Proper Acceleration: Why d^2x^α/dτ^2 is Not Ideal

In summary: I'd recommend against it.In summary, the proper acceleration is a three-vector, not a four-vector. The magnitude of the four-acceleration is equal to the magnitude of the proper acceleration.
  • #1
kent davidge
Why ##d^2 x^\alpha / d\tau^2## is not considered a good expression for the proper acceleration (of a massive particle whose proper time is ##\tau## and coordinates are ##x^\alpha##)?
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  • #2
It's just a matter of terminology.

The quantity you've given is the four-acceleration.

The term proper acceleration refers to the three-acceleration as measured in the traveler's instantaneous rest frame.

They're related, though:
  • In the traveler's instantaneous rest frame, the time component of the four-acceleration vanishes and the three-vector spatial component is just the proper acceleration.
  • It follows that the magnitude of the four-acceleration is equal to the magnitude of the proper acceleration.
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  • #3
kent davidge said:
Why ##d^2 x^\alpha / d\tau^2## is not considered a good expression for the proper acceleration

Who says it isn't?
  • #4
SiennaTheGr8 said:
The term proper acceleration refers to the three-acceleration as measured in the traveler's instantaneous rest frame.

According to whom?
  • #5
kent davidge said:
Why ##d^2 x^\alpha / d\tau^2## is not considered a good expression for the proper acceleration (of a massive particle whose proper time is ##\tau## and coordinates are ##x^\alpha##)?

Well, in two dimensions, consider an object that is traveling in a circle of radius ##R## at constant angular velocity. In polar coordinates:

##x^r = R##
##x^\theta = \omega \tau##

So ##\frac{d^2 x^\alpha}{d\tau^2} = 0##. But obviously, it's undergoing centripetal acceleration.

The error is that velocity is a vector, which can be written in the form ##V = V^\alpha e_\alpha##. Velocity can change either by having the components ##V^\alpha## change, or by having the basis vectors ##e_\alpha## change. So a correct approach is not to use components, but to use vectors:

##V = V^\alpha e_\alpha = \frac{dx^\alpha}{d\tau} e_\alpha##
##A = \frac{dV}{d\tau} = \frac{d^2 x^\alpha}{d\tau^2} e_\alpha + \frac{dx^\alpha}{d\tau} \frac{d e_\alpha}{d\tau}##

To compute ##\frac{d e_\alpha}{d\tau}##, you use the chain rule: ##\frac{d e_\alpha}{d\tau} = (\nabla_\beta\ e_\alpha) \frac{d x^\beta}{d\tau}##

By definition, ##\nabla_\beta e_\alpha = \Gamma^\gamma_{\beta \alpha} e_\gamma##. So

##\frac{dx^\alpha}{d\tau} \frac{d e_\alpha}{d\tau} = \frac{dx^\alpha}{d\tau} \Gamma^\gamma_{\beta \alpha} e_\gamma = \frac{dx^\gamma}{d\tau} \Gamma^\alpha_{\beta \gamma} e_\alpha## (renaming the dummy indices ##\alpha## and ##\gamma## to ##\gamma## and ##\alpha##). So

##A = (\frac{d^2 x^\alpha}{d\tau^2} + \Gamma^\alpha_{\beta \gamma} \frac{dx^\gamma}{d\tau} \frac{dx^\beta}{d\tau}) e_\alpha##

So ##A^\alpha = \frac{d^2 x^\alpha}{d\tau^2} + \Gamma^\alpha_{\beta \gamma} \frac{dx^\gamma}{d\tau} \frac{dx^\beta}{d\tau}##

The ##\Gamma^\alpha_{\beta \gamma}## takes into account the variation of the basis vectors from point to point.
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  • #6
  • #7
Yes, I should have qualified my comment by noting that usage varies.

There are at least 3 competing conventions for using the term proper:
  1. To describe frame-dependent quantities as measured in the relevant (instantaneous) rest frame. Almost everybody does this for proper time, proper distance, and proper length. Many (most?) people do this for proper acceleration and proper force, too, though generally not for "proper velocity" (which would always be the zero three-vector).
  2. To describe the proper-time derivatives of frame-dependent quantities (e.g., to call ##d \vec p / d \tau## "proper force," or to call ##d \vec r / d \tau## "proper velocity" instead of "celerity").
  3. As another word for four-vectors (so "proper velocity" would be the four-velocity, and "proper acceleration" would be the four-acceleration).
I'm partial to the first of these conventions. It strikes me as the most consistent and the most useful.
  • #8
@SiennaTheGr8 , looking on @stevendaryl 's post, I think maybe you mean that the proper acceleration equals my expression in the OP in a locally inertial frame? Instead of
SiennaTheGr8 said:
In the traveler's instantaneous rest frame, the time component of the four-acceleration vanishes and the three-vector spatial component is just the proper acceleration
  • #9
SiennaTheGr8 said:
The quantity you've given is the four-acceleration.
I think that it is worth explicitly pointing out that, as shown in #5, this is only true in standard coordinates on Minkowski space. The generalised expression for the 4-acceleration is ##A=\nabla_V V##, with ##V## being the 4-velocity.
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  • #10
kent davidge said:
@SiennaTheGr8 , looking on @stevendaryl 's post, I think maybe you mean that the proper acceleration equals my expression in the OP in a locally inertial frame?

No, the "proper acceleration" I was talking about in that post is a three-vector, not a four-vector.
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  • #11
kent davidge said:
Why ##d^2 x^\alpha / d\tau^2## is not considered a good expression for the proper acceleration (of a massive particle whose proper time is ##\tau## and coordinates are ##x^\alpha##)?

That expression is a 4-vector, and is usually called the "four-acceleration".

So we'd write ##a^i = d^2 x^i / d\tau^2##, and call ##a^i## the four-acceleration.

The magnitiude of ##a^i##, namely ##\sqrt{|g_{ij}\, a^i \,a^j|} = \sqrt{|a_j \,a^j|}## is usually called the proper acceleration. The absolute value signs may or may not be needed, depending on sign conventions, but it's safer to include them.

It's basically just a matter of semantics, and style. I wouldn't guarantee that nobody has ever called ##d^2 x^\alpha / d\tau^2## the proper acceleration, but I'd call it the 4-acceleration myself.
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  • #12
Here's what I meant, @kent davidge.

In Minkowski/Lorentz coordinates in flat spacetime, with ##c=1##, the four-acceleration is:

##\vec A = \dfrac{d \vec V}{d \tau} = \dfrac{d}{d \tau} \left( \cosh \phi, \, \hat v \sinh \phi \right) = \left( \sinh \phi \, \dfrac{d \phi}{d \tau}, \, \hat v \cosh \phi \, \dfrac{d \phi}{d \tau} + \dfrac{d \hat v}{d \tau} \, \sinh \phi \right) ##,

where ##\vec V## is the four-velocity, ##\tau## is the proper time, and ##\phi## is the rapidity ##\tanh^{-1} v##. In the traveler's instantaneous rest frame (##\phi = 0##), that's just:

##\vec A_{rest} = \left( 0, \, \hat v \, \dfrac{d \phi}{d \tau} \right)##.

But in the rest frame it's also the case that ##d \phi / d \tau = dv / dt = a## and ##\hat v = \hat a##, so:

##\vec A_{rest} = \left( 0, \, \vec a \right)##.
  • #13
SiennaTheGr8 said:
But in the rest frame it's also the case that ... ##\hat v = \hat a##

Come to think of it, this is kind of a strange thing to say.

Perhaps somebody could set me straight—is it "okay" to resolve the acceleration vector into components parallel and perpendicular to the velocity in the rest frame like this?

FAQ: Proper Acceleration: Why d^2x^α/dτ^2 is Not Ideal

1. What is proper acceleration?

Proper acceleration is the acceleration experienced by an object in its own frame of reference. It takes into account the effects of both time dilation and length contraction. This is different from coordinate acceleration, which is the acceleration measured by an outside observer.

2. Why is d^2x^α/dτ^2 used to measure proper acceleration?

The expression d^2x^α/dτ^2, also known as the four-acceleration, is used to measure proper acceleration because it takes into account both the spatial and temporal components of acceleration in a curved spacetime. It is a more accurate measure of acceleration in relativity than the traditional three-dimensional acceleration used in Newtonian mechanics.

3. What does it mean for d^2x^α/dτ^2 to be "not ideal"?

When we say that d^2x^α/dτ^2 is not ideal, we mean that it is not a constant value. In a flat spacetime, the four-acceleration would be constant for an object moving at a constant velocity. However, in a curved spacetime, the four-acceleration will vary as the object moves through different gravitational fields.

4. How does proper acceleration affect the motion of objects?

Proper acceleration affects the motion of objects by causing them to follow curved paths in spacetime. In a flat spacetime, objects would follow straight lines at a constant velocity. However, in a curved spacetime, the four-acceleration will cause objects to deviate from these straight paths, resulting in curved motion.

5. What are some real-world applications of understanding proper acceleration?

Understanding proper acceleration is crucial for accurately predicting the motion of objects in space, especially in the presence of strong gravitational fields. It is also important for understanding the effects of relativity in fields such as astrophysics and cosmology. Proper acceleration is also relevant in fields such as aerospace engineering and navigation, where precise calculations of acceleration are necessary for the successful operation of spacecraft and satellites.

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