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Hi, I have been doing my own personal fusion research for almost a year now and I recently began looking into the various fusion fuel cycles other than D-T and D-D. The cycle that I'm interested in is P-P fusion, I'm aware that this method is inefficient for energy production, however, it seems that P-P starts fusing at 15 million Kelvin in the sun (due to the sun's immense pressure). I am wondering what kind of energies you would require to fuse protium on Earth using a vacuum and electromagnetic fields, say through the method of Inertial Electrostatic Confinement or Magnetic Confinement, as opposed to the extreme pressure and heat such as in the sun. Would you get the same results if you applied roughly 1300 volts (1300eV = 15,000,000 Kelvin) in a low-pressure atmosphere? Or would you need to apply a much higher potential?