- #1
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i am trying to prove that
[tex]\nabla V[/tex]
which has components
[tex](\nabla V)^\alpha{}_{\beta} = V^\alpha{}_{;\beta}[/tex]
is a (1,1) tensor using the equation
[tex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial x^\beta} = V^\alpha{}_{;\beta}e_{\alpha}[/tex]
this is pretty much chinese to me, but after reading a few things on this site and trying to decipher my lecture notes this is the progress i made (not much at all). i don't understand any of this tensor and one-form business but i found out that a (1,1) tensor is a 3x3 matrix which sounds easy enough to deal with
i said
[tex]V^\alpha{}_{;\beta} = \frac{\partial V^\alpha}{\partial x^\beta}+V^\mu \Gamma^\alpha_{\mu\beta}[/tex]
the RHS is the components of the vector
[tex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial x^\beta}[/tex]
as my understanding of it goes, the superscripts and subscripts can take values of 0,1,2,3 since they are greek characters so that would make me guess that [tex]\nabla V[/tex] is a 4x4 matrix and god knows what that is as a tensor.
any one have any ideas on how to do this
i am trying to prove that
[tex]\nabla V[/tex]
which has components
[tex](\nabla V)^\alpha{}_{\beta} = V^\alpha{}_{;\beta}[/tex]
is a (1,1) tensor using the equation
[tex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial x^\beta} = V^\alpha{}_{;\beta}e_{\alpha}[/tex]
this is pretty much chinese to me, but after reading a few things on this site and trying to decipher my lecture notes this is the progress i made (not much at all). i don't understand any of this tensor and one-form business but i found out that a (1,1) tensor is a 3x3 matrix which sounds easy enough to deal with
i said
[tex]V^\alpha{}_{;\beta} = \frac{\partial V^\alpha}{\partial x^\beta}+V^\mu \Gamma^\alpha_{\mu\beta}[/tex]
the RHS is the components of the vector
[tex]\frac{\partial V}{\partial x^\beta}[/tex]
as my understanding of it goes, the superscripts and subscripts can take values of 0,1,2,3 since they are greek characters so that would make me guess that [tex]\nabla V[/tex] is a 4x4 matrix and god knows what that is as a tensor.
any one have any ideas on how to do this