Prove Chi Square is Stochastically Increasing

In summary: Is it?Well, guess I'm not quite done. Turns out, \Gamma(r, 0) = \infty . So I'll have to think about that.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that the [itex]X^2[/itex] distribution is stochastically increasing in its degrees of freedom; that is if [itex]p>q[/itex], then for any [itex]a[/itex], [itex]P(X^2_{p} > a) \geq P(X^2_{q} > a)[/itex], with strict inequality for some [itex]a[/itex].

Homework Equations

1.[itex](n-1)S^2/\sigma^2 \sim X^2_{n-1}[/itex]
2.The Chi squared(p) pdf is
[itex]f(x|p)= \frac 1{\Gamma(p/2) 2^{p/2}}x^{(p/2) - 1}e^{-x/2} [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Since [itex]p>q[/itex], this implies [itex]\forall a, \frac{\sigma^2 a}{p}< \frac{\sigma^2 a}{q} [/itex].
Also, [itex]X^2_{k} \sim kS^2/\sigma^2 [/itex].

Therefore [itex] \forall a, P(X^2_{p}>a) = P(S^2 > \sigma^2 a/p) \geq P(S^2 > \sigma^2 a/q) = P(X^2_{q}>a) [/itex].

If [itex] a>0[/itex], we observe strict inequality, as the support of [itex]S^2[/itex] is [itex][0,\infty) [/itex]...

What do you think? If I am going in the wrong direction, please steer me in the right one.
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  • #2
Mogarrr said:

Homework Statement

Prove that the [itex]X^2[/itex] distribution is stochastically increasing in its degrees of freedom; that is if [itex]p>q[/itex], then for any [itex]a[/itex], [itex]P(X^2_{p} > a) \geq P(X^2_{q} > a)[/itex], with strict inequality for some [itex]a[/itex].

Homework Equations

1.[itex](n-1)S^2/\sigma^2 \sim X^2_{n-1}[/itex]
2.The Chi squared(p) pdf is
[itex]f(x|p)= \frac 1{\Gamma(p/2) 2^{p/2}}x^{(p/2) - 1}e^{-x/2} [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Since [itex]p>q[/itex], this implies [itex]\forall a, \frac{\sigma^2 a}{p}< \frac{\sigma^2 a}{q} [/itex].
Also, [itex]X^2_{k} \sim kS^2/\sigma^2 [/itex].

Therefore [itex] \forall a, P(X^2_{p}>a) = P(S^2 > \sigma^2 a/p) \geq P(S^2 > \sigma^2 a/q) = P(X^2_{q}>a) [/itex].

If [itex] a>0[/itex], we observe strict inequality, as the support of [itex]S^2[/itex] is [itex][0,\infty) [/itex]...

What do you think? If I am going in the wrong direction, please steer me in the right one.

I cannot follow your argument. You need two different ##S^2## random variables---one for ##\chi^2_p## and a different one for ##\chi^2_q##. Basically, though, you need to know what ##\chi^2## really is, in simple, intuitive terms: if ##Y_r## has the distribution ##\chi^2_r## then
[tex] Y_r = Z_1^2 + Z_2^2 + \cdots + Z_r^2, [/tex]
where ##Z_1, Z_2, \ldots, Z_r## are iid standard normal random variables.

When looking at stochastic ordering, you are entitled to use a common sample space ##\Omega##, since all that matters is how the distribution functions compare (not, for example, whether the two random variables are independent, or not). We can always "construct" a sample space such that the iid N(0,1) random variables ##Z_1, Z_2, \ldots, Z_p## are functions over ##\Omega## (so their values "observed" on a sample point ##\omega \in \Omega##) are ##Z_1(\omega), Z_2(\omega), \ldots, Z_p(\omega)##. Then
[tex] Y_q(\omega) = \sum_{j=1}^q Z_j(\omega)^2 \; \text{and} \;Y_p(\omega) = \sum_{j=1}^p Z_j(\omega)^2 [/tex]
For ##q < p##, what does that tell you?
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  • #3
Based on your hint, here's what I'm thinking...

Well, then, if [itex]Z_{i} \sim N(0,1)[/itex] (and i.i.d.) , and [itex]X^2_{n} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} Z_{i} [/itex], then [itex]X^2_{p} = pZ^2_1 [/itex] and [itex]X^2_{q} = qZ^2_1 [/itex].

Thus for all [itex]a [/itex], [itex] P(X^2_{p} > a) = P(pZ^2_1 > a ) = P(Z^2_1 > \frac {a}{p}) \geq P(Z^2_1 > \frac {a}{q}) = P(X^2_{q} > 1) [/itex], since [itex] p>q [/itex]. If [itex]a>0 [/itex], then there should be strict equality (I think).

Whatdya think?
  • #4
Mogarrr said:
Based on your hint, here's what I'm thinking...

Well, then, if [itex]Z_{i} \sim N(0,1)[/itex] (and i.i.d.) , and [itex]X^2_{n} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} Z_{i} [/itex], then [itex]X^2_{p} = pZ^2_1 [/itex] and [itex]X^2_{q} = qZ^2_1 [/itex].

Thus for all [itex]a [/itex], [itex] P(X^2_{p} > a) = P(pZ^2_1 > a ) = P(Z^2_1 > \frac {a}{p}) \geq P(Z^2_1 > \frac {a}{q}) = P(X^2_{q} > 1) [/itex], since [itex] p>q [/itex]. If [itex]a>0 [/itex], then there should be strict equality (I think).

Whatdya think?

I think you are writing down a bunch of material that makes no sense at all. Chi-squared = a sum of squares of iid N(0,1) random variables, not just a sum. I suggest you sit down, relax, and proceed slowly and carefully. Think about the actual definitions, and think about what I wrote in my previous response.

Alternatively, you can try to proceed directly: ##X## (with cdf ##F##) dominates ##Y## (with cdf ##G##) if ##G(x) \geq F(x)## for all ##x##, and ##>## holds for some ##x##. In other words, the stochastically larger random variable has a smaller cdf; that is, for each ##x##, it lies below the other one---so ##F## describes a distribution the lies to the "right" of ##G##. That means that the density functions ##f,g## must satisfy ##\int_0^x [g(t) - f(t)] \geq 0 ## for all ##x > 0##. You have formulas for ##f(t)## and ##g(t)##, so you can try to verify the cumulative ordering. That might be hard to do, so that is why I suggested an alternative approach.
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  • #5
Oops. Should have written [itex]X^2_{n} = \sum^{n}_{i=1} Z^2_{i} [/itex]. I was thinking that since the [itex]Z_{i}[/itex]'s are identically distributed, that I could just sum up their squares, [itex] X^2_1 [/itex]. Why am I wrong here, if they're identically distributed?

I will try the direct method, since [itex]X^2_{p} \sim \Gamma(p/2, 2) [/itex].

Update: Ok, I believe I've found a solid direct proof using the Chi square, Gamma and Poisson distribution. I'm excited, but busy now, so check tomorrow for my reply! And thanks for the help.
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  • #6
Ok, there is a relationship between the Gamma and Poisson distribution. Let [itex] X \sim Gamma(\alpha, \beta) [/itex], then
[itex] P(X \leq x) = P(Y \geq \alpha) [/itex], where [itex] Y \sim Poisson(x/\beta) [/itex].

Now let [itex]p > q [/itex], [itex] p,q \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}[/itex] [itex] a>0 [/itex], then
[itex] P(X^2_{p} > a) < P(X^2_{q} > a)[/itex]
[itex]\Leftrightarrow P(Y > p) < P(Y > q) [/itex]
[itex]\Leftrightarrow 0 < P(Y>q) - P(Y>p) [/itex]
[itex]\Leftrightarrow 0 < \sum^{\infty}_{y=q/2} \frac {e^{-a/2}(a/2)^{y}}{y!} - \sum^{\infty}_{y=p/2} \frac{e^{-a/2}(a/2)^{p} }{y!} [/itex]
[itex] = \sum^{p/2}_{y=q/2} \frac {e^{-a/2} (a/2)^{y} }{y!} [/itex].
The above is positive, proving a strict inequality for some [itex]a [/itex].

If [itex]a \notin \mathbb{R}^{+} [/itex], then
[itex] P(X^2_{p} > a) = 1 = P(X^2_{q} > a)[/itex],
hence [itex] \forall a \in \mathbb{R}, P(X^2_{p} > a) \geq P(X^2_{q} > a) [/itex], if [itex]p>q [/itex].

I think this is right.

Related to Prove Chi Square is Stochastically Increasing

1. What is the concept of stochastic increasing in relation to Chi Square?

Stochastic increasing refers to a statistical concept where there is an increase in the probability of a random variable as the sample size increases. In the context of Chi Square, this means that as the sample size grows, the observed values of the Chi Square statistic will increasingly resemble the expected values based on the null hypothesis.

2. Can you provide an example of how Chi Square is stochastically increasing?

Suppose we conduct a study to determine if there is a relationship between gender and favorite ice cream flavor. We collect data from a sample of 100 individuals and calculate a Chi Square statistic of 10. However, when we increase the sample size to 500 individuals, the Chi Square statistic increases to 20. This shows that as the sample size increases, the Chi Square statistic also increases, illustrating stochastic increasing.

3. How is the concept of stochastic increasing important in statistical analysis?

Stochastic increasing is important in statistical analysis because it helps us understand the relationship between sample size and the probability of a random variable. It also allows us to assess the reliability of our results and determine if they are due to chance or a true relationship between variables.

4. What factors can affect the stochastically increasing nature of Chi Square?

The stochastically increasing nature of Chi Square can be affected by factors such as sample size, the strength of the relationship between variables, and the level of significance chosen for the test. A larger sample size and a stronger relationship between variables will result in a higher Chi Square statistic, while a lower significance level may decrease the likelihood of observing a stochastically increasing trend.

5. Is it possible for Chi Square to not exhibit a stochastically increasing pattern?

Yes, it is possible for Chi Square to not exhibit a stochastically increasing pattern. This can occur when the sample size is too small to accurately reflect the true relationship between variables or when there is no relationship between the variables being studied. In these cases, the observed Chi Square statistic may not increase as the sample size grows, and therefore, the concept of stochastic increasing does not apply.

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