [itex] x \in cl(A) [/itex] since for any r>0, we have [itex] B(x, r) \cap A \neq \varnothing[/itex] by the definition of [itex] cl(A) [/itex]. Therefore [itex] cl(A) \subseteq X \backslash (X \backslash A)^\circ[/itex].

Did that make sense?

If so, then try the other implication! :smile:
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  • #3
Oh and welcome to the forum!
  • #4
Thank you :shy:
Yours totally makes sense! How did you know to do it using a contradiction?
I tried a similar thing, I hope it's right:

Suppose x element of X\int(X\A), thus x not an element of int(X\A).
We need to show that x element of closure(A).
By contradiction, suppose that x not element of clos(A). Then there is some r>0 such that B(x, r)(and)A=empty set. So that B(x, r) a subset of X\A.
However, this contradicts the assumption since x not an element of int(X\A)
Therefore x an element of clos(A)
  • #5
It's often useful to do a proof by contradiction when you're trying to prove a negative statement, and in this case a was trying to show that x was not an element of a set. When trying to prove a negative statement, you typically either have to rephrase it as a positive statement, or use contradiction. I'll just say that is considered by some to be "inelegant" to use a proof by contradiction except when totally necessary.

Your proof looks correct to me! Since in this case you're actually proving a positive statement, you may want to prove it directly, i.e. without using contradiction. It should boil down to the same thing in the end, though.
  • #6
Thank you so much! I tried some other ways, but I'm not sure about what I can conclude using only x is not an element of int(X-A)

FAQ: Proof of a relationship between interior and closure

1. What is the interior and closure of a set?

The interior of a set is the largest open set contained within the given set. It consists of all the points in the set that do not touch the boundary. The closure of a set is the set itself plus all its limit points. It contains both the set and the boundary points.

2. How are the interior and closure related?

The interior and closure are related in that they both provide information about the "size" or "extent" of a set. The interior tells us about the points that are contained within the set, while the closure tells us about the points that are near the set.

3. Why is there a relationship between the interior and closure of a set?

The relationship between the interior and closure of a set is based on the concept of limit points. The points in the interior are not limit points, so they are not included in the closure. However, the limit points that are not in the set are included in the closure, and these points may also be included in the interior.

4. How can the relationship between the interior and closure be proven?

The relationship between the interior and closure can be proven mathematically using set theory and topology. It involves showing that the interior is a subset of the closure, and that the closure is a superset of the interior. This can be done using the definitions of the interior and closure, as well as properties of open and closed sets.

5. What is the significance of the relationship between the interior and closure?

The relationship between the interior and closure is important in various areas of mathematics, such as topology, analysis, and geometry. It allows us to understand the properties of a set and its boundary, and how they are connected. This relationship also helps us to define and study different types of sets, such as open and closed sets, and their properties.
