Proof That 10-adic Number B is Divisible by A

In summary, we can prove that a 10-adic number B is divisible by A if 2^q*5^p*B has p+q zeroes at the end, by showing that B can be written as B = 2^q*5^p*C'*D, where D is a 10-adic number with at least p+q digits to the right of the decimal point, and then using the fact that A = 2^q*5^p*C to simplify and show that A divides B.
  • #1
The question at hand:

Let A be a 10-adic number, not a zero divisor. Proof that a 10-adic number B is dividible by A if 2^q*5^p*B has ends with p+q zeroes.

My work so far:

Because A is not a zero divisor, it is not dividible by all powers of 2 nor 5, so it follows from a theorem that A = 2^q*5^p*C with C invertible and p and q natural numbers. Now I have no clue how to connect this with 0. If anybody could help me out, I would be very grateful.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2


Great question! Let's start by breaking down the problem into smaller parts. First, we know that A is a 10-adic number, meaning it can be represented as a series of digits in base 10 with infinitely many digits to the left of the decimal point. Second, we know that A is not a zero divisor, meaning it is not equal to zero and does not multiply to give zero.

Next, you correctly stated that A can be written as A = 2^q*5^p*C, where C is an invertible 10-adic number and p and q are natural numbers. This means that A has a finite number of digits to the left of the decimal point, specifically p digits of 5 and q digits of 2.

Now, let's look at the number B. We know that B is also a 10-adic number, and we want to show that it is divisible by A. We are given that 2^q*5^p*B has p+q zeroes at the end. This means that B has at least p+q digits of 2 and 5 combined to the right of the decimal point.

To show that B is divisible by A, we can rewrite B as B = 2^q*5^p*C'*D, where C' is an invertible 10-adic number and D is the remaining digits of B. Notice that D has at least p+q digits to the right of the decimal point, which means it can be written as D = 2^(p+q)*E, where E is a 10-adic number.

Now, let's look at the product 2^q*5^p*B. This can be rewritten as 2^q*5^p*2^q*5^p*C'*D, which simplifies to 2^(2q)*5^(2p)*C'*E. Notice that the product ends with p+q zeroes, just like we were given in the problem.

Since C' is an invertible 10-adic number, we can divide both sides by it, giving us 2^(2q)*5^(2p)*E = A*B. This shows that A divides B, as desired.

I hope this helps to connect the given information with the concept of zero divisors and to prove that A divides B. Let me know

FAQ: Proof That 10-adic Number B is Divisible by A

What is a 10-adic number?

A 10-adic number is a type of number used in mathematics that is based on the base-10 number system. It is represented as an infinite sequence of digits, with each digit representing the value of the number in a specific place value. For example, the 10-adic number 123... would represent the value of 1*10^2 + 2*10^1 + 3*10^0, which is 123.

What does it mean for a 10-adic number to be divisible by another number?

A 10-adic number B is said to be divisible by another number A if there exists another 10-adic number C such that B = A*C. In other words, B can be evenly divided by A without leaving a remainder.

How is the proof that 10-adic number B is divisible by A typically shown?

The proof that 10-adic number B is divisible by A is typically shown using mathematical notation and equations. It may involve using the properties of modular arithmetic and the definition of divisibility to demonstrate that B can be expressed as a multiple of A.

What are some practical applications of understanding 10-adic numbers and divisibility?

Understanding 10-adic numbers and divisibility can be useful in various fields of mathematics, such as number theory and cryptography. It can also be applied in computer science and engineering, particularly in the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures.

Are there any limitations to using 10-adic numbers and divisibility in mathematical calculations?

While 10-adic numbers and divisibility can be useful in certain mathematical contexts, they may not always be applicable or efficient in every situation. Some calculations involving 10-adic numbers can be complex and time-consuming, and there may be alternative methods that are more suitable for specific problems.

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