Prove an Infinite Series is Irrational

In summary, the conversation was about whether there is a general method to prove that an infinite series converges to an irrational number. The participants discussed examples of convergent series that converge to rational numbers and whether the general method proposed in the original question would work for all sequences that converge to irrational numbers. They also shared resources for further reading on the topic.
  • #1
Is it possible and is there a general method?
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  • #2
TylerH said:
Is it possible and is there a general method?
Don't you mean infinite non-repeating series, since infinite series, e.g. 12.66123123123..., where the ending part, i.e. 123, repeats forever are rational numbers. Prove that all rational numbers are either finite decimal numbers or infinite repeating decimals and your theorem as amended is proved.
  • #3
I mean any series. Not necessarily of the form digit * 10 ^ position.

Like [tex]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{\frac{1}{k!}}[/tex] for example, which is e, which is irrational, but can I prove that based solely on the series?
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  • #4
TylerH said:
I mean any series. Not necessarily of the form digit * 10 ^ position.

Like [tex]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{\frac{1}{k!}}[/tex] for example, which is e, which is irrational, but can I prove that based solely on the series?
Whatever the form of the infinite series, I just showed that some infinite series are not irrational. So there is a counterexample to your claim. That is you can't demonstrate that a series is irrational simply by the fact that it is an infinite series.
  • #5
Oh, I see what you mean. There is a misunderstanding. (Likely due to my ambiguous wording.) I wasn't referring to all infinite series, but the concept of a single, general instance. More formally stated: Given an infinite series, assuming it is convergent, is there a way to prove that the number it converges to is irrational?
  • #6
For sequences with rational terms, it might be easier. This is the case for ln 2 = 1-1/2+1/3-1/4+... and e = 1/0!+1/1!+1/2! + ... Assume it is on the form a/b, and simply use the denominators of the terms to find a contradiction. This is a classical way of proving irrationality of e. It might not always work, but it's worth a try.

The euler-mascheroni constant [tex]\gamma = \lim_{n \rightarrow \infty } \left( \sum_{k=1}^n \frac{1}{k} - \ln(n) \right) = 1 + \sum_{k=2}^{\infty} \frac{1}{k} - (\ln(k) - \ln(k-1))[/tex] is not known to be rational nor irrational yet.
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  • #7
There is no general method. The series for e though is a standard easy example.
for any large integer N where [] denotes the floor
  • #8
TylerH said:
Oh, I see what you mean. There is a misunderstanding. (Likely due to my ambiguous wording.) I wasn't referring to all infinite series, but the concept of a single, general instance. More formally stated: Given an infinite series, assuming it is convergent, is there a way to prove that the number it converges to is irrational?

Am I missing something? 1+1/2+...+1/2<sup>n</sup>+...

converges to 2.
  • #9
Bacle said:
Am I missing something? 1+1/2+...+1/2<sup>n</sup>+...

converges to 2.
It does... I don't see the connection.
  • #10
TylerH said:
Oh, I see what you mean. There is a misunderstanding. (Likely due to my ambiguous wording.) I wasn't referring to all infinite series, but the concept of a single, general instance. More formally stated: Given an infinite series, assuming it is convergent, is there a way to prove that the number it converges to is irrational?

Well, 1+1/2+...+1/2^n+... is an infinite series that converges, and converges
to a rational number, which, if I understood you well, is a counterexample
to your claim that every convergent infinite series converges to an irrational number.

Did I misunderstand ( or misunderestimate :) ) your question?
  • #11
I made no claims(notice the lack of a period in my restatement.). I asked whether there is a general method to tell if a convergent series converges to an irrational number or not(notice the question mark.).
  • #12
see the attached document for a comprehensive take on the op along iwth some excellent sources


  • A theorem on irrationality of infinite series.pdf
    146.5 KB · Views: 624
  • #13
myth_kill said:
see the attached document for a comprehensive take on the op along iwth some excellent sources

Thanks for the link. As far as I can tell this document is an answer to the question of whether for certain types of sequences that converge to an irrational number, there is a general way to prove that the sequence is irrational. This basically answers the op's question, but I cannot tell whether this method will work for all infinite sequences that converge to an irrational number.
  • #14
Yeah, that pretty well does it. Thanks.
  • #15
Bacle said:
Am I missing something? 1+1/2+...+1/2<sup>n</sup>+...

converges to 2.

Also, 0/1 + 0/2 + 0/3 + ... = 0
these are silly examples, but they get the point across well that an infinite series can be rational.
  • #16
brydustin said:
Also, 0/1 + 0/2 + 0/3 + ... = 0
these are silly examples, but they get the point across well that an infinite series can be rational.
Really? How many times can the same statement be misconstrued?

For the umpteenth time: I was asking if there is a way to tell if a series is irrational. NOT saying all are.
  • #17
brydustin said:
Also, 0/1 + 0/2 + 0/3 + ... = 0
these are silly examples, but they get the point across well that an infinite series can be rational.
I also want to add that when I said "all infinite sequences that converge to an irrational number" I meant --all those infinite sequences that converge to an infinite number-- if that is what the confusion was about. Still not certain if the general method is applicable to all such sequences.
  • #18
TylerH said:
Really? How many times can the same statement be misconstrued?

For the umpteenth time: I was asking if there is a way to tell if a series is irrational. NOT saying all are.

As a mathematician, I need your statements to be precise, and as a graduate student I haven't got time to read a full blog and point out your mistakes. Perhaps you should learn to use the edit function, it would do you and everyone here a real favor. Thanks and have a pleasant day. :)
  • #19
Wow. Brydustin and Bacle, he CLEARLY meant "Given a convergent series, is there a way to tell if the number it converges to is irrational". He did NOT mean "All convergent series are irrational." Honestly, it was obvious to even a cursory reading.
  • #20
brydustin said:
As a mathematician, I need your statements to be precise, and as a graduate student I haven't got time to read a full blog and point out your mistakes. Perhaps you should learn to use the edit function, it would do you and everyone here a real favor. Thanks and have a pleasant day. :)
That's a good idea. I'll do that. :)

EDIT: Unfortunately, I can't edit posts as old as the OP of this thread. (Although, I do see the use of such a restriction.)
  • #21
My apologies, I did not read the statement carefully.

A point that is interesting, I think, tho, is that an infinite sum of rationals, like those in the series
for Euler's e, is irrational in the limit. So Rationals are closed under finite, but not infinite addition,
or maybe more accurately, under taking of limits.
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  • #22
TylerH said:
I mean any series. Not necessarily of the form digit * 10 ^ position.

Like [tex]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}{\frac{1}{k!}}[/tex] for example, which is e, which is irrational, but can I prove that based solely on the series?

using that definition of e, it is possible to prove irrationality.

FAQ: Prove an Infinite Series is Irrational

What does it mean for an infinite series to be irrational?

An infinite series is considered irrational if it cannot be expressed as a finite ratio of two integers. In other words, the sum of the terms in the series cannot be written as a fraction in the form of a/b, where a and b are integers.

How do you prove that an infinite series is irrational?

To prove that an infinite series is irrational, one must show that it cannot be expressed as a finite ratio of two integers. This can be done through various methods such as the rational root theorem, the irrationality of certain mathematical constants, or by using the properties of infinite series.

What are some examples of irrational infinite series?

One well-known example is the infinite series for pi, which is 3.1415926535... Other examples include the infinite series for e (2.7182818284...) and the infinite series for the golden ratio (1.6180339887...).

Why is it important to prove that an infinite series is irrational?

Proving that an infinite series is irrational is important in mathematics as it helps to understand the nature of certain mathematical constants and the properties of infinite series. It also has applications in fields such as number theory, calculus, and cryptography.

Can an infinite series be both irrational and convergent?

Yes, an infinite series can be both irrational and convergent. The irrationality of a series refers to the nature of its terms, while convergence refers to the sum of those terms. For example, the series 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... is both irrational (as it approaches 2) and convergent (as the sum of its terms approaches 2).

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