Proof of Cantor Set: Consider g'(x), f_n(c), and f'(x)

In summary, we discussed the function g(x)=x^2sin(1/x) and its derivatives, explored its properties with the Cantor set, and discussed the measure and limit of the intervals in the Cantor set. We also showed that f'(x) is Riemann integrable on [0,1] and discussed its continuity on the Cantor set.
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Consider g(x)=x^2sin(1/x) if x>0 and 0 if x<=0

1. a) Find g'(0)
b) Compute g'(x) for x not 0
c)Explain why, for every delta>0, g'(x) attains every value between 1 and -1 as ranges over the set (-delta,delta). Conclude that g'(x) is not continuous at x=0.

Next, we want to explore g with the Cantor set.
We have f_1(x)=0 if x is in [0,1/3]
=g(x-1/3) if x is to right of 1/3
=g(-x+2/3) if x is to left of 2/3
=0 if x is in [2/3,1]
Now f_2(x)=1/3f_1(3x) for x in [0,1/3]
=f_1(x) if x is in [1/3,2/3]
=1/3f_1(3x-2) if x is in [2/3,1]

2. a) if c is in C(Cantor set) what is lim f_n(c)?
b) Why does lim f_n(x) exist for x not in C?

Now set f(x)=lim f(x)

3.a) Explain why f'(x) exists for all c not in C
b) If c in C, argue that |f(x)|<=(x-c)^2 for all x in [0,1]. Show how this implies f'(c)=0
c) Give a careful argument for why f'(x) fails to be continuous on C.

4. Why is f'(x) Riemann integrable on [0,1]

The reason the Cantor set has measure zero is that, at each stage, 2^(n-1) open intervals of length 1/3^n are removed from C_(n-1). The resulting sum:
sum(2^(n-1)(1/3^n) converges to 1, which means that C1, C2, C3,... have total lengths tending to zero. Now let's remove intervals of lengths 1/3^(n+1)

5.Show that under these circumstances, the sum of the lengths of the intervals making up each C_n, no longer tends to zero as n tends to infinity. What is this limit?

I know this is way too many questions for one post, but I didn't see any other way to post this since all of these are directly related to each other. I figured out 1 already, but kept it there since g(x) will be used in future posts.

For 2 a) Is the limit 0?
b) Not quite sure
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  • #2
how to answer this. For 3 a) Yes, the derivative of f(x) exists for all c not in C because f(x) is continuous everywhere outside of C, so its derivative must exist.b) Yes, |f(x)|<=(x-c)^2 for all x in [0,1] because as x tends to c, f(x) tends to 0, which implies that |f(x)|<=(x-c)^2. This in turn implies that f'(c)=0 since the derivative of a function at a point is the limit of (change in y)/(change in x) as x tends to c, and the change in y is 0 when x=c.c) The reason f'(x) fails to be continuous on C is because the derivative of a function at a point is the limit of (change in y)/(change in x) as x tends to c, and in this case, the change in y is 0 when x=c which implies the limit is 0, which means that the derivative is not continuous at c.4. The reason f'(x) is Riemann integrable on [0,1] is because it is continuous on [0,1] except at the points in the Cantor set, but since the Cantor set has measure zero, it does not affect the integration of the function. 5. The limit of the sum of the lengths of the intervals making up each C_n is 1/2. This is because the length of each interval at each stage is 1/3^n, and the number of intervals is 2^(n-1). So the sum of the lengths of the intervals making up each C_n is 2^(n-1)*(1/3^n). As n tends to infinity, this sum converges to 1/2.

FAQ: Proof of Cantor Set: Consider g'(x), f_n(c), and f'(x)

1. What is the Cantor Set?

The Cantor Set is a fractal set created by removing the middle third of a line segment repeatedly. The resulting set is a collection of points that are not connected and have no interior points.

2. Why is proof of the Cantor Set important?

The Cantor Set illustrates the concept of uncountably infinite sets and is an important example in the field of mathematics. It has applications in various areas such as topology, analysis, and dynamical systems.

3. What is g'(x) in the proof of the Cantor Set?

In the proof, g'(x) represents the derivative of the function g(x), which is defined as the slope of the tangent line to the graph of g(x) at a given point x. It is used to show that g(x) is continuous on the Cantor Set.

4. What is f_n(c) in the proof of the Cantor Set?

In the proof, f_n(c) represents the nth iteration of the Cantor function, which is defined as a function that maps the Cantor Set to the interval [0,1]. It is used to show that the Cantor Set is a subset of the interval [0,1].

5. How is f'(x) used in the proof of the Cantor Set?

In the proof, f'(x) represents the derivative of the function f(x), which is defined as the slope of the tangent line to the graph of f(x) at a given point x. It is used to show that f(x) is constant on the Cantor Set, which further proves that the Cantor Set is a subset of the interval [0,1].
