Proof of Integer Parts of Real numbers

In summary, the conversation discusses the struggle to understand the proof for integer parts of real numbers and the need to show the existence of a unique n ∈ Z satisfying nx < n+1. The proof involves considering a non-empty subset of R that is bounded above and using the supremum of this subset to find an n ∈ Z satisfying the given inequality. The confusion arises from the belief that A is unbounded above, but it is actually bounded from above since it consists of all integers less than x.
  • #1
I am struggling to understand the proof for integer parts of real numbers. I have used to mean less than or equal to because I could not work out how to type it in. I need to show that:

∃ unique n ∈ Z s.t. nx<n+1

The proof given is the following:


A={k∈Z : kx}

This is a non-empty subset of R that is bounded above. Let α = sup A. There is an n ∈ A such that n > a - 1/2. n>α−1. Then nx and,since n+1>α+1>α, n+1̸∈A. Hence,n+1>x.

In particular I don't understand how A is bounded above, because I thought A = [k,∞) which has no upper bound. Where have I gone wrong?
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  • #2
A consists of all integers < x, so it is bounded from above.

FAQ: Proof of Integer Parts of Real numbers

1. What is the definition of "Proof of Integer Parts of Real Numbers"?

The proof of integer parts of real numbers is a mathematical concept that involves showing that any real number can be written as the sum of an integer and a fractional part. This proof is important in understanding the structure of real numbers and their relationship to integers.

2. Why is the proof of integer parts of real numbers important?

The proof of integer parts of real numbers is important because it helps explain the fundamental nature of real numbers and their connection to integers. It also allows for the development of more advanced mathematical concepts such as the decimal system and calculus.

3. What is the process for proving integer parts of real numbers?

The proof of integer parts of real numbers involves showing that any real number x can be written as x = n + {x}, where n is an integer and {x} is the fractional part of x. This can be done using mathematical induction, where we prove that the statement holds for the first integer, and then show that if it holds for one integer it must hold for the next integer.

4. Can you give an example of a proof of integer parts of a real number?

One example of a proof of integer parts of a real number is showing that any real number x can be written as x = n + {x}, where n is the largest integer less than or equal to x and {x} is the fractional part of x. This can be done by considering the decimal expansion of x and showing that the fractional part is equal to x - n.

5. How is the proof of integer parts of real numbers used in other areas of mathematics?

The proof of integer parts of real numbers is used in a variety of areas in mathematics, such as number theory, algebra, and calculus. It serves as the basis for understanding the properties of real numbers and their relationship to other mathematical concepts. For example, it is used in the development of the decimal system, which is essential in everyday mathematics and finance.
