Proportion of energy compared to mass in universe

In summary, the Wiki article suggests that there is nothing that exists as energy form except dark energy - which we are yet to see - and every observable exists as matter forms.
  • #1
In Wikipedia article dark matter, there is a picture that shows us the proportion of matter and energy in the current universe - CMB.

It seems to suggest there is nothing that exists as energy form except dark energy - which we are yet to see - and every observable exists as matter forms.

Is this correct interpretation?

Of course, I know that matter's mass can be converted into energy by Einstein's basic and famous equation.

If every observable exists as matter, is energy always converted to matter after being converted into energy from matter?

Space news on
  • #2
there is a picture that shows us the proportion of matter and energy in the current universe - CMB.
The names "Dark Energy" and "Dark Matter" seem to imply that both are essentially the same, one in the form of energy and the other in the form of "matter".
That's not true, they are just - unfortunate, btw - names. Both things have nothing in common, and they are certailny not different form of the same substance.
One does not discern "matter" and "energy" in cosmology. Both are called "mass-energy" in the Wiki article you cited.
The relevant equations all work with "energy density" for all constituents of the universe, which includes e.g. thermal energy.
  • #3
Is this correct interpretation?

no...for a better overall perspective see this brief discussion:

I forget where I got the following..maybe from post in these forums:

These few paragraphs provide a brief overview of how energy is believed to evolve from beginning to end. A most basic fact is that the universe evolves: We do not live in a static cosmos. Total energy in the universe is constant, but its form is steadily evolving from a low entropy to a high entropy form. All forms of energy, such as matter, fission, fusion, and kinetic and potential energy are precisely offset by the negative gravitational potential of everything. All energy is contained either in matter or force fields and the theoretical Higgs field which imparts mass to certain particles (as protons, neutrons and electrons).

The universe not only expands but the expansion is accelerating. All appears to have started from a bang, perhaps infinite, perhaps finite, depending on the model of your choice, but the universe began from a very high energy, high temperature, unstable state.
It evolves towards a more stable lower temperature state and might eventually reach absolute zero in the big bang model. Inflationary energy created exponential expansion just after the big bang and such energy decays into radiation via quantum mechanical processes. Cyclic models reflect repeated expansions and contractions powered by the endless cycling of energy between gravity, forms of dark energy, kinetic and potential energy.

In the beginning it’s believed most energy was in the form of heat radiation and inflationary (vacuum) energy from which space, time, and matter evolved. As the universe expands, the total vacuum energy increases and its repulsive nature causes space to expand even faster…in a run away exponential expansion. In the big bang model, dark energy powers an accelerated expansion after 9B years as it over powers the gravitational attraction of matter. [we are in this phase currently]

Matter energy density decreases as volume grows and matter spreads out; while radiation energy density not only decreases but its wavelength is stretched further by expansion depleting its energy faster, so radiation density falls faster than the energy density of matter. Dark matter energy density remains nearly constant. Dark matter dominated the past; dark energy will dominate the future.

FAQ: Proportion of energy compared to mass in universe

What is the proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe?

The proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe is approximately 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter, and 4.9% ordinary matter.

How is the proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe determined?

The proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe is determined through various astronomical observations and measurements, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation and the movements of galaxies.

Why is dark energy included in the proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe?

Dark energy is included in the proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe because it is a type of energy that is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

What is the significance of the proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe?

The proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe is significant because it helps us understand the overall composition and evolution of the universe. It also provides insight into the fundamental forces and laws of physics that govern the universe.

Can the proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe change?

The proportion of energy compared to mass in the universe can change over time as the universe continues to expand and evolve. However, the proportions of dark energy, dark matter, and ordinary matter are expected to remain relatively constant.

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