Proof of Well Ordering Property

In summary, the proof of the well ordering property states that for any nonempty subset of the natural numbers, there exists a smallest element. This is proven by showing that the greatest lower bound of the subset, inf(S), is either an element of the subset or there exists an element x that is smaller than inf(S)+1, which implies the existence of another element y in the subset. This is justified by the Approximation Property for Infima.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am working through an introductory real analysis textbook and am having a little trouble with certain aspects of the proof of the well ordering property (I am new to proving).

Theorem: Every nonempty subset of the natural numbers (N) has a smallest element.


Let S[itex]\subset[/itex]N and S≠∅. Then inf(S) must exist and be a real number because N has lower bound. If inf(S) [itex]\in[/itex] S, we are done.

If inf(S) [itex]\notin[/itex] S, then it is the greatest lower bound of S but is not min(S). There must be an element x [itex]\in[/itex] S that is smaller than inf(S)+1 since inf(S) is the greatest lower bound of S. Thus we have inf(S) < x < inf(S)+1.

-This is the first part I had trouble with. What is the justification for the fact that inf(S)+1 is greater than some x[itex]\in[/itex]S? From which axiom(s)/definition(s) can we infer that inf(S) is a real number that is greater than the greatest integer not in S?

Since x > inf(S), it is not a lower bound of S. This means there must be another element y[itex]\in[/itex]S such that inf(S) < y < x < inf(S)+1.

-Perhaps due to the earlier misunderstanding,the existence of such a y does not seem readily apparent to me. These two points are my main stumbling blocks and the rest of the proof is clear to me (contingent upon the existence of y). Any elucidation would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
bfh227 said:
If inf(S) [itex]\notin[/itex] S, then it is the greatest lower bound of S but is not min(S). There must be an element x [itex]\in[/itex] S that is smaller than inf(S)+1 since inf(S) is the greatest lower bound of S. Thus we have inf(S) < x < inf(S)+1.

Since x > inf(S), it is not a lower bound of S. This means there must be another element y[itex]\in[/itex]S such that inf(S) < y < x < inf(S)+1.

I believe these both follow from the Approximation Property for Infima. If you haven't seen this before, then it can be proved using the equivalent statement for suprema by considering ##-S##. (and clearly ##\sup(-S)## exists by the Completness axiom)
  • #3
bfh227 said:

Homework Statement

I am working through an introductory real analysis textbook and am having a little trouble with certain aspects of the proof of the well ordering property (I am new to proving).

Theorem: Every nonempty subset of the natural numbers (N) has a smallest element.


Let S[itex]\subset[/itex]N and S≠∅. Then inf(S) must exist and be a real number because N has lower bound. If inf(S) [itex]\in[/itex] S, we are done.

If inf(S) [itex]\notin[/itex] S, then it is the greatest lower bound of S but is not min(S). There must be an element x [itex]\in[/itex] S that is smaller than inf(S)+1 since inf(S) is the greatest lower bound of S. Thus we have inf(S) < x < inf(S)+1.

-This is the first part I had trouble with. What is the justification for the fact that inf(S)+1 is greater than some x[itex]\in[/itex]S? From which axiom(s)/definition(s) can we infer that inf(S) is a real number that is greater than the greatest integer not in S?
For any real number x, there exist at least one integer, N, such that [itex]x\le N\le x+ 1[/itex].

Since x > inf(S), it is not a lower bound of S. This means there must be another element y[itex]\in[/itex]S such that inf(S) < y < x < inf(S)+1.
"inf" means, of course "greatest lower bound". Since inf(S) is the "greatest lower bound" of S there cannot be a lower bound greater than inf(S). Since x> inf(S), x cannot be a lower bound for S. If there did not exist another integer, y, in S, less than x, x would be a lower bound for S.

-Perhaps due to the earlier misunderstanding,the existence of such a y does not seem readily apparent to me. These two points are my main stumbling blocks and the rest of the proof is clear to me (contingent upon the existence of y). Any elucidation would be greatly appreciated.
  • #4
Thanks a lot for the responses. The approximation property for infima does indeed seem to close the gap. Funnily, it wasn't in the textbook.
  • #5
bfh227 said:
Thanks a lot for the responses. The approximation property for infima does indeed seem to close the gap. Funnily, it wasn't in the textbook.

That's okay, it will be in the exercises :smile:

FAQ: Proof of Well Ordering Property

1. What is the Well Ordering Property?

The Well Ordering Property is a mathematical concept that states that every non-empty set of positive integers has a least element. In other words, any set of positive integers will always have a smallest number.

2. Why is the Well Ordering Property important?

The Well Ordering Property is important because it allows us to prove the existence of certain mathematical objects, such as prime numbers and greatest common divisors. It also plays a crucial role in various proofs and theorems in number theory and other branches of mathematics.

3. How is the Well Ordering Property proven?

The Well Ordering Property can be proven using mathematical induction, which is a proof technique that involves showing that a statement is true for a base case and then showing that if it is true for a particular case, it must also be true for the next case. By repeating this process, the Well Ordering Property can be proven for all positive integers.

4. Can the Well Ordering Property be applied to other sets besides positive integers?

While the Well Ordering Property is typically applied to sets of positive integers, it can also be extended to other sets, such as rational or real numbers. However, for these sets, the proof of the Well Ordering Property becomes more complex and may require the use of advanced mathematical concepts.

5. What are some examples of the Well Ordering Property in action?

The Well Ordering Property can be seen in various mathematical concepts and proofs, such as Euclid's algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers and the proof of the infinitude of prime numbers. It is also used in the definition of the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of two numbers.
