Prove 4*s*k^2 = (s-m^2)^2 | Mandelstam Variables

  • Thread starter Manojg
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In summary, equation 2.8 from a paper by Mandelstam states that the momentum in the coordinate frame of the particle of mass m is equal to (s-m*m)^2.
  • #1

For collision: k + p1 -> q + p2, where k, p1, q and p2 are 4 Vectors of the colliding particles.

Any body show me how to prove this expression:

4*s*k*k = (s - m*m)^2, where s = (k+p1)^2 and m^2 = p1^2: mass^2 of the particle p1.Thanks.
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Physics news on
  • #2
give it a try yourself first, then we help you.
  • #3
I tried it.
For an example, if k is photon then
K*k = 0 and it gives
s - m*m = 0;
k*k + p1*p1 + 2kp1 - m*m = 0;
0 + m*m + 2kp1 - m*m = 0;
kp1 = 0;
E_photon * E_p1 - P_photon * P_p1 = 0.

if p1 is at rest then
E_photon * m = 0
which is wrong.
  • #4
s equals (k+p1)^2 is the 4-momentum squared. Then
[tex]s=(k+E_1)^2-{\bf k}^2[/tex].
This assumes the particle of mass m is initially at rest (lab system).
  • #5
By Mandelstam's definition, [tex]s=(k+p_{1})^2[/tex] in [tex]k p_{1}\rightarrow q p_{2}[/tex] (total energy squared in the CM frame)


Why would that supposedly be right ?
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  • #6
Sorry for late reply.

I got this equation from papers Phy. Rev. 129, 2264(1963) (equation # 5) and Phy. Rev. 123, 1882(1961) (equation # 2.8).
  • #7
Manojg said:
I got this equation from papers Phy. Rev. 129, 2264(1963) (equation # 5) and Phy. Rev. 123, 1882(1961) (equation # 2.8).

Both of them being photoproduction : [tex]k^{2}=0[/tex] which is kind of useful in this context.
I understand your confusion now. Look at first row of equations in 2.4. in the CM in Phys. Rev. 123, 1882 - 1887 (1961)
[tex]k=(|\vec{k}|,\vec{k})[/tex] , [tex]p_1=(\epsilon_1,-\vec{k})[/tex]
Now it is easy to see that
since the total momentum in the CM is zero (I explicitly wrote the norme squared of the null vector).
[tex](s-m^{2})^{2} = \left[(k+p_{1})^{2}-p_{1}^{2}\right]^{2} = \left[k^{2}+2kp_{1}+p_{1}^{2}-p_{1}^{2}\right]^{2} = \left[2kp_{1}\right]^{2} = 4\left[|\vec{k}|\epsilon_1+\vec{k}^2\right]^{2} = 4\vec{k}^{2} \left[\epsilon_1+|\vec{k}| \right]^{2} = 4\vec{k}^2s[/tex]

So if you followed, the [tex]k^{2}[/tex] drops by itself in the expansion of [tex]s^{2}[/tex], the [tex]p_1^{2}[/tex] cancels with [tex]m^{2}[/tex] which we put in, and we end up only with the double cross product, which we then write in the CM. This is the CM momentum you have in your mysterious 2.8 ! I would say it is confusing, because the paper should have taken care to write a bold-face k, which is really [tex]|\vec{k}|_{\text{CM}}[/tex] instead of [tex]k^{2}=\frac{(s-m^{2})^{2}}{4s}[/tex], which when interpreted as a 4-vector squared and plugged [tex]k^{2}=0[/tex] in 2.8 would give [tex]s=m^{2}[/tex], which is not true.

Note something important : we have obtained [tex](s-m^2)^2=4|\vec{k}|^2s[/tex] in the CM but this does not depend on the reference frame, so is valid anywhere.
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  • #8
BTW, I'm glad to see how people read my posts :cry:
humanino said:
Wrong !

That should have been :
which obviously I can't do anymore.
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  • #9
Thanks a lot humanino.

FAQ: Prove 4*s*k^2 = (s-m^2)^2 | Mandelstam Variables

1. What are Mandelstam variables?

Mandelstam variables are mathematical expressions used in high-energy physics to describe the energy and momentum of particles in a collision or scattering process. They are named after the physicist Stanley Mandelstam and are represented by the letters s, t, and u.

2. How is the equation 4*s*k^2 = (s-m^2)^2 related to Mandelstam variables?

This equation is known as the Mandelstam relation and it relates the variable s, which represents the square of the total energy in a collision, to the variable k, which represents the momentum of one of the particles involved. It also involves the mass of one of the particles, represented by the variable m.

3. What does it mean to prove an equation?

In science, proving an equation means to demonstrate that it is true using logical and mathematical reasoning. This involves starting from known principles and using logical steps to arrive at the equation in question.

4. Why is the equation 4*s*k^2 = (s-m^2)^2 important in high-energy physics?

This equation is significant because it allows physicists to calculate the values of the Mandelstam variables in a particle collision or scattering process. These variables are important for understanding the fundamental properties of particles and the laws of nature that govern their interactions.

5. How is the equation 4*s*k^2 = (s-m^2)^2 used in experimental research?

In experimental high-energy physics, this equation is used to analyze data and verify the results of particle collisions or scattering processes. By calculating the values of the Mandelstam variables, researchers can make predictions and test the validity of existing theories and models.
