Prove centre of mass of an arc is rotationally invariant

In summary: Note that ##f(\theta_1+\alpha, \theta_2+\alpha, L)## is a function of only the two ##\theta_1, \theta_2## and ##L##. That is, it is a function of only the two angles ##\beta_1, \beta_2## and ##L##. Moreover, since ##\beta_1=\theta_1+\alpha## and ##\beta_2=\theta_2+\alpha##, it is also a function of the angle between the two vectors ##\vec{r}_1, \vec{r}_2##. That is,
  • #1
Suppose the coordinates ##(\bar{x}, \bar{y})## of the centroid (or the centre of mass) of an arc is defined as follows

Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 3.53.40 pm.png

##\bar{x}=\frac{1}{L}\int x\,ds## and ##\bar{y}=\frac{1}{L}\int y\,ds##, where ##L## is the arc length.

Could you prove that the centroid is invariant under a rotation of the coordinate axes?
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  • #2
Hey Happiness.

Have you tried doing a substitution that allows you to rotate everything?

Hint - Try using polar co-ordinates.
  • #3
chiro said:
Hey Happiness.

Have you tried doing a substitution that allows you to rotate everything?

Hint - Try using polar co-ordinates.

Hey chiro

Yes I've considered doing that for a specific example, ##y=x^3-4x^2+x+12##, but it is very tedious and the integration we get is most likely not do-able. And even if we can perform the integration, we would only prove it for a specific case.

I'm thinking using matrices may help, but I'm not sure how.
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  • #4
If you want to use matrices then just expand the linear combination in terms of x as a function of r and theta.

What you will find is that it's exactly the same as the integral.

When you did the substitution - did you go to (r,theta) space and if so what did you get when doing so?

Note that for 2D polar you have x = rcos(theta), y = rsin(theta) and the Jacobian is r.

What you will have to show is that your integral as a function of theta is the same so this means your integral won't be a function of theta at all (i.e. it disappears).

If you show this in general you have proved the invariance property.
  • #5
Is this correct?

Under polar coordinates, the definitions of ##\bar{x}## and ##\bar{y}## become



where ##\bar{r}## is the magnitude of the position vector ##\vec{r}## of the centroid and ##\bar{\theta}## is the angle the position vector ##\vec{r}## makes with the positive x-axis. (##\bar{r}## and ##\bar{\theta}## may not necessarily be the average values of ##r## and ##\theta##. Would they necessarily and sufficiently be so?) ##r^2(\theta)## means ##r^2## is a function of ##\theta##.

Consider a rotation of the coordinate axes by an angle ##\alpha## clockwise. Then the point ##(r, \theta)\to(r, \theta+\alpha)## and the value ##r(\theta)\to r(\theta+\alpha)##. [##r(\theta+\alpha)## means for every ##\theta## in ##r(\theta)## we substitute ##\theta+\alpha##.] We have


where the ##\bar{x}'## is the x-coordinate of the centroid in the new rotated coordinate system.

Using the substitution ##\beta=\theta+\alpha##, ##\beta_1=\theta_1+\alpha##, ##\beta_2=\theta_2+\alpha## and ##\frac{d\theta}{d\beta}=1##, we have


where the primed quantities are the corresponding quantities in the new rotated coordinate system.

Recall that ##\bar{r}\cos\bar{\theta}=\frac{1}{L}\int_{\theta_1}^{\theta_2}r(\theta)\cos\theta\sqrt{r^2(\theta)+(\frac{dr(\theta)}{d\theta})^2}d\theta## is a function of ##\theta_1, \theta_2## and ##L##. Let's call it ##f=f(\theta_1, \theta_2, L)##. Then

##\bar{r}'\cos\bar{\theta}'=\bar{x}'=f(\beta_1, \beta_2, L)=f(\theta_1+\alpha, \theta_2+\alpha, L)##.

But it remains to show why ##\bar{r}'=\bar{r}## and ##\cos\bar{\theta}'=\cos(\bar{\theta}+\alpha)##. That is, why

##f(\theta_1+\alpha, \theta_2+\alpha, L)=\bar{r}\cos(\bar{\theta}+\alpha)##.
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Related to Prove centre of mass of an arc is rotationally invariant

1. How is the centre of mass of an arc defined?

The centre of mass of an arc is the point at which the entire mass of the arc can be considered to be concentrated. It is the average position of the mass of the arc, taking into account the distribution of mass along its length.

2. What does it mean for the centre of mass of an arc to be rotationally invariant?

A quantity is considered to be rotationally invariant if its value remains the same regardless of the orientation or angle of rotation. In the case of the centre of mass of an arc, this means that the position of the centre of mass remains the same even if the arc is rotated around its axis.

3. How is the rotational invariance of the centre of mass of an arc proven?

The rotational invariance of the centre of mass of an arc can be proven using mathematical equations and principles of rotational dynamics. It involves showing that the position of the centre of mass remains the same when the arc is rotated around its axis, by using the definition of centre of mass and the properties of integrals.

4. Why is it important to prove the rotational invariance of the centre of mass of an arc?

Proving the rotational invariance of the centre of mass of an arc is important because it allows us to use the centre of mass as a fixed reference point for studying the motion and dynamics of the arc. This is especially useful in applications such as engineering and physics, where the centre of mass plays a crucial role in understanding the behaviour of an object.

5. Can the rotational invariance of the centre of mass of an arc be generalized to other shapes?

Yes, the concept of rotational invariance of the centre of mass can be extended to other shapes and objects. As long as the object has a defined mass distribution and a fixed axis of rotation, the position of its centre of mass will remain unchanged when it is rotated around its axis. This principle is widely used in fields such as mechanics and astrophysics to study the motion and dynamics of various objects.

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