Proof that Fin.-Gen. Group G is Fund. Group of 2-Cell Complex

  • Thread starter Bacle
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In summary, the conversation discusses the proof or reference for every finitely-generated group G being the fundamental group of a 2-cell complex. This can be shown using Reidemeister-Schreier's theorem or by defining a right action of G on a set of vertices and using 1-complex and 2-cells to describe the relations of G. The conversation also mentions the need to prove that the group of relations is finitely generated and does not introduce any extra relations. One possible solution is to start with the one point join of finitely many circles and attach a 2-disc to each generator of the group of relations.
  • #1
Hi, Everyone:

I am looking for a proof or ref. that every finitely-generated group G is the
fundamental group of a 2-cell complex.

This is either a corollary of Reidemeister-Schreier's theorem/method for producing
a presentation of a subgroup H from the presentation of the supergroup G , or, in
some versions, it is the actual theorem.

I am not sure of how it works, but I know the following, from what I read (a paper
with missing source, unfortunately):

I know we define a right action of G on a set V, where V are the vertices --0-cells--
by adjoining vertex vi with vertex vi.g ( so that we have a regular graph whose degree
is the cardinality of G ; every vertex v has |G| outgoing vertices {v.g:g in G} , and
|G| incoming vertices ; we join vg^-1 with v through g, since vg^-1g=v=v_id); then there is a vertex between v, vg_i, vg_ig_j,...; and between vg_k and {vg_k.g_j, vg_k.g_j.g_r ,..} , etc. To each path in the graph, we associate a word: the path joining , say, vgi to vgi.gj to vgi.gj.gk is assigned the word gi.gj.gk , etc.

Then the 1-complex, i.e., the edges describe the action, and the 2-cells are
used to describe the relations of G. The relations are elements of the stabilizer of
all x, i.e., a relation is a word in G that produces a loop at each vertex v (i.e.,
for every vg_k the relation-word {g_i1.g_i2...g_ik} sends every element into a loop,
so that, for all g_o in G , we get v_go.( g_i1.g_i2...g_ik)=v_go )

We then somehow use the relations as polygons.

Thanks for any Reference.
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  • #2

Bacle said:
Hi, Everyone:

I am looking for a proof or ref. that every finitely-generated group G is the
fundamental group of a 2-cell complex.

This is either a corollary of Reidemeister-Schreier's theorem/method for producing
a presentation of a subgroup H from the presentation of the supergroup G , or, in
some versions, it is the actual theorem.

I am not sure of how it works, but I know the following, from what I read (a paper
with missing source, unfortunately):

I know we define a right action of G on a set V, where V are the vertices --0-cells--
by adjoining vertex vi with vertex vi.g ( so that we have a regular graph whose degree
is the cardinality of G ; every vertex v has |G| outgoing vertices {v.g:g in G} , and
|G| incoming vertices ; we join vg^-1 with v through g, since vg^-1g=v=v_id); then there is a vertex between v, vg_i, vg_ig_j,...; and between vg_k and {vg_k.g_j, vg_k.g_j.g_r ,..} , etc. To each path in the graph, we associate a word: the path joining , say, vgi to vgi.gj to vgi.gj.gk is assigned the word gi.gj.gk , etc.

Then the 1-complex, i.e., the edges describe the action, and the 2-cells are
used to describe the relations of G. The relations are elements of the stabilizer of
all x, i.e., a relation is a word in G that produces a loop at each vertex v (i.e.,
for every vg_k the relation-word {g_i1.g_i2...g_ik} sends every element into a loop,
so that, for all g_o in G , we get v_go.( g_i1.g_i2...g_ik)=v_go )

We then somehow use the relations as polygons.

Thanks for any Reference.

I am not sure how to do this but ... why not start with the one point join of finitely many circles, one for each generator of the group. Its fundamental group is the free group on the generators. The normal subgroup of relations in your group defines paths that must be null homotopic. Attach a 2 disc to each of a set of generators of this group and you should be done.

What needs proof it seems is:

The group of relations is finitely generated.

No extra relations are introduced.
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  • #3

Thanks, Lavinia, that's a good lead.

FAQ: Proof that Fin.-Gen. Group G is Fund. Group of 2-Cell Complex

1. What is a 2-cell complex?

A 2-cell complex is a mathematical structure made up of points, edges, and faces. It is a two-dimensional space that can be represented as a graph or a network.

2. How is a 2-cell complex related to the fundamental group?

A 2-cell complex is used to study the fundamental group of a topological space, which is a mathematical way of understanding the holes and connectivity of a space. The 2-cell complex provides a visual representation of the fundamental group and helps to determine its properties.

3. What is the Fin.-Gen. Group G in this proof?

The Fin.-Gen. Group G refers to the fundamental group of the 2-cell complex being studied. It is a group of mathematical objects that represent the topological structure of the 2-cell complex.

4. Why is it important to prove that Fin.-Gen. Group G is a Fund. Group of 2-Cell Complex?

Proving that Fin.-Gen. Group G is a Fund. Group of 2-Cell Complex is important because it confirms that the fundamental group of the 2-cell complex is a valid mathematical object. This proof also helps to understand the properties and behavior of the fundamental group in relation to the 2-cell complex.

5. What are some applications of this proof?

This proof has many applications in mathematics and other fields such as physics and engineering. It can be used to study the topology of various spaces, understand the behavior of groups, and even model real-world systems. This proof also has implications in computer science, particularly in the field of computer graphics and animation.

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