Prove Complex Integral is Purely Imaginary

In summary, if f(z) is analytic and f'(z) is continuous in a region containing a closed curve \gamma, then \int_\gamma \overline{f(z)} f'(z) dz is purely imaginary. This can be shown by expressing f'(z)*dz in terms of real and imaginary parts, and using Cauchy-Riemann to show that they are exact differentials.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Assume that f(z) is analytic and that f'(z) is continuous in a region that contains a closed curve [tex]\gamma[/tex]. Show that
[tex] \int_\gamma \overline{f(z)} f'(z) dz[/tex]

is purely imaginary.

Homework Equations

If f(z) is holomorphic on the region containing a closed curve [tex]\gamma[/tex] or if f(z) has a primitive (we have not yet established a relationship between these two properties), then

[tex]\int_\gamma f(z)dz = 0.[/tex]

And while we did not prove that analytic functions are holomorphic, that's not hard to verify if necessary.

The Attempt at a Solution

If we let [tex]f(z) = u(z) + i v(z)[/tex], where u and v are functions from the complex plane to the real line, then

[tex]\int_\gamma \overline{f(z)} f'(z) dz = \int f(z) f'(z) dz - 2 i \int v(z) f'(z) dz = 0 - 2 i \int_\gamma v(z) f'(z)dz[/tex]

So I have to verify that the latter integral is real valued, and this is where I am stuck. I could parametrize [tex]z = \gamma(t)[/tex] where [tex]t \in [0,1][/tex] but I am not sure that helps me in any way.

[tex]- 2 i \int_\gamma v(z) f'(z)dz = -2 i \int_0^1 v(\gamma(t)) f'(\gamma(t)) \gamma'(t) dt = 2 i \int_0^1 v'(\gamma(t))f'(\gamma(t))\gamma'(t) \gamma'(t) dt[/tex]

(The last step comes from integration by parts, with one term = 0 because gamma is a closed curve.)

Is there any reason to believe that this last integral is real-valued?
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  • #2
owlpride said:
If we let [tex]f(z) = u(z) + i v(z)[/tex], where u and v are functions from the complex plane to the real line, then

[tex]\int_\gamma \overline{f(z)} f'(z) dz = \int f(z) f'(z) dz - 2 i \int v(z) f'(z) dz = 0 - 2 i \int_\gamma v(z) f'(z)dz[/tex]

I am not sure what you did here.

If [itex]f(z) = u(z) + iv(z)[/itex], then [tex]\overline{f(z)} = u(z) - i v(z)[/tex] and [itex]f'(z) = u'(z) + i v'(z)[/tex], so

[tex]\begin{align*}\int_{\gamma} \overline{f(z)} f'(z) dz &= \int_{\gamma} (u(z) - i v(z)) (u'(z) + i v'(z)) dz \\
&= \int_{\gamma} (u(z) u'(z) + v(z) v'(z)) dz +i \int_{\gamma} (u(z) v'(z) - v(z) u'(z)) dz \end{align*}[/tex]

All of [itex]u(z)[/itex], [itex]u'(z)[/itex], [itex]v(z)[/itex], and [itex]v'(z)[/itex] are real, so if you can show that the first integral is zero then you're done.
  • #3
jbunniii said:
[tex]\begin{align*}\int_{\gamma} \overline{f(z)} f'(z) dz
&= \int_{\gamma} (u(z) u'(z) + v(z) v'(z)) dz +i \int_{\gamma} (u(z) v'(z) - v(z) u'(z)) dz \end{align*}[/tex]

All of [itex]u(z)[/itex], [itex]u'(z)[/itex], [itex]v(z)[/itex], and [itex]v'(z)[/itex] are real, so if you can show that the first integral is zero then you're done.
But [tex]dz[/tex] is not real. Does that mess with the value of the last integral?

Thanks for your thoughts!
  • #4
You seem to be having a hard time finding a good expression for f'(z)*dz. You can do it several ways. (df/dz)*dz=df. If f(z)=u(z)+iv(z) and z=x+iy, that makes it (u+iv)_x*dx+(u+iv)_y*dy. (Underscores are partial derivatives). Or you could use f'(z)=(u+iv)_x or f'(z)=(1/i)*(u+iv)_y and dz=dx+idy. You can show they are all equal with Cauchy-Riemann. Now just collect the real and imaginary parts and figure out whether they are exact differentials. Take it from there.
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FAQ: Prove Complex Integral is Purely Imaginary

1. What is a complex integral?

A complex integral is a mathematical concept that involves integrating a function over a complex plane instead of a real plane. It is used to solve problems in complex analysis, a branch of mathematics that deals with complex numbers.

2. How do you prove that a complex integral is purely imaginary?

To prove that a complex integral is purely imaginary, you need to show that the integral evaluates to a purely imaginary number. This can be done by using various mathematical techniques, such as Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, or the residue theorem.

3. What are the applications of proving a complex integral is purely imaginary?

Proving a complex integral is purely imaginary has various applications in physics, engineering, and mathematics. It can be used to evaluate complex integrals in different fields, such as electromagnetism, fluid dynamics, and quantum mechanics. It is also important for understanding and solving problems in complex analysis.

4. Are there any challenges in proving a complex integral is purely imaginary?

Yes, there can be challenges in proving a complex integral is purely imaginary. It requires a strong understanding of complex analysis and various mathematical techniques. It can also be challenging to find the correct path of integration and deal with singularities and branch points.

5. Can a complex integral be both real and imaginary?

No, a complex integral cannot be both real and imaginary. It can either be purely real or purely imaginary, depending on the function being integrated and the path of integration. However, the real and imaginary parts of a complex integral can be evaluated separately and may result in different values.

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