Proof of Binary Quadratic Forms and Modulo Squares with Hint

In summary: more 20) then p can be written as follows p = ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 ( for all p : you can let a=p and x =1, y = 0)
  • #1
show that if a number n is represented by a quadratic form f of discriminant d then 4an is a square mod |d|.

I have no clue how to even start this proof. I tried using the jacobi symbol.. but it's not gettin me anywhere.

Could someone give me a hint.. :confused:
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  • #2
show that if a number n is represented by a quadratic form f of discriminant d

I can't translate this into something that makes sense. :frown: But I might just not be familiar with the jargon. What does it mean for this to be so?
  • #3
[tex]f(x,y)=ax^2+bxy+cy^2[/tex] is a binary quadratic form with discriminant [tex]d=b^2-4ac[/tex]. (a, b, c integers).

Saying n is represented by f means we have integers x, y where [tex]n=f(x,y)[/tex].

So we just have to show [tex]4af(x,y)=4a^2x^2+4abxy+4acy^2[/tex] is a square mod |d|.

But this b0mb0nika knows :smile:

hint:replace [tex]4ac[/tex] with [tex]b^2-d[/tex], expand and stare.
  • #4
Or... just complete the square!

I figured it was something like that -- I just didn't get from "represented by a quadratic form" to "an evaluation of a quadratic form".

Interestingly enough, I've recently used almost this exact thing -- it's the key bit of theory behind the multiple polynomial quadratic sieve! (slightly different, but morally the same!)
  • #5
ok well if u put it that way it's not that hard:)
ok related to that question i have to show that if p = x^2+5y^2
than (p/5 ) ( the legendre symbol) = 1 or 0 and that p is represented like that iff
p =5 or p == 1 or 9 mod (20)

ok this is what i did:
discriminant = -20

i showed that (p/5) = 1 or 0

now if p = 5 or 1 or 9 ( mod 20)
let p = ax^2 + bxy + cy^2
then 4ap == 1,4,9,16 ( mod 20)
then ap == 1,4,9 or 16 (mod 20) or ap=5
so now i just show that it works for a=1 and p =5 or p == 1,9 ( mod 20)

and the other way
p = x^2 + 5p^2
then 4p==0,1,4,9,16 ( mod 20)
but we can write p= x^2+5y^2 only for p= 5 or p == 1 or 9 ( mod 20 )

ok does it make sense ?
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  • #6
now if p = 5 or 1 or 9 ( mod 20)
let p = ax^2 + bxy + xy^2

I assume you meant cy^2. This raises a flag, though: the identity of p has already been specified, so you can't use this "let" statement to define p. Presumably you mean it to specify a, b, c, x, and y, but that begs the question "Why can p be written in that form?"

As for the other direction, I don't follow at all. You're correct that 4p is equivalent to 0, 1, 4, 9, or 16, but the next sentence doesn't make any sense.
  • #7
yes i did mean cy^2

for the frist part i guess i just assumed that p could be written as a binary quadratic form... i'll have to think about that

and for the second part i just took 4p = 0 ( mod 20), 4p = 1 ( mod 20 ) .. etc.. and solved for p
  • #8
ok let me see if i got the first part now :

let p = 5 or 1 or 9 ( mod 20)
then p can be written as follows p = ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 ( for all p : you can let
a=p and x =1, y = 0 )

then 4ap == 1,4,9,16 ( mod 20)
then ap == 1,4,9 or 16 (mod 20) or ap=5
but we already said p =5 or p == 1 or 9 ( more 20 )
then a = 1
because the discriminant is not a perfect square ( 20 ) -|a|<b<=|a|<|c|
so b could be 0 or 1
b = 1 is impossible ( 1-4ac = |20| => c is not an integer )
so b = 0 , in which case - 4ac = -4c = -20 so c = 5
  • #9
Justify your steps.

P.S. you do realize that if 4x=y (mod 20) has one solution for x, then it has 4 solutions, right?
  • #10
i'm not exactely sure what u mean.. but i think i got it more or less right..i'm going to write it like that.. maybe explain more what i did..
thx again for the hint
  • #11
Then you might want to look at it again -- I don't follow a single step of your argument. :frown:
  • #12
b0mb0nika said:
ok let me see if i got the first part now :

let p = 5 or 1 or 9 ( mod 20)
then p can be written as follows p = ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 ( for all p : you can let
a=p and x =1, y = 0 )

then 4ap == 1,4,9,16 ( mod 20)
then ap == 1,4,9 or 16 (mod 20) or ap=5
but we already said p =5 or p == 1 or 9 ( more 20 )
then a = 1
because the discriminant is not a perfect square ( 20 ) -|a|<b<=|a|<|c|
so b could be 0 or 1
b = 1 is impossible ( 1-4ac = |20| => c is not an integer )
so b = 0 , in which case - 4ac = -4c = -20 so c = 5

It looks like you're skipping something here. You need to first show that p can be represented by a quadratic form with discriminant -20. Then you can can take an equivalent reduced form and use those bounds on the coefficients. I'm not clear on how you're limiting what 4ap is though?

At this point you could also use your bounds on the coefficients and b^2-4ac=-20 to show that a=1 or 2. This, and consideration of the discriminant again, reduces the number of forms you have to consider to 2 (or 3 if you don't have the machinery to force b>=0), and you can rule out the other by considering it modulo something convenient. This has the added bonus of finding (with a small amount of extra work) a quadratic form that represents primes congruent to 3 and 7 mod 20.

FAQ: Proof of Binary Quadratic Forms and Modulo Squares with Hint

1. What is a binary quadratic form?

A binary quadratic form is a polynomial of the form ax2 + bxy + cy2, where a, b, and c are integers. It can also be written in the form ax2 + bx + c, where x and y are variables.

2. What is the significance of binary quadratic forms?

Binary quadratic forms are important in number theory and algebraic geometry. They are used to study properties of integers and to solve problems related to diophantine equations, which are equations with integer solutions.

3. How are binary quadratic forms related to quadratic equations?

A binary quadratic form can be transformed into a quadratic equation by setting the form equal to zero. The solutions to this equation are the x and y values that satisfy the original form. This relationship allows for the use of techniques from algebraic geometry to solve problems involving binary quadratic forms.

4. Can binary quadratic forms be reduced?

Yes, binary quadratic forms can be reduced using a process called "reduction by equivalence". This involves finding a transformation that maps the original form to a simpler form with the same properties. The reduced form is called the "equivalent form" of the original form.

5. What are some applications of binary quadratic forms?

Binary quadratic forms have various applications in number theory, cryptography, and other branches of mathematics. They are used to study the distribution of prime numbers, to solve problems in algebraic number theory, and to design efficient algorithms for certain computations. They also have practical applications in computer science, such as in the RSA encryption algorithm.
