Proof of Existence of Tensor Product .... Further Question ...

In summary, the conversation revolves around the understanding of the universal mapping property of a vector space Z, which is based on a set X. The main question is why Z has a UMP and if other vector spaces, like V, also have one. The answer is that Z has a UMP because it is specifically defined as the vector space based on X, while other vector spaces may not have this property. This concept is related to the idea of maps factoring through and the conditions on the kernel of a map.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Bruce N. Coopersteins book: Advanced Linear Algebra (Second Edition) ... ...

I am focused on Section 10.1 Introduction to Tensor Products ... ...

I need help with another aspect of the proof of Theorem 10.1 regarding the existence of a tensor product ... ...The relevant part of Theorem 10.1 reads as follows:



In the above text we read the following:" ... ... Recall that [itex]V_1 \times \ ... \ \times V_m = X[/itex] and that [itex]Z[/itex] is a vector space based on [itex]X[/itex]. Since [itex]W[/itex] is a vector space and [itex]f[/itex] is a map from [itex]X[/itex] to [itex]W[/itex], by the universal property of [itex]Z[/itex] there exists a unique linear transformation [itex]S \ : \ Z \longrightarrow W[/itex] such that [itex]S[/itex] restricted to [itex]X[/itex] is [itex]f[/itex]. ... ..."Now I have summarised the mappings involved in Theorem 10.1 in Figure 1 below ... ...

My question is as follows:

Why does [itex]Z[/itex] have a universal mapping property ...? ... ... and indeed if [itex]Z[/itex] has one, why doesn't [itex]V[/itex] ... ... giving us the relationship [itex]T \gamma = f[/itex] that we want ... what is special about [itex] Z [/itex]?
Hope someone can help ...


*** NOTE ***

... ... oh no! ... ... I think I have just realized the answer to my question ... hmm ... embarrassingly simple ... ... I think that [itex] Z [/itex] has a UMP because [itex]( Z, \iota )[/itex] is assumed to be the vector space based on the set [itex] X [/itex]... and vector spaces based on a set have a UMP ... is that right? ... see Cooperstein Definition 10.1 on the first page of Section 10.1 provided below ...

Can someone confirm that this is the reason Z has a Universal Mapping Property ...

==========================================================*** NOTE ***It may help readers of the above post to be able to read Cooperstein's introduction to Section 10.1 where he covers, among other things, the notion of a vector space being based on a set and the idea of the universal mapping problem ... ... so I am providing this text as follows:





  • Cooperstein - 1 - Theorem 10.1 - PART 1       ....png
    Cooperstein - 1 - Theorem 10.1 - PART 1 ....png
    36.5 KB · Views: 961
  • Cooperstein - 2 - Theorem 10.1 - PART 2        ....png
    Cooperstein - 2 - Theorem 10.1 - PART 2 ....png
    29.4 KB · Views: 683
  • Cooperstein - 3 - Theorem 10.1 - PART 3        ....png
    Cooperstein - 3 - Theorem 10.1 - PART 3 ....png
    37.9 KB · Views: 756
  • Figure 1 - Cooperstein - Theorem 10.1 - Mappings.png
    Figure 1 - Cooperstein - Theorem 10.1 - Mappings.png
    18.6 KB · Views: 871
  • Cooperstein - 1 - Section 10.1 - PART 1     ....png
    Cooperstein - 1 - Section 10.1 - PART 1 ....png
    70.8 KB · Views: 598
  • Cooperstein - 2 - Section 10.1 - PART 2     ....png
    Cooperstein - 2 - Section 10.1 - PART 2 ....png
    38.4 KB · Views: 537
  • Cooperstein - 3 - Section 10.1 - PART 3     ....png
    Cooperstein - 3 - Section 10.1 - PART 3 ....png
    35.3 KB · Views: 623
  • Cooperstein - 4 - Section 10.1 - PART 4     ....png
    Cooperstein - 4 - Section 10.1 - PART 4 ....png
    33.1 KB · Views: 599
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  • #2
I think a helpful thing to know/understand is the concept of maps factoring through (the quotient, here): in algebra, there are conditions on the kernel of a map. Factoring through is in analogy with the factoring of numbers as products.

You are given functions f:A-->C , g: A-->B . Then f factors through g if there is an h: with f=hg ; h is a map from B-->C. This is I think the clearest way of understanding the tensor product. For vector spaces V,W , the tensor product , ## V \ Oline W ## is a vector space in which every bilinear map defined on VxW into a third vector space Z factors through a linear map from the tensor product into Z. The conditions on the kernel guarantee that maps factor through. I will look up the conditions on the kernel and image of the respective groups and get back with it.
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  • #3
Thanks WWGD ... most helpful ...

  • #4
Math Amateur said:
Thanks WWGD ... most helpful ...

Glad it helped, Peter, I went through my own pain trying to understand it -- I feel your pain :).
  • #5
Thanks again WWGD ... good to have your support ...

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Related to Proof of Existence of Tensor Product .... Further Question ...

1. What is a tensor product and why is it important?

The tensor product is a mathematical operation that combines two vector spaces to create a new vector space. It is important because it allows us to represent and manipulate multi-dimensional quantities, such as force and velocity, in a concise and elegant way.

2. How is the tensor product different from other vector operations?

The tensor product is different from other vector operations, such as addition and multiplication, because it takes two vectors and creates a new vector space, rather than just combining the two vectors into one.

3. How is the proof of existence of tensor product derived?

The proof of existence of tensor product is derived using a combination of algebraic and geometric concepts. It involves showing that the tensor product satisfies certain properties, such as bilinearity and uniqueness, that make it a valid mathematical operation.

4. What applications does the tensor product have in science and engineering?

The tensor product has a wide range of applications in science and engineering, particularly in fields that deal with multi-dimensional quantities, such as mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. It is also used in computer science and data analysis for efficient data representation and manipulation.

5. Are there any further questions or extensions to the proof of existence of tensor product?

Yes, there are many further questions and extensions to the proof of existence of tensor product, such as generalizing the proof to higher dimensions, exploring applications in different fields, and finding alternative representations of the tensor product. This is an active area of research and there is still much to be discovered.

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