Protecting Home from Cellular Antenna Radiation

  • Thread starter mortinat
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In summary, The cell phone antenna is 2 meters tall, and it may block some of the radiation. The man who measured the radiation said that there is radiation in the house, and the metal net may not fully block it. However, if all of the walls and ceiling are covered with the net, it may be a good idea to do so. There is cell phone reception in the house, but this is because the antenna is only placed on one wall. Bob thinks that the paint may contain iron, and if it is put on the walls and ceiling, it may block some of the radiation.
  • #1
32m away from my house there is a 5m tall cellular antenna. to prevent from electromagnetic waves from it, i have placed a metal net 1.5mm/1.5mm
a man came to my house to measure the radiation and it said that there is radiation in the house...
i have 3 questions;
1)does the metal net fully block the electromagnetic radiation?
2)I am on the last 4th floor, also, the building where the antenna is placed is right in front
of mine, does radiation also hit the ceiling wall?
3)in my country they sell magnetic paint, it is not written what it contains really, but
when i put it on the walls, i can stick magnets to it and by logic, it must contain iron...
if i paint the walls with it, will it stop the radiation?
Physics news on
  • #2
Cell phones operate in the GHz and lower. 3 GHz has a wavelength of 10 centimeters so a metallic mesh that has spacings on the order of millimeters should be an effective Faraday cage. Of course though you would need complete coverage, no gaps, all around your for it to be a true Faraday cage that would block out your desired RF radiation.

Does your cell phone have reception in your house?
  • #3
With the right placement of passive half-wavelength dipoles around the outside of your house, you may be able to redirect, reflect, and change the radiation pattern of the cell-phone tower. If it were much lower frequency (like 1 MHz AM tower), you could suck off some useful power.
Bob S
  • #4
i am very happy with your explanation with everything, its very precise and clear;
the antenna is 2m taller than my ceiling, what about the ceiling?
in my country they sell a magnetic paint, which after we paint the walls with it, we are able to stick magnets on it; and i think it must contain iron , however on the box it does not say what it contains. i though it might be a good idea to put it on walls and also on the ceiling if needed,
what do you think? i see you have an understanding in this.
and yes, there is cell phone reception in my house, but this is because i have only done this for one wall, not all the house and not the ceiling. and by the way, i connected the net with wires leading to the ground, this is how i was told i should do so. is it right?

FAQ: Protecting Home from Cellular Antenna Radiation

1. How does cellular antenna radiation affect my home?

Cellular antenna radiation can affect your home by potentially causing interference with electronic devices and appliances, as well as potentially posing health risks to occupants. Studies have shown that long-term exposure to high levels of radiation can increase the risk of certain types of cancer.

2. What are the sources of cellular antenna radiation in my home?

The main source of cellular antenna radiation in your home is from nearby cell phone towers and antennas. Other sources can include Wi-Fi routers, cordless phones, and other wireless devices.

3. How can I measure the levels of cellular antenna radiation in my home?

There are specialized meters that can measure the levels of cellular antenna radiation in your home. These meters measure the strength of the radiation, usually in units of microwatts per square meter (µW/m²). It is recommended to hire a professional to conduct a thorough measurement of your home.

4. Are there any ways to protect my home from cellular antenna radiation?

Yes, there are several ways to protect your home from cellular antenna radiation. These include using shielding materials such as metal mesh or aluminum foil, positioning your electronic devices and appliances away from sources of radiation, and using devices that reduce or block the amount of radiation emitted.

5. Are there any health risks associated with living near a cellular antenna?

There is ongoing research on the potential health risks of living near cellular antennas. Some studies have shown a possible link between long-term exposure to high levels of radiation and an increased risk of certain types of cancer. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential health risks.

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