Proof: τ^2=σ for Odd k-Cycle σ in Symmetric Groups

In summary: Then you can just use induction on the number of 2-cycles in the product.In summary, the proof for the existence of a cycle τ such that τ^2=σ, where σ is a k-cycle with k odd, involves using the fact that every cycle in Sn can be written as the product of disjoint cycles and transpositions. To prove that every element of An is a product of n-cycles, it is helpful to consider the parity of the group element and use induction on the number of 2-cycles in the product. A possible pattern for creating an arbitrary product of a pair of disjoint 2-cycles involves using a product of n-cycles in the form (x1, xn, xn-1, ...,
  • #1
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If σ is a k-cycle with k odd, prove that there is a cycle τ such that τ^2=σ.

I know that every cycle in Sn is the product of disjoint cycles as well as the product of transpositions; however, I'm not sure if using these facts would help me with this proof. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
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  • #2
tropian1 said:
If σ is a k-cycle with k odd, prove that there is a cycle τ such that τ^2=σ.

I know that every cycle in Sn is the product of disjoint cycles as well as the product of transpositions; however, I'm not sure if using these facts would help me with this proof. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Here's a general strategy for problems like this. Start with simple cases. Take (123). That's (132)^2. Easy enough. Now try (12345). Just use trial and error. Can you see any pattern emerging you can use to solve the general case?
  • #3
If k is odd, then k=2n+1 for some n. That would be a good place to start.

(edited to change order to parity)

(edited again to write out what k is)

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  • #4
fourier jr said:
If k is odd, then the order of σ is even. That would be a good place to start.

Hah. That's a better solution. I like it.
  • #5
fourier jr said:
If k is odd, then k=2n+1 for some n. That would be a good place to start.

(edited to change order to parity)

(edited again to write out what k is)


Doh, here too. But I know what you are onto. The parity of the group element is even but the order of the group element is odd. That's all you need. You could also discover a form for the square root by using my route.
  • #6
Okay, I got it now. Thanks! There's another one I can't figure out.

Prove that every element of An is a product of n-cycles.

I always think of induction when I see a "for every element of such and such", but I don't think induction would be the right direction for this one. Instead, I would let α∈An where α is arbitrary and try to show that this can be written as the product of n-cycles. How could I get this to work?
  • #7
I haven't thought very hard about it but I think parity might be important in that one because An is the subgroup of even permutations. So any element of An can be written as a product of an even number of transpositions, & so would any product of any number of elements. So whatever you get will be another even permutation. I don't know if that matters & I'm not sure off the top of my head why they have to be n-cycles (although I can believe it) so maybe that doesn't help, that's just the first thing I thought of.
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  • #8
So I noticed that if n is odd it seems a lot easier because n-cycles are already even. If n is even there are no n-cycles in An so I had to make some & I found that (fingers crossed) the following product of n-cycles works to create some (n-1)-cycles which will be in An:
$$(x_{1},\,x_{n},\, x_{n-1},\, ...,\,x_{2})(x_{1},\,x_{3},\,x_{5},\,...,\,x_{n-1},\,x_{2},\,x_{4},\,...,\,x_{n}) = (x_{1},\, x_{2},\, x_{3},\,...,\,x_{n-1})(x_{n})$$

For example if n is 4 I have (1432)(1324) = (123)(4) & if n is 6, (165432)(135246) = (12345)(6) etc just relabel the ##x_{k}## to get whatever elements are needed & they're products of n-cycles. I think that's one way it could work... :olduhh:
  • #9
fourier jr said:
So I noticed that if n is odd it seems a lot easier because n-cycles are already even. If n is even there are no n-cycles in An so I had to make some & I found that (fingers crossed) the following product of n-cycles works to create some (n-1)-cycles which will be in An:
$$(x_{1},\,x_{n},\, x_{n-1},\, ...,\,x_{2})(x_{1},\,x_{3},\,x_{5},\,...,\,x_{n-1},\,x_{2},\,x_{4},\,...,\,x_{n}) = (x_{1},\, x_{2},\, x_{3},\,...,\,x_{n-1})(x_{n})$$

For example if n is 4 I have (1432)(1324) = (123)(4) & if n is 6, (165432)(135246) = (12345)(6) etc just relabel the ##x_{k}## to get whatever elements are needed & they're products of n-cycles. I think that's one way it could work... :olduhh:

We are probably getting close to doing too much thinking for tropian1 with too little feedback, but think about generators for ##A_n##. ##S_n## is generated by all transpositions (2-cycles). ##A_n## is generated by all products of pairs of transpositions, yes? Wouldn't it be nice if you could make a pattern where the product of two n-cycles could create an arbitrary product of a pair of disjoint 2-cycles? You are going to need n>3, of course.
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FAQ: Proof: τ^2=σ for Odd k-Cycle σ in Symmetric Groups

What is a symmetric group?

A symmetric group is a mathematical concept that represents the group of all possible permutations of a set. In other words, it is a group of transformations that can be applied to a set to rearrange its elements in different ways.

How do you prove that a group is symmetric?

To prove that a group is symmetric, we need to show that it has certain properties. These properties include closure, associativity, identity element, and inverse element. If a group satisfies all of these properties, it is considered a symmetric group.

What is the significance of symmetric groups in mathematics?

Symmetric groups have many applications in mathematics, particularly in the study of abstract algebra and group theory. They are also used in fields such as combinatorics, cryptography, and even physics. Understanding symmetric groups can help us better understand the structure and properties of different mathematical systems.

Can you give an example of a symmetric group?

One example of a symmetric group is the permutation group on a set of n elements, denoted by Sn. This group consists of all possible ways to rearrange n elements, and has n! elements. For instance, S3 would have 6 elements, representing all possible ways to rearrange 3 objects.

How do you prove the symmetry of a specific permutation?

To prove the symmetry of a specific permutation, we need to show that it satisfies the properties of a symmetric group. This includes showing that it is closed under composition, associative, has an identity element, and has an inverse element for each element in the group. We can also show the symmetry of a permutation by constructing a group table and showing that it is a valid group operation.
