Prove Divisibility: Proving & Disproving

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of a statement stating that if an integer does not divide the product of two other integers, then it does not divide either of the two integers. The proof is done by contrapositive, and the conversation also explores the converse of the statement, which is ultimately proven to be false. The conversation also briefly mentions the use of LaTEX in writing mathematical statements.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a.) Prove: If an integer ##a## does not divide ##bc##, then ##a## does not divide ##b## and ##a## does not divide ##c##.
b.) State and either prove or disprove the converse of the above statement.

The Attempt at a Solution

a.) Proof by contrapositive
## a|c \vee a|b \implies a|bc \\ c=ak \vee b =ap ##Now, we multiply them by each other and
## bc = a(kap) , kap \in \mathbb{Z} ##

So, it follows and the original statement in a is proved.

b.) Now, the converse.
## a\not|c \wedge a\not |b \implies a \not | bc ##Can I say?
## a\not|c \wedge a\not |b ##
## c \not =ak \\ b \not = ap ##Multiply
##cb \not = a(kap) ## then
## a \not | cb, kap \in \mathbb{Z}##
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  • #2
knowLittle said:

Homework Statement

a.) Prove: If an integer ##a## does not divide ##bc##, then ##a## does not divide ##b## and ##a## does not divide ##c##.
b.) State and either prove or disprove the converse of the above statement.

The Attempt at a Solution

a.) Proof by contrapositive
## a|c \vee a|b \implies a|bc ##

This is the correct contrapositive of the proposition you are asked to prove. But you shouldn't just state it like this (because it sounds like you're assuming it at the outset). You can preface the statement by: "We therefore need to show that the contrapositive holds, i.e...". Then the proof follows.

##c=ak \vee b =ap ##

Now, we multiply them by each other and
## bc = a(kap) , kap \in \mathbb{Z} ##

This is wrong. Remember that you are using a logical disjunction (OR) denoted by ##\vee## in your contrapositive statement. That means that either the first condition OR the second (or both) are true. But it clearly may not be that BOTH are true simultaneously, which is what you're assuming by just multiplying out the expressions.

Why not start with the first condition ##c=ak##, and just multiply that by ##b## to get ##bc = akb = (a).(kb)##? Then repeat the same with the other condition ##b=ap## and multiply by ##c##. Isn't that sufficient to prove the contrapositive, and therefore the original proposition?
b.) Now, the converse.
## a\not|c \wedge a\not |b \implies a \not | bc ##Can I say?
## a\not|c \wedge a\not |b ##
## c \not =ak \\ b \not = ap ##Multiply
##cb \not = a(kap) ## then
## a \not | cb, kap \in \mathbb{Z}##

First of all, is the converse true or false? Hint: consider ##a, b## and ##c## to have just two prime factors each. Let's say ##a = pq, b = qr, c = pr##, where ##p,q,r## are all distinct primes. Now think about the implications to the converse proposition.
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  • #3
Curious3141 said:
Why not start with the first condition ##c=ak##, and just multiply that by ##b## to get ##bc = akb = (a).(kb)##? Then repeat the same with the other condition ##b=ap## and multiply by ##c##. Isn't that sufficient to prove the contrapositive, and therefore the original proposition?
You are right, it is sufficient.

Curious3141 said:
First of all, is the converse true or false? Hint: consider ##a, b## and ##c## to have just two prime factors each. Let's say ##a = pq, b = qr, c = pr##, where ##p,q,r## are all distinct primes. Now think about the implications to the converse proposition.
Given your conditions, the converse technically would be true, since ##(F \wedge F \implies F) \equiv T##
Am I right?
  • #4
knowLittle said:
Given your conditions, the converse technically would be true, since ##(F \wedge F \implies F) \equiv T##
Am I right?

Check again. Are you sure that ##a \not | bc##?
  • #5
Curious3141 said:
Check again. Are you sure that ##a \not | bc##?
Sorry, I got confused.
Let's see:

## a\not | c \wedge a\not | b \implies a \not |bc ##
## pr \not = pqx \wedge qr \not = pqy \implies pq(r^2) \not = pqz##
## T \wedge T \implies F \equiv F##
So, the statement is false.
  • #6
knowLittle said:
Sorry, I got confused.
Let's see:

## a\not | c \wedge a\not | b \implies a \not |bc ##
## pr \not = pqx \wedge qr \not = pqy \implies pq(r^2) \not = pqz##
## T \wedge T \implies F \equiv F##
So, the statement is false.

Yes, the converse is false. I set those specific conditions so you would get a quick counter-example.

One general suggestion: please tidy up (simplify) your notation. I find it very difficult to understand your mathematical statements.

I would simply have written this as:

##a = pq, c = pr##

Now, ##q \not | r \implies a \not | c##

Also, ##a = pq, b = qr##

So ##p \not | r \implies a \not | b##

Hence the first two conditions are jointly satisfied.

But ##bc = (pq).r^2 = a.r^2##. Hence ##a | bc##.

Therefore, ##(a \not | b) \wedge (a \not | c) \not \Rightarrow (a \not | bc) ## and the converse is untrue.

A little wordy, but I think it's much clearer. Just a suggestion.

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  • #7
I like LaTEX. Why do you hate it?
  • #8
knowLittle said:
I like LaTEX. Why do you hate it?

Difficulty in usage, many quirks, and some unpredictability (e.g. some tags not accepted, some symbols not appearing as they should, etc.). This is a topic for another thread and off topic, let's end it here. :smile:

Related to Prove Divisibility: Proving & Disproving

1. How do you prove divisibility?

To prove divisibility, you can use the division algorithm or the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. The division algorithm states that for any two integers a and b, there exists unique integers q and r such that a = bq + r, where r is the remainder. If r = 0, then a is divisible by b. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that every integer can be expressed as a product of prime numbers, and if a number is divisible by a prime number, it is also divisible by all of its factors.

2. What is the difference between proving and disproving divisibility?

Proving divisibility involves showing that a number is divisible by another number, while disproving divisibility involves finding a counterexample where the number is not divisible by another number. In other words, proving involves showing that a statement is always true, while disproving involves showing that a statement is not always true.

3. How do you use mathematical induction to prove divisibility?

Mathematical induction is a proof technique that is commonly used to prove statements about integers. To prove divisibility using mathematical induction, you would first prove that the statement is true for the base case (usually n = 1). Then, you would assume that the statement is true for some integer k, and use this assumption to prove that the statement is also true for k+1. If you can show that the statement is true for both the base case and the general case, then it is true for all integers.

4. Can you use a counterexample to disprove divisibility?

Yes, a counterexample can be used to disprove divisibility. A counterexample is an example that goes against a statement, and in the case of divisibility, it would be an example where the number is not divisible by another number. For example, to disprove the statement "all even numbers are divisible by 4," you can use the counterexample 6, which is an even number but not divisible by 4.

5. How can you use divisibility rules to prove divisibility?

Divisibility rules are shortcuts or patterns that can help determine if a number is divisible by another number without performing the actual division. For example, the divisibility rule for 3 states that if the sum of the digits of a number is divisible by 3, then the number is also divisible by 3. By using divisibility rules, you can quickly check if a number is divisible by another number and use this information to prove divisibility.
