Proof showing that if F is an antiderivative of f, then f must be continuous.

In summary, we want to show that if F is an antiderivative of f on [a,b] and c is in (a,b), then f cannot have a jump or removable discontinuity at c. To do this, we assume that f does have a jump or removable discontinuity at c and show that this leads to a contradiction. We first define the situation and state the hint, which is to assume that f has a discontinuity at c and show that either F'(c) does not exist or F'(c) does not equal f(c). We then attempt a proof by contradiction by assuming that f has a discontinuity at c and try to use this to prove that F'(c) does not exist. However, we
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that if F is an antiderivative of f on [a,b] and c is in (a,b), then f cannot have a jump or removable discontinuity at c. Hint: assume that it does and show that either F'(c) does not exist or F'(c) does not equal f(c).

2. The attempt at a solution
I attempted a proof by contradiction where I said that for the sake of contradiction we should let f have a discontinuity at point c, and I would like to use this to prove that F'(c) doesn't exist, but I'm not quite sure how a discontinuity on f affects F given that f is the derivative of F.
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  • #2
werty32 said:

Homework Statement

Show that if F is an antiderivative of f on [a,b] and c is in (a,b), then f cannot have a jump or removable discontinuity at c. Hint: assume that it does and show that either F'(c) does not exist or F'(c) does not equal f(c).

2. The attempt at a solution
I attempted a proof by contradiction where I said that for the sake of contradiction we should let f have a discontinuity at point c, and I would like to use this to prove that F'(c) doesn't exist, but I'm not quite sure how a discontinuity on f affects F given that f is the derivative of F.

I haven't worked your problem out, but since you don't see how a discontinuity in ##f## affects ##F##, I would suggest you try some examples. For example look at what happens if ##f(x)=0,~0\le x\le \frac 1 2## and ##f(x) = 1,~\frac 1 2 < x \le 1##. What does ##F## look like in that case? That might give you some ideas.
  • #3
If I'm interpreting the problem correctly, it is basically saying the following:

Assume ##F## is continuous on ##[a,b]## and differentiable on ##(a,b)## with ##f=F'##. Show that ##f## has no jump or removable discontinuities on ##(a,b)##.

The "jump or removable" part of the problem is essential. Derivatives can be discontinuous; look at the function $$f(x)=
x^2\sin\frac{1}{x} & x\neq 0\\ 0 & x=0\end{cases}$$
The function is differentiable everywhere, but the derivative is not continuous at ##0##.

I would focus on one-sided limits of the derivative if I were you; i.e. show that if ##c\in (a,b)## and ##\lim\limits_{x\rightarrow c^\pm}f'(x)## exists, then ##\lim\limits_{x\rightarrow c^\pm}f'(x)=f'(c)##. That's the essence of what distinguishes the jump/removable discontinuities from the less "tame" kinds; the (one-sided) limit exists, but isn't equal to the value of the function.
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FAQ: Proof showing that if F is an antiderivative of f, then f must be continuous.

1. What is an antiderivative?

An antiderivative is a function that, when differentiated, gives the original function. In other words, it is the inverse operation of differentiation.

2. How do you prove that an antiderivative implies continuity?

To prove that an antiderivative F of a function f implies continuity, we use the fundamental theorem of calculus. This theorem states that if F is an antiderivative of f, then F is continuous on the interval [a,b] and the derivative of F at any point c in [a,b] is equal to f(c).

3. Can a function have multiple antiderivatives?

Yes, a function can have multiple antiderivatives. This is because the derivative of a constant is always 0, so any constant can be added to an antiderivative without changing the original function.

4. What is the relationship between continuity and differentiability?

A function is continuous at a point if it is defined at that point and its limit exists at that point. If a function is continuous at a point, it is also differentiable at that point. This means that a function must be continuous in order to have an antiderivative.

5. Is an antiderivative always unique?

No, an antiderivative is not always unique. As mentioned earlier, a function can have multiple antiderivatives due to the constant of integration. Additionally, some functions may not have an antiderivative at all. However, if an antiderivative exists, it will always be unique up to a constant.
