Prove e(charge of proton)=1.6E-19 |

  • Thread starter chikou24i
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In summary: I don't have the charisma of a psychic, so I can't help you find the conversion. All I can tell you is that it's 1.6 times 10^{-19} electron volts, and that's the standard unit for measuring energy in particle physics.
  • #1
How to prove that e(the charge of proton)=1.6E-19
Physics news on
  • #2
That is obviously wrong, where did you find this conversion?
It's [itex]1.6 \times 10^{-19} ~C [/itex]
  • #3
In SI units you have
$$\alpha=\frac{e^2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 \hbar c} \simeq 1/137,$$
which is dimensionless. This is the Sommerfeld fine structure constant describing, in natural units, the interaction strength of charged particles due to their electromagnetic interaction (##e\simeq 1.6 \cdot 10^{-19} \mathrm{C}## is the charge of a proton, ##\hbar## is Planck's modified constant, and ##c## the speed of light, ##\epsilon_0## is an artifact of the "ugly" SI units, which are made for practical purposes rather than to expose the beauties of a consistent relativistic formulation of classical and quantum electrodynamics).

In modern high-energy physics, rationalized Gaussian (also called Heaviside-Lorentz) units are used, which brings the full symmetry of space and time and the correct relativistic dimensions of the electromagnetic field forward (electric and magnetic field components having the same unit). In addition, theoreticans have a hard time with their math anyway, and thus reduce the effort further by choosing "natural units", measuring angular momenta, actions, etc. in units of ##\hbar##. Thus effectively they set ##\hbar=1##. Then, as space and time are very much more symmetric in relativistic than in Newtonian physics, it nearly doesn't make sense to measure them in different units. This is the more true since also in the SI units the speed of light is just a conversion factor with a once-and-for all fixed value. So you can as well set ##c=1## and measure velocities in units of ##c##. This implies that energies and momenta have the same unit, usually using MeV or GeV, which is convenient when working in high-energy physics as at the LHC. Also lengths and times have the same unit. Here a convenient scale is fermi (or femtometer, which is ##10^{-15} \;\mathrm{m}##).

To convert back to usual units, one simply has to do some dimensional analysis of the quantity in question and use the relation ##\hbar c \simeq 0.197 \;\text{MeV} \; \text{fm}##.

Then you need to remember just one more thing: Cross sections are usually given in milli-barns. Then you just have to remember that ##10 \; \mathrm{mb} = 1 \; \mathrm{fm}^2=10^{-30} \; \mathrm{mb}##.
  • #4
vanhees71 said:
In SI units you have
[itex]\alpha=\frac{e^2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 \hbar c} \simeq 1/137 [/itex],​
which is dimensionless.

Just to point out something (which I always disliked as an undergrad), the last equality is true at a given energy scale.
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  • #5
It's valid at low energy scales. The running of the em. coupling leads to ##\alpha(\Lambda=m_{Z}) \simeq 1/128##.
  • #6
Do you two think this is helping the OP?
  • #7
Vanadium 50 said:
Do you two think this is helping the OP?

How are you supposed to help someone who asks a false question and then doesn't reply back ? - where did he find this "conversion". I don't have the charisma of a psychic..
  • #8
I indeed hope, it helps to tell the matters as they are.
  • #9
First of all I'm sorry for the late of replying, Vanhees71 Thank you for the answer you really helped me and ChrisVer I asked a question for you to help me or to correct me if I was wrong, and thank you for you too for the notice.
  • #10
chikou24i said:
ChrisVer I asked a question for you to help me or to correct me if I was wrong,

Sorry then, the way your question was written, you made me believe you had seen this conversion somewhere (and asked for a "proof"), and that's why I asked for the source ("where did you find it?").
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FAQ: Prove e(charge of proton)=1.6E-19 |

What is the charge of a proton?

The charge of a proton is 1.6 x 10-19 coulombs, which is the fundamental unit of electric charge.

How is the charge of a proton measured?

The charge of a proton can be measured using a device called an electrometer, which can detect and measure the amount of electric charge present.

What is the significance of the charge of a proton?

The charge of a proton is significant because it is the basis for understanding the behavior of atoms and molecules, as well as the forces between particles in the atomic nucleus.

What does "MeV" stand for in the equation?

"MeV" stands for megaelectronvolts, which is a unit of energy commonly used in particle physics to measure the mass and energy of subatomic particles.

How was the charge of a proton first determined?

The charge of a proton was first determined by physicist Robert Millikan in 1910 through his famous oil drop experiment, which involved balancing the electric forces acting on tiny droplets of oil suspended in an electric field.

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