Proof of Normal Subgroups in Group G - HN

  • Thread starter roam
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In summary: What you really need are the subscripts. So HN would be something like \{h\} and H'N' would be something like \{h'\}.Secondly, the "normal subgroup test" says that if HN is a normal subgroup of G, then HN is a subgroup of G. But that's not really what you're looking for. What you're looking for is an element of HN that is in G but not in H. To do that, you need to use the "one-step subgroup test".First, you need to show that HN is nonempty. To do that, you use the "one-step sub
  • #1
If H and N are subgroups of a group G. And we define [tex]HN = \{ hy | h \in H, y \in N \}[/tex],

Then I know that the following are true:

  1. If [tex]N[/tex] is a normal subgroup. Then [tex]HN[/tex] is a subgroup of [tex]G[/tex].
  2. If [tex]H[/tex] and [tex]N[/tex] are both normal subgroups. Then [tex]HN[/tex] is normal.

But does anybody know the proof to any of them?

For 2 I know that if they are both normal, then [tex]G=HN[/tex] and [tex]H \cap N = \{ e \}[/tex], but really I don't know how to prove it. :rolleyes:

Any help or suggestions is appreciated.
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  • #2
For 1., everything is obvious except the fact that HN is closed under the group operation, right? By definition, N normal means that for any g in G, [itex]gNg^{-1}\subset N[/itex]. And notice that this is equivalent to [itex]gN\subset Ng[/itex]. By using both these "equations", it is not hard to show that HN is closed under the group operation.

2. Think "multiplying by e in the form [itex]g^{-1}g[/itex]". (This may help you also for 1.)
  • #3
Thanks. For (1), to show that it's a subgroup I could use the "one-step subgroup test".

First I have to show that HN is nonempty ([tex]HN \neq \emptyset[/tex]). Then if h=e, hy=gg-1y = g y g-1 which is y. So is that okay?

Then assuming that two elements a and b have are in HN, using the assumption I have to show that ab-1 is in HN.

So, to do that I take [tex]a \in H[/tex] and [tex]b \in N[/tex]. But how would you represent b-1?
  • #4
roam said:
Thanks. For (1), to show that it's a subgroup I could use the "one-step subgroup test".

First I have to show that HN is nonempty ([tex]HN \neq \emptyset[/tex]). Then if h=e, hy=gg-1y = g y g-1 which is y. So is that okay?

Then assuming that two elements a and b have are in HN, using the assumption I have to show that ab-1 is in HN.

So, to do that I take [tex]a \in H[/tex] and [tex]b \in N[/tex]. But how would you represent b-1?

Why does your one step subgroup test have two steps? :-p

I'm really confused by how you show HN is non-empty. What are g and y supposed to be, and how do you know they commute? It seems like the answer is far more obvious: e is in H, e is in N, so ee=e is in HN. Therefore it's non-empty.

There's no real reason why a should be in H or b should be in N. All you have is an element a that's of the form hn and an element b that's of the form h'n' where h' and n' are elements of H and N respectively. Now what can you say about ab-1? (it may help to calculate what b-1 is in terms of h' and n')
  • #5
You took a in H and b in N. But this is not what the one-step subgroup test tells you to do. It tells you to take two arbitrary elements a and b in HN. So a is of the form a=hn for some h in H and n in N and b is of the form b=h'n' for some h' in H and n' in N. So


and from there, manipulate this equation to get it into the form ab^{-1}=h''n'' for some h'' in H and n'' in N, thus showing that ab^{-1} is in HN.
  • #6
Thanks guys. Here's what I did for (1):

Suppose [tex]a=hy[/tex] and [tex]b=h'y', h,h' \in H[/tex] and [tex]y, y' \in N[/tex].


By the "Socks-Shoes Property" we get:


(Since N is a normal subgroup of G we have

h'yy'-1h'-1 = z

That is yy'-1h'-1=h'-1z, where [tex]z \in N[/tex].)

Hence: hyy'-1h'-1 = hh'-1 z

For some z in N and hh'-1 in H.

Right? :smile:

For part (2) I tried using the "normal subgroup test":

[tex]HN \triangleleft G \iff xHNx^{-1} \subseteq HN[/tex], [tex]\forall x \in G[/tex]


xHNx-1=H'N' (for some H'N' in HN)

So, [tex]xHNx^{-1} \subseteq HN[/tex]

I could also show the converse of this. But I don't think think this proof is correct. Any help is appreciated. :frown:
  • #7
roam said:
By the "Socks-Shoes Property" we get:

This is gold! :smile:
  • #8
roam said:
Thanks guys. Here's what I did for (1):

Suppose [tex]a=hy[/tex] and [tex]b=h'y', h,h' \in H[/tex] and [tex]y, y' \in N[/tex].


By the "Socks-Shoes Property" we get:


(Since N is a normal subgroup of G we have

h'yy'-1h'-1 = z

This is not true. Normal means hNh-1<N for all h, but this does not imply that hNh'-1 for h different from h'.

Hint: This is where you should try squeezing in an e=gg-1 somewhere in there.
roam said:
For part (2) I tried using the "normal subgroup test":

[tex]HN \triangleleft G \iff xHNx^{-1} \subseteq HN[/tex], [tex]\forall x \in G[/tex]


xHNx-1=H'N' (for some H'N' in HN)

So, [tex]xHNx^{-1} \subseteq HN[/tex]

I could also show the converse of this. But I don't think think this proof is correct. Any help is appreciated. :frown:

First of all, don't use HN (or H'N') to denote an element of the subgroup HN. Capitals denote groups. Little letters denote elements of those groups. So here you consider an arbitrary element g in G and you must show that gHNg-1<HN. Meaning that for any hn in HN, there exists h'n' in HN such that ghng-1=h'n'. What could h' and n' be, knowing that H and N are normal? Again, think multiplication by e.
  • #9
quasar987 said:
This is not true. Normal means hNh-1<N for all h, but this does not imply that hNh'-1 for h different from h'.

Hint: This is where you should try squeezing in an e=gg-1 somewhere in there.

It is possible that h'=h but it doesn't have to be. You have mentioned multiplication by e before, could you please show me clearly what you mean? Because I have no idea...

First of all, don't use HN (or H'N') to denote an element of the subgroup HN. Capitals denote groups. Little letters denote elements of those groups. So here you consider an arbitrary element g in G and you must show that gHNg-1<HN. Meaning that for any hn in HN, there exists h'n' in HN such that ghng-1=h'n'. What could h' and n' be, knowing that H and N are normal? Again, think multiplication by e.

for [tex]g \in G[/tex], gHN is a coset of the form:

[tex]gHN = \{ ghn | h \in H, n \in N \}[/tex]

since H is normal gh can be written as h'g:

[tex]gHN = \{ h'gn | h \in H, n \in N \}[/tex]

Also since [tex]N \triangleleft G[/tex], we can write gn=n'g

[tex]gHN = \{ h' n' g | h \in H, n \in N \} = HNg[/tex]

Is this enough to show that HN is normal?
  • #10
roam said:
It is possible that h'=h but it doesn't have to be. You have mentioned multiplication by e before, could you please show me clearly what you mean? Because I have no idea...

Fair enough if you've never seen this trick before. See below.
roam said:
for [tex]g \in G[/tex], gHN is a coset of the form:

[tex]gHN = \{ ghn | h \in H, n \in N \}[/tex]

since H is normal gh can be written as h'g:

[tex]gHN = \{ h'gn | h \in H, n \in N \}[/tex]

Also since [tex]N \triangleleft G[/tex], we can write gn=n'g

[tex]gHN = \{ h' n' g | h \in H, n \in N \} = HNg[/tex]

Is this enough to show that HN is normal?

That works, yes. (But there are typos: you need to change h for h' and n for n' in those sets)

Here is another proof. I am showing you this so that you see what I mean by "multiplying by e=g-1g".

Consider an arbitrary element g in G. We must show that gHNg-1<HN. Meaning that for any hn in HN, [itex]ghng^{-1}\in HN[/itex]. Well, notice that e, the identity element of the group G can be written as e=g-1g. So we have ghng-1=gheng-1=gh(g-1g)ng-1=(ghg-1)(gng-1). The first factor belongs to H, since H is normal, and the second factor belongs to N, since N is normal. Thus, the product belongs to HN, QED.

So the trick was to write e as g-1g and then squeeze it at the right place. In this case, between the h and the n.
I'm saying that you can make progress in problem (1) by using the same trick.
  • #11
Thank you very much, I understand it now. :smile:

And sorry about the typos, I meant:

[tex]gHN = \{ ghn | h \in H, n \in N \}[/tex]

[tex]gHN = \{ h'gn | h' \in H, n \in N \}[/tex]

and [tex]gHN = \{ h' n' g | h' \in H, n' \in N \} = HNg[/tex].
  • #12
P.S. where would you sqeeze in the e=gg-1 in (1), considering that g and g' are not usually the same and gg'1=e iff g=g'?
  • #13

By the "Socks-Shoes Property" we get:



I leave to you to find how to express e in this case, and to complete the argument.

FAQ: Proof of Normal Subgroups in Group G - HN

1. What is a normal subgroup in group theory?

A normal subgroup in group theory is a subgroup of a larger group that is invariant under conjugation by elements of the larger group. This means that if an element of the larger group is multiplied on the left and right by elements of the normal subgroup, the resulting element will still be in the normal subgroup.

2. How is a normal subgroup denoted in group theory?

In group theory, a normal subgroup is denoted using the symbol "N". This symbol is typically placed as a subscript to the larger group, such as G/N, to indicate that N is a normal subgroup of G.

3. What is the significance of normal subgroups in group theory?

Normal subgroups play a crucial role in the study of group theory because they are used to define and characterize quotient groups. Quotient groups are important for understanding the structure and properties of larger groups, and normal subgroups help to simplify the process of finding and analyzing quotient groups.

4. How is the proof of normal subgroups typically presented in group theory?

The proof of normal subgroups is typically presented using a combination of mathematical notation and logical reasoning. It often involves showing that the defining properties of a normal subgroup (invariance under conjugation) hold for all elements of the larger group. This can be done using specific examples or general algebraic manipulations.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the concept of normal subgroups?

Yes, the concept of normal subgroups has several real-world applications, particularly in the fields of chemistry and physics. For example, it is used in the study of molecular symmetry in chemistry, and in the classification of subatomic particles in physics. Normal subgroups also have applications in cryptography and coding theory.

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