Proof of Group Homework: Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp

In summary: M such that det(M) ≠ 0, but det(M) = det(A) + det(B) for any two matrices A and B in G. This is impossible because det(M) = det(A) + det(B) = det(A) + det(B) = M, and M is in G.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let R be the ring of all 2*2 matrices, over Zp, p a prime. Let G be the set of elements x in the ring R such that det x ≠ 0. Prove that G is a group.

Homework Equations

Matrix is invertible in ring R.

The Attempt at a Solution

Group properties and ring properties are similar I think.
Group and Ring - closure, associativity, identity (zero in Rings?)
Is this how I am supposed to approach the problem? By proving the common properties of a group and ring?
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  • #2
Justabeginner said:
Group properties and ring properties are similar I think.
Group and Ring - closure, associativity, identity (zero in Rings?)
Is this how I am supposed to approach the problem? By proving the common properties of a group and ring?
##G## will be a group under multiplication, not addition. So you can ignore the addition and address the following questions:

1. What is the multiplicative identity? Is it contained in ##G##?
2. Is matrix multiplication associative?
3. Is the set of matrices with nonzero determinant closed under multiplication and inverses?

Hint for part 3: can you prove and apply the identities ##\det(AB) = \det(A)\det(B)## and ##\det(I) = 1##?
  • #3
Justabeginner said:

Homework Statement

Let R be the ring of all 2*2 matrices, over Zp, p a prime. Let G be the set of elements x in the ring R such that det x ≠ 0. Prove that G is a group.

Homework Equations

Matrix is invertible in ring R.

The Attempt at a Solution

Group properties and ring properties are similar I think.
Group and Ring - closure, associativity, identity (zero in Rings?)
Is this how I am supposed to approach the problem? By proving the common properties of a group and ring?

The elements of G already belong to a ring, so these elements already satisfy all of the properties of a ring (which must include an addition operation and a multiplication operation). If you list the properties that a group must satisfy, this should be pretty easy to prove.

Groups are much more basic than rings.
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  • #4
jbunniii said:
##G## will be a group under multiplication, not addition. So you can ignore the addition and address the following questions:

1. What is the multiplicative identity? Is it contained in ##G##?
2. Is matrix multiplication associative?
3. Is the set of matrices with nonzero determinant closed under multiplication and inverses?

Hint for part 3: can you prove and apply the identities ##\det(AB) = \det(A)\det(B)## and ##\det(I) = 1##?

1. Multiplicative identity in a ring is 1, right? But 1 is not in G, because G consists of the set of matrices for which ad - bc ≠ 0, but (1) is not a 2*2 matrix.
2. Yes; [(ab)c]ij = (ab)ik ckj = (ailblk)ckj = ail(blkckj) = ail(bc)lj = [a(bc)]ij
3. Yes, for A= (a b c d), and B= (e f g h), it was proven that det(A)det(B)=det(AB), and det(I)= 1 by 1/ad-bc (ad-bc 0 0 ad-bc) since 1/ad-bc where ad-bc≠0 is the inverse of matrix M. The set is closed.
  • #5
Justabeginner said:
1. Multiplicative identity in a ring is 1, right? But 1 is not in G, because G consists of the set of matrices for which ad - bc ≠ 0, but (1) is not a 2*2 matrix.
We often use the notation "1" for the multiplicative identity in a ring, but it doesn't have to literally mean the number 1. In this case, the ring consists of 2x2 matrices over ##Z_p##, so if there is an identity, it must be a 2x2 matrix over ##Z_p##. What is the definition of "identity"?

2. Yes; [(ab)c]ij = (ab)ik ckj = (ailblk)ckj = ail(blkckj) = ail(bc)lj = [a(bc)]ij
Seems like there are some ##\sum## symbols missing?
3. Yes, for A= (a b c d), and B= (e f g h), it was proven that det(A)det(B)=det(AB), and det(I)= 1 by 1/ad-bc (ad-bc 0 0 ad-bc) since 1/ad-bc where ad-bc≠0 is the inverse of matrix M. The set is closed.
Where did you use the fact that the matrix elements are from ##Z_p## (where ##p## is prime), as opposed to ##Z_n## for some nonprime integer? Also, can you explain in more detail how you concluded that the set is closed? How do the determinant formulas prove this?
  • #6
jbunniii said:
We often use the notation "1" for the multiplicative identity in a ring, but it doesn't have to literally mean the number 1. In this case, the ring consists of 2x2 matrices over ##Z_p##, so if there is an identity, it must be a 2x2 matrix over ##Z_p##. What is the definition of "identity"?

It means 1*n = n. The identity should be (1 0 0 1).

jbunniii said:
Seems like there are some ##\sum## symbols missing?

Sorry, I completely forgot to insert them.

jbunniii said:
Where did you use the fact that the matrix elements are from ##Z_p## (where ##p## is prime), as opposed to ##Z_n## for some nonprime integer? Also, can you explain in more detail how you concluded that the set is closed? How do the determinant formulas prove this?

I failed to mention that the elements are from Zp, p being a prime. Zp is a field if and only if p is prime, and the properties hold true because of this.
Since the determinant is nonzero, and the inverse has been solved for: Det(M)* I = 1, the set is closed under multiplication and inverses. A group must contain an element and its inverse, which this set of matrices does.
  • #7
Justabeginner said:
Since the determinant is nonzero, and the inverse has been solved for: Det(M)* I = 1
This equation doesn't make any sense. If I is the identity matrix, then the left hand side is a matrix. But the right hand side is (apparently) the scalar 1.
the set is closed under multiplication and inverses.
Why? Suppose that ##A \in G##. You need to explain in detail why ##A^{-1}## exists, and why ##A^{-1} \in G##.

Similarly, suppose that ##A,B \in G##. Why is ##AB \in G##?
  • #8
jbunniii said:
This equation doesn't make any sense. If I is the identity matrix, then the left hand side is a matrix. But the right hand side is (apparently) the scalar 1.

M * M-1 = I. The original matrix times its inverse is equal to the Identity Matrix.

jbunniii said:
Why? Suppose that ##A \in G##. You need to explain in detail why ##A^{-1}## exists, and why ##A^{-1} \in G##.

Similarly, suppose that ##A,B \in G##. Why is ##AB \in G##?

If an element exists, then its inverse must exist because the identity element is always in a group (definition of group).
Groups are always closed under products, as well.
  • #9
Justabeginner said:
M * M-1 = I. The original matrix times its inverse is equal to the Identity Matrix.
1. How do you know that ##M## has an inverse?
2. How do you know that ##\det(M^{-1}) \neq 0##?
If an element exists, then its inverse must exist because the identity element is always in a group (definition of group). Groups are always closed under products, as well.
But your goal is to prove that ##G## is a group. You are effectively arguing that "it's a group because it's a group."
  • #10
jbunniii said:
1. How do you know that ##M## has an inverse?
2. How do you know that ##\det(M^{-1}) \neq 0##?

M has an inverse because M= (a b c d) has another matrix such that M * (other matrix) = Identity Matrix. We know that the det(M-1) ≠ 0 because det(M) ≠0, and 1/det(M)≠0, ever. This ring is specifically an integral domain, I believe.

jbunniii said:
But your goal is to prove that ##G## is a group. You are effectively arguing that "it's a group because it's a group."

The property of a ring is closure under multiplication and identity exists.
So since the ring is a subgroup of the M(2*2) then it is a group itself.
  • #11
Justabeginner said:
M has an inverse because M= (a b c d) has another matrix such that M * (other matrix) = Identity Matrix.
How do you know this is true? It would not be true if the matrix elements were from ##Z_n## where ##n## is not prime.
We know that the det(M-1) ≠ 0 because det(M) ≠0, and 1/det(M)≠0, ever.
OK, so you're using ##\det(M)\det(M^{-1}) = \det(M M^{-1}) = \det(I) = 1##. You need to state this more explicitly.
This ring is specifically an integral domain, I believe.
An integral domain is commutative by definition. Matrix multiplication is not commutative.
The property of a ring is closure under multiplication and identity exists.
So since the ring is a subgroup of the M(2*2) then it is a group itself.
What ring is a subgroup of ##M_{2\times 2}##? I'm not following your logic. You need to explain why ##G## is closed under multiplication. If ##A## and ##B## are two matrices with nonzero determinant, what can you say about ##\det(AB)##?
  • #12
jbunniii said:
What ring is a subgroup of ##M_{2\times 2}##? I'm not following your logic. You need to explain why ##G## is closed under multiplication. If ##A## and ##B## are two matrices with nonzero determinant, what can you say about ##\det(AB)##?

If Det(A) ≠0 and Det(B)≠0, then Det(AB)≠0 too.
  • #13
Justabeginner said:
If Det(A) ≠0 and Det(B)≠0, then Det(AB)≠0 too.
...because ##\det(AB) = \det(A)\det(B)##. And how do you know that if ##\det(A)## and ##\det(B)## are nonzero, then so is ##\det(A)\det(B)##? Keep in mind that we are working in ##Z_p##, not the real numbers, so you have to justify what may seem like standard facts. Again, this would not be true in ##Z_n## for nonprime ##n##.
  • #14
jbunniii said:
...because ##\det(AB) = \det(A)\det(B)##. And how do you know that if ##\det(A)## and ##\det(B)## are nonzero, then so is ##\det(A)\det(B)##? Keep in mind that we are working in ##Z_p##, not the real numbers, so you have to justify what may seem like standard facts. Again, this would not be true in ##Z_n## for nonprime ##n##.

For A, B in Zp, where p is prime, Det(A)Det(B) = Det(AB).
  • #15
Justabeginner said:
For A, B in Zp, where p is prime, Det(A)Det(B) = Det(AB).

No, it's true for every matrix ring that [itex]\det(AB) = \det(A)\det(B)[/itex]. The question here is: if [itex]\det(A)[/itex] and [itex]\det(B)[/itex] are both non-zero, is it necessarily the case that [itex]\det(A)\det(B)[/itex] is non-zero?

This is equivalent to showing that, for [itex]a \in \mathbb{Z}_p[/itex] and [itex]b \in \mathbb{Z}_p[/itex], if [itex]a \neq 0[/itex] and [itex]b \neq 0[/itex] then [itex]ab \neq 0[/itex].

This isn't true for general [itex]\mathbb{Z}_n[/itex]: for example in [itex]\mathbb{Z}_{10}[/itex] we have [itex]2 \times 5 = 0[/itex]. So what's special about [itex]\mathbb{Z}_p[/itex] for prime [itex]p[/itex]?

EDIT: You may also at some point want to make use of the fact that in any ring of 2x2 matrices, [tex]
\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} d & -b \\ -c & a \end{pmatrix}
= \begin{pmatrix} ad - bc & 0 \\ 0 & ad - bc \end{pmatrix}
[/tex] and [tex]
\det \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} = ad - bc.
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  • #16
pasmith said:
EDIT: You may also at some point want to make use of the fact that in any ring of 2x2 matrices, [tex]
\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}
\begin{pmatrix} d & -b \\ -c & a \end{pmatrix}
= \begin{pmatrix} ad - bc & 0 \\ 0 & ad - bc \end{pmatrix}
[/tex] and [tex]
\det \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} = ad - bc.

Is G, technically the non-abelian group GL(2, R)? I approached this problem in that manner.

FAQ: Proof of Group Homework: Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp

1. What is the purpose of studying the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp?

The Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp is an important mathematical structure that is commonly used in various fields such as cryptography and coding theory. By studying this ring, we can gain a better understanding of abstract algebra and its applications.

2. How is the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp defined?

The Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp is defined as the set of all 2x2 matrices with entries in the integers modulo p, where p is a prime number. The operations of addition and multiplication are defined using modular arithmetic.

3. What is the significance of the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp in cryptography?

The Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp is used in cryptography to perform operations such as encryption and decryption. The properties of this ring, such as its commutativity and associativity, make it an ideal structure for performing mathematical operations in a secure manner.

4. How does the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp relate to linear algebra?

The Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp is a special case of the ring of n x n matrices over a field. This means that many of the properties and concepts from linear algebra, such as invertibility and determinant, can be applied to this ring as well.

5. Can the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp be extended to higher dimensions?

Yes, the concept of the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp can be extended to higher dimensions. In fact, the general ring of n x n matrices over a field is a natural extension of this ring. However, the properties and characteristics of the Ring of 2x2 Matrices over Zp may not hold for higher dimensions.
