Proofs of Symmetrized Trace of F^4 for Non-Abelian Gauge Field

  • Thread starter wac03
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In summary: Your Name]In summary, the symmetrized trace formalism is a useful tool in non-abelian gauge theories, including the Born-Infeld theory. At fourth order in the field strength, the symmetrized trace of F^4 is given by the expression sTr(F^4) = F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{ml}F_{rl} + 1/2F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{rl}F_{ml}. This can be verified using the properties of the symmetrized trace and by referring to literature on the topic.
  • #1
my question is pretty technical,
in the course of studying the non-abelian Born-Infeld, i have tried to write out the Born-Infeld langrangian written using the symmetrized trace formalism, i have met at the fourth order of field strength the term
sTr(F^4) =F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{ml}F_{rl}+1/2F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{rl}F_{ml}
which looks at leat for me so involved to get proved.

My given is,
F is field strength of nonabelian gauge field
F is g-valued (g is Lie algbra of nonabelian compact gauge group G)
Fi is in the fundamental representation of g.
i will be so grateful if someone could give me hints or something which could hel to verify the relation in question
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  • #2

Thank you for your question about the non-abelian Born-Infeld theory. It is a complex and interesting topic, and I am happy to help you with your inquiry.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the symmetrized trace formalism is a useful tool for simplifying calculations in non-abelian gauge theories. It involves taking the symmetrized trace of products of field strengths, which helps to eliminate some of the complicated terms that arise in these types of theories.

In the case of the Born-Infeld theory, the symmetrized trace of F^4 is given by the expression you have mentioned: sTr(F^4) = F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{ml}F_{rl} + 1/2F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{rl}F_{ml}. This term arises at fourth order in the field strength because of the non-linear nature of the Born-Infeld action.

To verify this relation, you can use the properties of the symmetrized trace, such as cyclicity and invariance under cyclic permutations. You can also use the fact that the field strength F is g-valued and Fi is in the fundamental representation of g. These properties will help you simplify the expression and verify its correctness.

Additionally, you can refer to literature on the non-abelian Born-Infeld theory, which discusses the symmetrized trace formalism and its implications in detail. This will give you a better understanding of the theory and help you with your calculations.

I hope this helps you in verifying the relation you have mentioned. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. Good luck with your research.
  • #3

Thank you for your question. The proof for the symmetrized trace of F^4 for non-abelian gauge fields is indeed quite technical and involves multiple steps. I will try to provide some hints and guidance on how to approach this proof.

Firstly, it is important to note that the symmetrized trace is defined as sTr(A) = Tr(PA), where P is the symmetrization operator defined as P(A) = 1/n!∑σ∈Sn Aσ, where Sn is the symmetric group of order n. In the case of F^4, we have n=4, so the symmetrization operator becomes P(A) = 1/4! (A + A12 + A13 + A14 + A23 + A24 + A34 + A123 + A124 + A134 + A234 + A1234), where the subscripts indicate the indices of the matrix elements.

Now, to prove the relation sTr(F^4) = F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{ml}F_{rl}+1/2F_{mn}F_{rn}F_{rl}F_{ml}, we need to expand the symmetrized trace using the definition of the symmetrization operator. This will give us a sum of terms, each of which will have four field strength tensors F_{mn}. We can then use the properties of the trace and the Lie algebra of the non-abelian gauge group to simplify this expression.

One important property to keep in mind is that the trace of a product of matrices is invariant under cyclic permutations. This means that we can rearrange the order of the matrices inside the trace without changing its value. Another useful property is that the trace of a product of matrices is also invariant under conjugation. This means that we can replace the matrices with their conjugates without changing the value of the trace.

Using these properties, we can rearrange and simplify the terms in the expanded expression for sTr(F^4). We will also need to use the Jacobi identity and the commutation relations of the Lie algebra of the non-abelian gauge group to simplify the expression further.

I cannot provide a complete step-by-step proof here, but I hope these hints will help you in verifying the given relation. I would also suggest consulting textbooks or other resources on non-abelian gauge fields for more detailed explanations and examples.

Related to Proofs of Symmetrized Trace of F^4 for Non-Abelian Gauge Field

1. What is the symmetrized trace of F^4 for non-Abelian gauge fields?

The symmetrized trace of F^4 for non-Abelian gauge fields is a mathematical expression that describes the behavior of the field strength tensor (F) in a non-Abelian gauge theory. It is a fourth-order polynomial in the components of F, which is symmetrized to account for the non-commutativity of the gauge fields.

2. Why is the symmetrized trace of F^4 important in non-Abelian gauge theories?

The symmetrized trace of F^4 is important because it is a crucial term in the Lagrangian density of non-Abelian gauge theories. It contributes to the interactions between the gauge fields and other particles, and helps to explain the symmetries and dynamics of these theories.

3. How is the symmetrized trace of F^4 calculated?

The symmetrized trace of F^4 is calculated by taking the trace of the product of the field strength tensor with itself, after symmetrizing the components of F. This involves using the group structure constants and the Lie algebra of the non-Abelian gauge group.

4. What are the physical implications of the symmetrized trace of F^4?

The symmetrized trace of F^4 has important physical implications in non-Abelian gauge theories. It contributes to the self-interactions of the gauge fields, and plays a role in the generation of mass for certain particles. It also helps to explain the behavior of the gauge fields in different energy regimes.

5. How does the symmetrized trace of F^4 relate to other terms in the Lagrangian density?

The symmetrized trace of F^4 is just one term in the Lagrangian density of non-Abelian gauge theories. It is related to other terms, such as the kinetic energy terms for the gauge fields and the Higgs potential, through the equations of motion. These equations describe the dynamics of the gauge fields and their interactions with other particles.

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