Proof of Darboux's Theorem (IVT for Derivatives)

In summary, Stoll's proof of the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) for Derivatives (Darboux's Theorem) states that if there exists an x_1 \gt a such that g(x_1) \lt g(a) and an x_2 \lt b such that g(x_2) \lt g(b), then as a consequence, g has an absolute minimum at some point c \in (a,b). This is supported by Exercise 15, which shows that if $f^\prime(a)>0$ or $f^\prime(a)<0$, then there is $\delta>0$ such that for all $x$ within this interval, $g(x)$ is strictly increasing or
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Manfred Stoll's book: Introduction to Real Analysis.

I need help with Stoll's proof of the Intermediate Value Theorem (IVT) for Derivatives (Darboux's Theorem).

Stoll's statement of the IVT for Derivatives and its proof read as follows:
View attachment 3926
View attachment 3927
In the above proof, Stoll argues that because

(i) there exists an \(\displaystyle x_1 \gt a\) such that \(\displaystyle g(x_1) \lt g(a)\)


(ii) there exists an \(\displaystyle x_2 \lt \)b such that \(\displaystyle g(x_2) \lt g(b) \)

that as a consequence, g has an absolute minimum at some point \(\displaystyle c \in (a,b)\).
If you draw some sketches, this seems a reasonably intuitive conclusion to draw ... but what is the formal, rigorous argument for this conclusion? What result(s) in analysis is Stoll drawing on and how exactly does the consequence above follow ...Hope someone can help ...Peter
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  • #2
Hi Peter,

The sign of the derivative tells you if the function is increasing or decreasing.

In this case $g'(a)<0$ means that in a neighbourhood of $a$, $g$ is decreasing, so you got the existence of $x_1$.

And symmetrically for $x_2$
  • #3
Fallen Angel said:
Hi Peter,

The sign of the derivative tells you if the function is increasing or decreasing.

In this case $g'(a)<0$ means that in a neighbourhood of $a$, $g$ is decreasing, so you got the existence of $x_1$.

And symmetrically for $x_2$

Hi Fallen Angel,

Thanks for the help ... but I was less concerned about the existence of \(\displaystyle x_1\) and \(\displaystyle x_2\) than how we could (formally and rigorously) show that this means that g has an absolute minimum at some point \(\displaystyle c \in (a,b)\). (Note that I am interested in rigorously establishing the existence of an absolute minimum ... ... I think there could be any number of heuristic and intuitive arguments ... ... but i cannot frame a formal and rigorous argument to establish the conclusion.)
By the way, you write:

" ... ... $g'(a)<0$ means that in a neighbourhood of $a$, $g$ is decreasing ... ... "Is this correct?

See the remarks following Stoll's Theorem 5.2.9:
View attachment 3928
View attachment 3929

In the above "Remarks", Exercise 18 is mentioned.

For your interest, here is the relevant Exercise 18:

View attachment 3930

I would be most interested in your thoughts on this matter ... ...

Thanks again for your help ...

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  • #4
Hi Peter,

Sorry, I was missthinking that $g'$ was continuous, but you got a similar argument for the existence of $x_1$ and $x_2$ there without using continuity.

For the minimum, the points $x_1$ and $x_2$ can be chosen as near to $a$ and $b$ as needed, because you got $g(a)<g(x)$ for all $x\in (a,a+\epsilon)$ for some $\epsilon>0$ and similarly for $b$, now the interval $[x_1 ,x_2]$ contains a minimum by Weirstrass theorem.
  • #5
What you're missing is exercise 15:

If $f^\prime(a)>0$ then there is $\delta>0$ such that if $x\in(a-\delta,a)$, then $f(x)<f(a)$ and if $x\in(a,a+\delta)$, then $f(x)>f(a)$.

Proof. Apply the definition of limit. Set $\epsilon=f^\prime(a)/2$. Then there is $\delta>0$ such that if $0<|x-a|<\delta$, then $$f^\prime(a)/2<{f(x)-f(a)\over x-a}<3f^\prime(a)/2$$
In particular, for $0<|x-a|<\delta$, $$0<{f(x)-f(a)\over x-a}$$.
Now multiply the above inequality by $x-a$ to get the conclusion.

Of course, a similar statement holds if $f^\prime(a)<0$.
  • #6
johng said:
What you're missing is exercise 15:

If $f^\prime(a)>0$ then there is $\delta>0$ such that if $x\in(a-\delta,a)$, then $f(x)<f(a)$ and if $x\in(a,a+\delta)$, then $f(x)>f(a)$.

Proof. Apply the definition of limit. Set $\epsilon=f^\prime(a)/2$. Then there is $\delta>0$ such that if $0<|x-a|<\delta$, then $$f^\prime(a)/2<{f(x)-f(a)\over x-a}<3f^\prime(a)/2$$
In particular, for $0<|x-a|<\delta$, $$0<{f(x)-f(a)\over x-a}$$.
Now multiply the above inequality by $x-a$ to get the conclusion.

Of course, a similar statement holds if $f^\prime(a)<0$.

Thanks Johng ... Most helpful indeed ...


*** EDIT ***

Hi johng ... still reflecting ...

... can you help me with how Exercise 15 relates to providing an argument that because:

(i) there exists an \(\displaystyle x_1 \gt a\) such that \(\displaystyle g(x_1) \lt g(a)\)


(ii) there exists an \(\displaystyle x_2 \lt \)b such that \(\displaystyle g(x_2) \lt g(b) \)

that as a consequence, g has an absolute minimum at some point \(\displaystyle c \in (a,b)\).

I am still a bit puzzled about the rigorous justification for the above argument ... sorry if I am being slow and lacking insight ... :(

Can you help further ...

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  • #7
Are you still unsure why $x_1$ and $x_2$ exist? Apply my previous post to $g^\prime(a)$ and $g^\prime(b)$. For $x_2$, choose any $x_2\in(b-\delta,b)$. Similarly for $x_1$.
Now since $g$ is differentiable on I, it is continuous on $[a,b]$. You need the theorem that says a continuous function $g$ on a closed interval $[a,b]$ has an absolute minimum; i.e. there is $x_0\in[a,b]$ such that $g(x_0)\leq g(x)$ for all $x\in[a,b]$.
Now for the case at hand could $x_0$ be $a$? No, since $g(x_0)\leq g(x_1)<g(a)$ (if it were a, you'd get $g(a)<g(a)$, absurd). Similarly, $x_0\neq b$. So $x_0\in(a,b)$.
Since $g$ is differentiable, you know $g^\prime(x_0)=0$. QED.
  • #8
johng said:
Are you still unsure why $x_1$ and $x_2$ exist? Apply my previous post to $g^\prime(a)$ and $g^\prime(b)$. For $x_2$, choose any $x_2\in(b-\delta,b)$. Similarly for $x_1$.
Now since $g$ is differentiable on I, it is continuous on $[a,b]$. You need the theorem that says a continuous function $g$ on a closed interval $[a,b]$ has an absolute minimum; i.e. there is $x_0\in[a,b]$ such that $g(x_0)\leq g(x)$ for all $x\in[a,b]$.
Now for the case at hand could $x_0$ be $a$? No, since $g(x_0)\leq g(x_1)<g(a)$ (if it were a, you'd get $g(a)<g(a)$, absurd). Similarly, $x_0\neq b$. So $x_0\in(a,b)$.
Since $g$ is differentiable, you know $g^\prime(x_0)=0$. QED.
Thanks for that post johng ...

That explains the issue fully and very clearly ... most helpful indeed ...


FAQ: Proof of Darboux's Theorem (IVT for Derivatives)

1. What is Darboux's Theorem?

Darboux's Theorem, also known as the Intermediate Value Theorem for Derivatives, states that if a function is differentiable on an interval [a,b] and takes on two different values at the endpoints, then it must also take on every value in between those two values at some point within the interval.

2. How is Darboux's Theorem related to the Intermediate Value Theorem?

Darboux's Theorem is a generalization of the Intermediate Value Theorem, which applies to continuous functions. It extends the concept to differentiable functions, allowing for more precise statements about the behavior of functions.

3. What is the significance of Darboux's Theorem?

Darboux's Theorem is important because it guarantees that a differentiable function will have no breaks or jumps in its graph. This allows for a better understanding of the behavior of functions and aids in the proof of other theorems in calculus.

4. Can Darboux's Theorem be applied to non-differentiable functions?

No, Darboux's Theorem only applies to differentiable functions. This means that the function must have a derivative at every point in the interval [a,b] in order for the theorem to hold.

5. How is Darboux's Theorem used in calculus?

Darboux's Theorem is commonly used in calculus to prove the existence of critical points and to show that a function attains its maximum and minimum values on a given interval. It is also used to prove the Mean Value Theorem and other important theorems in calculus.

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