Prove injectivity of function.

  • Thread starter stefan10
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In summary, to prove that f is injective, we must show that for any two distinct values x_1 and x_2 in the domain (-∞, 3], the corresponding outputs f(x_1) and f(x_2) are also distinct. Using the definition of injective function and the fact that the maximum value for f is 3, we can see that the only way for f(x) = x^2 - 6x + 2 to be injective is if the function is always increasing on the interval (-∞, 3]. By taking the derivative of f(x), we can see that it is always negative for x < 3, meaning that the function is always decreasing on this
  • #1

Homework Statement

Prove that f is injective.

Homework Equations

[itex]f:(- \infty, 3] \rightarrow [-7,\infty) \vert f(x) = x^2 -6x+2[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I wish to prove this by calculus. I know that the maximum is three, and this is the only way the quadratic can be one-to-one. However; I'm having problems formalizing this into a proper proof.

This is what I have so far:

Definition of injective function: [itex]f(x_{2}) = f(x_{1}) \Rightarrow x_{2}=x_{1}[/itex]

[itex]f(x)' = 2x-6[/itex]

When [itex] f(x)' = 0, x=3 [/itex]

This is true, only if [itex](3, f(3))[/itex] is a maximum or a minimum.

In this case [itex](3,f(3))[/itex] is a minimum, and [itex]f(3) = -7.[/itex]

Since 3 is the only critical point, f(x) is always increasing when x < 3.

This implies injectivity, because ... (how do I conclude this, it makes sense intuitively, but I don't know how to write it?)


How can I explain that since 3 is a minimum and also the only critical number, the function is injective upon these domain constraints? Must I use images and pre-images? Also I know there is certainly a way to prove this without calculus, since calculus isn't a pre-requisite for the course this is for, but I'd like to use differentiation, since I have the tool and it's the first thing I had thought of upon noting that this function is quadratic and the only way for it to be injective is if f(x)' = 0 when x=3 and that it is the only place where f(x)'=0. Thank you!
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  • #2
If you want a calculus argument, you have f'(x) = 2(x-3) < 0 if x < 3. That tells you the function is decreasing on that interval, hence injective.

FAQ: Prove injectivity of function.

1. What does it mean for a function to be injective?

Injectivity, also known as one-to-one correspondence, means that each element in the domain of a function corresponds to a unique element in the range. In other words, no two elements in the domain can map to the same element in the range.

2. How do I prove injectivity of a function?

To prove injectivity of a function, you must show that for every pair of elements in the domain, the corresponding elements in the range are unique. This can be done through various methods such as algebraic manipulation, graphing, or using the horizontal line test.

3. Can a function be both injective and surjective?

Yes, a function can be both injective and surjective, meaning that it is both one-to-one and onto. This type of function is called bijective and has a unique inverse function.

4. Are all one-to-one functions injective?

Yes, all one-to-one functions are injective. However, not all injective functions are one-to-one. This is because a function can be injective without being onto, meaning that some elements in the range may not have a corresponding element in the domain.

5. Is injectivity the same as invertibility?

No, injectivity and invertibility are not the same. A function is invertible if it has a unique inverse function, while a function is injective if each element in the domain maps to a unique element in the range. However, a function can only be invertible if it is also injective.
