Proof of the integrability of a step function

In summary, the conversation discusses the integrability of a function, with a specific example given. The value of the integral is stated as -7, but there is a problem proving it and determining its integrability. The suggestion is to use finer subdivisions that include the point of discontinuity, and to observe the behavior of the area of the rectangles as the subdivisions get smaller.
  • #1
My second course in analysis and i have a problem which i can't understand

Let f (x) = 1 if 2<=x<4
2 if x =4
-3, if 4<x<=7
Prove that this function is integrable on [2,7], state its value and prove that it is what you say it is.
Obviously integral of f from [2,7] is -7. but its proof and the integrability have me and my friends snagged.

Suggestions anyone?
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  • #2
For any subdivision of [2,7] you can always choose a "finer" subdivision that includes 4 as a break point. That way you can isolate the discontinuity into two subdivisions, say [4-&delta;1,4] and [4,4+&delta;2]. What happens to the area of the rectangle based on those as &delta;1 and &delta;2 go to 0?
  • #3

Firstly, it is important to understand the definition and properties of integrability in order to prove that a function is integrable. A function is said to be integrable on a closed interval [a,b] if it is bounded and the set of its discontinuities has measure zero. In simpler terms, this means that the function must have a finite number of discontinuities and these points must not affect the overall area under the curve.

In the given function, f(x), we can see that it has three discontinuities at x=2, x=4, and x=7. However, these points do not affect the overall area under the curve as they are isolated points and do not form a continuous interval. Therefore, the set of discontinuities has measure zero and the function is bounded, making it integrable on [2,7].

To prove this, we can use the Riemann integral definition. We can divide the interval [2,7] into subintervals of equal length, and choose a partition P such that P = {x0, x1, x2, ..., xn} where x0=2, xn=7, and xi-xi-1 = h. Then, we can calculate the upper and lower sums for this partition as follows:

Upper sum, U(P,f) = ∑(xi-xi-1)sup(f(x)) = (2-2)sup(1) + (4-2)sup(2) + (7-4)sup(-3) = 0 + 4 + (-3) = 1
Lower sum, L(P,f) = ∑(xi-xi-1)inf(f(x)) = (2-2)inf(1) + (4-2)inf(2) + (7-4)inf(-3) = 0 + 2 + (-3) = -1

Now, as we take the limit of these sums as the partition gets finer and finer (i.e. h→0), we can see that both the upper and lower sums converge to the same value, which is -1. Therefore, we can conclude that the function is Riemann integrable on [2,7] and its integral is equal to -1.

In conclusion, the given function is integrable on [2,7] and its integral is equal to -1. This is because the function satisfies the

FAQ: Proof of the integrability of a step function

1. What is a step function?

A step function is a piecewise-defined function that takes on a constant value over various intervals of its domain. It is also known as a staircase function because its graph resembles a set of stairs.

2. How is the integrability of a step function determined?

The integrability of a step function is determined by evaluating the Riemann integral or the Lebesgue integral of the function over a given interval. If the limit of the Riemann sums or the Lebesgue measure of the function exists, then the function is considered to be integrable.

3. Why is it important to prove the integrability of a step function?

Proving the integrability of a step function is important because it allows us to evaluate the area under the curve of the function, which has many practical applications in fields such as physics, economics, and engineering. It also helps us understand the behavior of the function and its properties.

4. What are the conditions for a step function to be considered integrable?

A step function is considered integrable if it is bounded, meaning it has a finite upper and lower limit, and has a finite number of discontinuities within the interval of integration. Additionally, the left and right limits at each discontinuity must exist and be equal.

5. Can a step function be integrable over an unbounded interval?

No, a step function cannot be integrable over an unbounded interval because it fails to meet the condition of being bounded. However, it can be integrable over a finite interval as long as it meets the other conditions for integrability.

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