Prove: If N Is Pure, Then N Is a Direct Summand of M

  • Thread starter mobe
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of pure submodules and direct summands in the context of D-modules. It is stated that a submodule N is pure if and only if for any y in N and a in D, the equation ax=y is solvable in N if and only if it is solvable in M. It is also stated that N is a direct summand of M if there exists a submodule K such that M = N \oplus K. The problem is to prove that if N is a direct summand, then it is also pure, and if D is a P.I.D and M is a finitely generated torsion module, then if N is pure, it is also a direct summand
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose M is a D_module and N is a submodule. N is called pure iff for any y [tex]\in[/tex] N and a [tex]\in[/tex] D ax = y is solvable in N iff it is solvable in M. N is a direct summand of M iff there is a submodule K with [tex]M = N \oplus K[/tex]. Prove:
(1) If N is a direct summand, then N is pure.
(2) Suppose D is P.I.D and M is a finitely generated torsion module. IF N is pure, then N is a direct summand of M.

Homework Equations

I am not sure what it means for ax=y is solvable in M iff it is solvable in N

The Attempt at a Solution

(1) If M is a direct summand, then there is a submodule K with [tex]M = N \oplus K[/tex]. Let's suppose that ax=y is solvable in M for y [tex]\in[/tex] N and a [tex]\in[/tex] D, then there is a z [tex]\in[/tex] N such that az=y. To prove that N is pure, one needs to prove that z [tex]\in[/tex] N. I do not know if this is what I am supposed to do and if so, I have no idea how to do it.
(2)Now D is a P.I.D and M is a finitely generated torsion module. Assume that N is pure. Let y [tex]\in[/tex] N and a[tex]\in[/tex] D, then we have z [tex]\in[/tex] N such that az=y implies z [tex]\in[/tex] M. I do not know how to show that there is a submodule K of M such that [tex]M = N \oplus K[/tex].
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  • #2
when they say solvable in M(or N) they mean "has a solution in".
So you are to show that for any y in N and a in D, there is x in N s.t. ax = y if and only if there is z in M s.t. az = y.

So suppose N is a direct summand of M, so M = N + K (here "+" = direct sum) for some submodule K of M.

One direction is clear, if ax = y is solvable in N then it's solvable in M.

So suppose the equation ax = y is solvable in M, so there is a z in M s.t. az = y.
Now use the fact z is in M. (it's pretty straightforward, I had typed up the proof but I really think you can do this!)

Post again if you are stuck, goodluck!
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  • #3
I can see now how to do the first one, the other direction is proved using the fact that the intersection of N and K is trivial. Thanks!
For part (2): how do I show the existence of K? How does the assumption that D is a P.I.D change the problem?

Related to Prove: If N Is Pure, Then N Is a Direct Summand of M

1. What does it mean for N to be pure?

When we say that N is pure, we mean that it is a submodule of M such that any direct sum decomposition of M also decomposes N. In other words, N is a "pure" part of M that is not "mixed" with any other submodule.

2. What is a direct summand of M?

A direct summand of M is a submodule N of M such that M is the direct sum of N and another submodule. In other words, M can be broken down into two parts, one of which is N.

3. How can we prove that N is a direct summand of M?

To prove that N is a direct summand of M, we need to show that there exists another submodule K of M such that M is the direct sum of N and K. This can be done by either constructing K explicitly or showing that K satisfies the properties of a direct summand.

4. What are the applications of the statement "If N is pure, then N is a direct summand of M"?

This statement is useful in studying the structure of modules and their submodules. It allows us to break down a module into simpler parts, making it easier to understand and work with. It also has applications in algebraic geometry, where it is used to study the decomposition of algebraic varieties into irreducible components.

5. Can the statement "If N is pure, then N is a direct summand of M" be generalized to other mathematical structures?

Yes, this statement can be generalized to other structures such as vector spaces, rings, and algebras. In these cases, the concepts of purity and direct summands may be defined differently, but the overall idea remains the same. This statement is a fundamental result in abstract algebra and has broad applications in various branches of mathematics.
