Proof of an infinite product formula

In summary, the conversation is about a request for a proof of the formula \prod_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(1-\frac{q^2}{n^2} \right) = \frac{\sin(\pi q)}{\pi q}. The formula is related to complex analysis and the Weierstrass factorization theorem. Two possible proofs are suggested, one involving contour integration and the other using a book on the Riemann Zeta function. The conversation also mentions some interesting identities inspired by the formula, known as the multi zeta function.
  • #1

I am looking for a proof of the following formula:

[tex]\prod_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(1-\frac{q^2}{n^2} \right) = \frac{\sin(\pi q)}{\pi q}[/tex]

Does anyone know where to find such a proof?

Thanks :smile:
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  • #2
In any good textbook on Complex Analysis. Observe that both the left and the right hand side of your equation is an entire function of q (considered as a complex variable) and that the zeroes of both side coincide, more precisely the zeros are exactly the integers.

The theorem is called"
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  • #3
First I must confess that I have never heard of the term "entire function" or about the factorization theorem. This is probably because I don't know everything about complex analysis, and have never taken a real university course in the subject (hence I wouldn't have a good textbook...). I only know about it from my tutor, who taught me the basics, and now he asked me to find a proof of the product above.

It is indeed easily seen that the zeros of both sides coincide, and that they are indeed the cases where q is an integer. But is that enough? And also, that factor (pi*q)^-1 on the right-hand side has now effect on the zeros, so in general I could have replaced it with any other numeric factor. Why should it be this specific one?

Thanks a lot for you help.
  • #4
This can be proved as a special case of the" , or more directly by contour integration. However, that requires complex analysis.

A book I have (An introduction to the theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function by S.J. Patterson) contains a couple of simple proofs, given as exercises. They in fact prove
\pi\cot\pi z=z^{-1}+\sum_{n>0}2z/(z^2-n^2)
which is just the" of the identity you state.

The first proof only requires knowing that the only bounded entire functions (i.e. differentiable functions on the complex plane) are the constant functions, whereas the second doesn't require any complex analysis). I'll write it out as it appears in the book and let you work through the details of the proofs yourself.

1.12 Show that
can be expressed as
Deduce that
Show also that if |Im(z)|>4 then |f(z)|<5. Conclude that
f(z)-\pi\cot\pi z
is a constant. Finally show that this constant is zero.

And, the second proof.

1.13 Show that with f as in Exercise 1.12
& +4z^2\sum_{\substack{m,n>0\\ m\not=n}}(z^2-n^2)^{-1}(z^2-m^2)^{-1}\\
=& z^{-2}+\sum_{n>0}\left\{4z^2(z^2-n^2)^{-2}+4(z^2-n^2)^{-1}\right\}\\
& - 8z^2\sum_{n>0}(z^2-n^2)^{-1}\sum_{\substack{m>0\\ m\not=n}}(m^2-n^2)^{-1}.
Show that
\sum_{\substack{m>0\\ m\not=n}}(m^2-n^2)^{-1}=3/4n^2
and deduce that
f^\prime(z)=-f(z)^2-6\sum_{n\ge 1}n^{-2}.
Finally prove that
f(z)=\pi\cot\pi z
(This argument, which avoids the techniques of complex analysis and Fourier theory, is due to Eisenstein).
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  • #5
Omri said:

I am looking for a proof of the following formula:

[tex]\prod_{n=1}^{\infty} \left(1-\frac{q^2}{n^2} \right) = \frac{\sin(\pi q)}{\pi q}[/tex]

Does anyone know where to find such a proof?

Thanks :smile:

I found this thread and I just wanted to say that this identity inspired me to find these identities:
  • [tex] - \frac{\pi ^2}{3!} = \displaystyle \sum_{j_1=1}^{\infty} -j_1^{-2} [/tex]
  • [tex] \frac{\pi ^4}{5!} = \displaystyle \sum_{j_1,j_2=1 \atop j_1 \neq j_2}^{\infty} (j_1j_2)^{-2}[/tex]
  • [tex] - \frac{\pi ^6}{7!} = \displaystyle \sum_{j_1,j_2,j_3=1 \atop j_i \neq j_k} - (j_1j_2j_3)^{-2}[/tex]
  • [tex] \vdots [/tex]
  • [tex] \frac{\pi ^{2n}}{(2n+1)!} = \displaystyle \sum_{j_1,...j_n=1 \atop j_i \neq j_k}^{\infty} (j_1j_2...j_n)^{-2} [/tex]
  • [tex] \vdots [/tex]

I explain how at my math blog

It turns out these sums are something called the multi zeta function... Neat, no?

FAQ: Proof of an infinite product formula

1. What is an infinite product formula?

An infinite product formula is a mathematical expression that involves an infinite number of terms being multiplied together. It is often used to represent a function or series that cannot be expressed in a finite form.

2. What is the purpose of an infinite product formula?

The purpose of an infinite product formula is to provide a compact and efficient way to represent complex functions or series. It is also useful in solving problems in various branches of mathematics, such as number theory, analysis, and probability.

3. How is an infinite product formula different from a finite product formula?

An infinite product formula has an infinite number of terms, while a finite product formula has a limited number of terms. Additionally, an infinite product formula is typically used to represent a function or series, whereas a finite product formula is used to calculate the product of a finite number of terms.

4. What is the convergence of an infinite product formula?

The convergence of an infinite product formula refers to whether the infinite product approaches a finite value as the number of terms increases. If the value of the product approaches a finite value, the formula is said to be convergent. If the value of the product approaches infinity, the formula is said to be divergent.

5. What are some examples of infinite product formulas?

Some well-known examples of infinite product formulas include the Wallis product, which represents the value of pi, and the Euler product, which represents the Riemann zeta function. There are also many other infinite product formulas used in various areas of mathematics, such as the Weierstrass product, the Mertens product, and the Dirichlet product.

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