Proof of Unit Circle: AE = Tan(\theta)

In summary, Homework Equations state that:-AE = tan(\theta)-OF/AC = sin(\theta)-OE/AC = OE - cos(\theta)-AE/OA = AE/1
  • #1

Homework Statement

The problem comes with a diagram but I'll use the wikipedia diagram because it's nice and pretty and I'll just rearrange the letters to suit it.

Just in case the image doesn't load in the page:

Prove that AE = Tan([tex]\theta[/tex])

Similar triangles may help.

Homework Equations

Basic similar triangles equations of:

[tex]\frac{OF}{AC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{OE}{AC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{OA}{FE}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

After working out the above relationship, I've tried to look specifically at the ACE triangle. I already have AC = sin([tex]\theta[/tex]) and EC = OE - cos([tex]\theta[/tex])

AE = [tex]\sqrt{(AC)^{2} + (EC)^{2}}[/tex]
I need to rearrange it somehow so I get: AE = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{sin^{2}(\theta)}{cos^{2}(\theta)}}[/tex] but I'm not sure how to go about this. I'm getting a bit lost/sidetracked so hopefully you can give me some help. There a part (b) in this question but I won't ask about that until after this and hopefully once I can solve this (b) will be easy.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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  • #2
Hmm. I got an email saying that Integral had replied but nothing is showing here.
  • #3
Welcome to PF!

Hi Einstein2nd! Welcome to PF! :smile:

One definition of tan is: "opposite/adjacent".

In this case, in the triangle OAE, the side opposite theta is AE, and the side adjacent to theta is OA.

So tantheta = AE/OA = AE/1 = AE. :smile:

This is actually the reason why it's called the tangent … it's the length of the tangent!
(… the clue's in the name … :wink:)

Alternatively, using similar triangles as suggested:

Hint: OAE is similar to OCA. :smile:
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  • #4
I may be on the wrong track here but you are saying OE = tan(theta) when I was trying to prove AE = tan(theta). Has there been a mixup with the letters on the wikipedia diagram I gave or is there somethign more to it than that?

Thank you for your help so far!
  • #5

Hi Einstein2nd! :smile:

Yes, you're right … I got the letters wrong.

I should have written:

In this case, in the triangle OAE, the side opposite theta is AE, and the side adjacent to theta is OA.

So tantheta = AE/OA = AE/1 = AE. :smile:

Sorry! :redface:

"opposite/adjacent" for tan is right! :smile:

(I've edited my previous post to correct this.)

How are you doing with the similar triangles?
  • #6
All done and proven! I then went on to prove Sec, Cosec and Cot! I'll post answer later as I don't have them on me. Proving Tan wasn't that hard in the end. Similar triangles made it very easy.

FAQ: Proof of Unit Circle: AE = Tan(\theta)

1. What is the proof of the unit circle equation AE = Tan(\theta)?

The proof of the unit circle equation AE = Tan(\theta) involves using the properties of a right triangle, specifically the opposite and adjacent sides, to show that the tangent of an angle is equal to the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side.

2. Why is the unit circle important in mathematics?

The unit circle is important in mathematics because it allows us to easily relate the trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) to angles and points on a circle. It is also used in various applications such as physics, engineering, and calculus.

3. How is the unit circle used to solve trigonometric equations?

The unit circle can be used to solve trigonometric equations by converting angles to their corresponding points on the circle, and then using the values of the trigonometric functions at those points to solve for the unknown variable.

4. Can the proof of the unit circle equation AE = Tan(\theta) be generalized to other trigonometric functions?

Yes, the proof of the unit circle equation AE = Tan(\theta) can be generalized to other trigonometric functions such as sine and cosine. This is because all three functions are related to the sides of a right triangle and the unit circle provides a visual representation of this relationship.

5. How can the unit circle aid in understanding the properties of trigonometric functions?

The unit circle can aid in understanding the properties of trigonometric functions by providing a geometric interpretation of these functions. It allows us to visualize the values of the functions at different angles and understand how they are related to each other.
