Proton Therapy Programs: Find CAMPEP Accredited Programs for 2017

In summary, Choppy is looking for a medical physics program that has strong research faculty and facilities. She is considering Oklahoma, L.S.U., Kentucky, and maybe Florida. L.S.U. offers a teaching assistantship for a year each for those three areas (Teaching, Clinical, and Research), Oklahoma allows you to work alongside physicists on using their equipment at their H.S.C., and Kentucky has a Dr. Luo who is working on those areas of research you mentioned above.
  • #1
Hello Forum members,

I am very interested in pursuing a degree in Medical Physics and I have found the field of proton therapy to be quite interesting. I have been looking at various CAMPEP accredited programs to see which ones have strong proton therapy research faculty members and facilities. I have visited three programs thus far (Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Georgia Tech) and only the former possesses the faculty and facilities, with the other two giving you the research opportunities and a clinical rotation at a proton therapy center (which I am assuming Georgia Tech will have once Emory's facility is completed next fall).
M.D. Anderson (Texas - Houston Health Science Center) is the gold standard from what I have read. Florida also seems to have a strong program and it looks like Penn now has a high quality program. I am looking at starting my studies in Fall 2017, as I plan on taking Modern Physics, Intermediate E&M, Intermediate Mechanics, and Math Stats at my old university before I start.
My G.R.E. scores, G.P.A., letters of recommendation, and prior research background are all very strong, so please list any and all CAMPEP accredited programs that have the above listed criteria I am seeking. Thank you for your time and please let me know if I have omitted any information or if something needs clarification! :-)
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  • #2
It sounds like you already have a handle on things. I'd probably just go down the list of accredited medical physics programs and look at who's doing what on their respective research pages, which you're probably already doing and just want to make sure you're not missing anything. There are more than a few web pages out there that leave something to be desired.

The only other thought, which might be worth mentioning is to keep in mind how specialized proton therapy is. I'm not sure exactly how many proton therapy facilities there are right now, but in the US it's likely less than 20. That's not to discourage you from doing research in it. There's a lot of really interesting stuff going on with protons right now (IMPT, combing protons with gold nanoparticles, modeling biological responses, range uncertainty, laser-driven proton therapy, etc.). It's just that it will probably be a good idea to make sure that the program will give you a well-rounded medical physics education as well as the opportunity to work with protons.
  • #3
Choppy said:
It sounds like you already have a handle on things. I'd probably just go down the list of accredited medical physics programs and look at who's doing what on their respective research pages, which you're probably already doing and just want to make sure you're not missing anything. There are more than a few web pages out there that leave something to be desired.

The only other thought, which might be worth mentioning is to keep in mind how specialized proton therapy is. I'm not sure exactly how many proton therapy facilities there are right now, but in the US it's likely less than 20. That's not to discourage you from doing research in it. There's a lot of really interesting stuff going on with protons right now (IMPT, combing protons with gold nanoparticles, modeling biological responses, range uncertainty, laser-driven proton therapy, etc.). It's just that it will probably be a good idea to make sure that the program will give you a well-rounded medical physics education as well as the opportunity to work with protons.

Thanks for the advice, Choppy! I am seriously considering Oklahoma, L.S.U., Kentucky, and maybe Florida right now. The first two have a good combination of didactic, research, and clinical components. L.S.U. gives you an assistantship for a year each for those three areas (Teaching, Clinical, and Research) and Oklahoma allows you to work alongside physicists on using their equipment at their H.S.C. (around 10 hours per week assistantship) Kentucky also seems to have a strong program, minus the research component. They have a Dr. Luo who is working on those areas of research you mentioned above, so it would be nice to potentially work on those projects.

Ideally, I would love to end up working in a proton therapy center but I want to have a well-rounded education, as you mentioned. According to the following link, there are 20 proton therapy centers in the U.S. right now, with plans for 15 more. So there could potentially be 35 by the end of the decade.

FAQ: Proton Therapy Programs: Find CAMPEP Accredited Programs for 2017

What is proton therapy?

Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy that uses protons instead of traditional X-rays to treat cancer. Protons are positively charged particles that can be precisely aimed at tumors, delivering a high dose of radiation directly to the cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

What is CAMPEP accreditation?

CAMPEP stands for the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Physics Education Programs. It is a nonprofit organization that sets standards for the educational programs that train medical physicists, including those in proton therapy. Accreditation from CAMPEP ensures that a program meets rigorous standards for quality and effectiveness.

Why is it important for proton therapy programs to be CAMPEP accredited?

CAMPEP accreditation ensures that a proton therapy program meets the highest standards for education and training in the field. This means that graduates of CAMPEP-accredited programs are well-prepared to provide safe and effective care to patients undergoing proton therapy. Additionally, many employers and insurance companies may require graduates of accredited programs for employment or coverage of treatment costs.

How can I find CAMPEP accredited proton therapy programs for 2017?

You can search for CAMPEP accredited programs on the organization's website. There, you can filter your search by program type (such as proton therapy) and by year of accreditation (such as 2017). This will provide you with a list of programs that have achieved accreditation in proton therapy for the specified year.

Are there any other organizations that accredit proton therapy programs?

Yes, there are other organizations that accredit proton therapy programs, such as the American Board of Radiology (ABR) and the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). However, CAMPEP is the only organization specifically dedicated to accrediting medical physics education programs, including those in proton therapy.

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