Prove Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L

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  • Thread starter mathmari
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In summary: If $L$ is regular, then $a^kb^ka^kb^k\in L$ for every $k$. If $k>n$, then $xy$ and thus $y$ must consist of $a$s only. Pumping in $a$'s will break the balance between the first and second segments of $a$s, i.e., the number of $a$s in the two segments will be different.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi! :)
Let L be the language, which has an infinite number of words, then there are words [tex]x,y,z \epsilon \Sigma ^{*}[/tex], so that [tex]|xz|\leq |\Sigma_{k}|[/tex], and each word [tex]xy^{(i)}z, i\geq0 [/tex] is in L.
How could we prove this modified Pumping Lemma?
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  • #2
What is the relation between the length of [tex] |xz| [/tex] and the number of the states?
  • #3
mathmari said:
Let L be the language, which has an infinite number of words
Any infinite language whatsoever?

mathmari said:
then there are words [tex]x,y,z \epsilon \Sigma ^{*}[/tex], so that [tex]|xz|\leq |\Sigma_{k}|[/tex]
What is $\Sigma_k$?

mathmari said:
and each word [tex]xy^{(i)}z, i\geq0 [/tex] is in L.
Just to be sure: $y^{(i)}$ is the concatenation of $i$ copies of $y$? I saw this denoted by $y^i$ before, and since in calculus $y^i$ and $y^{(i)}$ are two different things, I am just being careful...

mathmari said:
How could we prove this modified Pumping Lemma?
Since this relates to various variants of the pumping lemma, what is the standard variant and can we use it?
  • #4
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Any infinite language whatsoever?
With this lemma we want to show that a language is not regular.

What is $\Sigma_k$?
It is the set of the states.

Just to be sure: $y^{(i)}$ is the concatenation of $i$ copies of $y$? I saw this denoted by $y^i$ before, and since in calculus $y^i$ and $y^{(i)}$ are two different things, I am just being careful...
I think it is the concatenation of $i$ copies of $y$.

Since this relates to various variants of the pumping lemma, what is the standard variant and can we use it?
The standard variant of the Pumping Lemma is:
Let L be the language of the automaton M, which has an infinite number of words, then there are words $x,y,z \epsilon \Sigma^{*}$, so that each word $xy^{(i)}z \epsilon L$.
  • #5
mathmari said:
With this lemma we want to show that a language is not regular.

It is the set of the states.

I think it is the concatenation of $i$ copies of $y$.The standard variant of the Pumping Lemma is:
Let L be the language of the automaton M, which has an infinite number of words, then there are words $x,y,z \epsilon \Sigma^{*}$, so that each word $xy^{(i)}z \epsilon L$.

So, at the modified lemma, $|xz| \leq |\Sigma_{k}|$ must also be satisfied..
  • #6
What is the relation between the length of $|xz|$ and the number of the states?

Let $n$ be the number of states of the automaton. Take a word $w\in L$ whose length is at least $n$ and feed it to the automaton. Then some state $s$ is visited at least twice. Split $w$ so that $x$ is read before the first visit to $s$, $z$ is read after the last visit to $s$ and $y$ is everything in between. Then $xy^iz\in L$ for all $i$. However, it does not follow that $|xz|\le n$. In the best case, the states visited reading $x$ are different from those visited reading $z$; then indeed $|xz|\le n$, but this does not have to happen. Another choice of $s$ may be needed.

By the way, are you sure it's $|xz|\le n$ and not $|xy|\le n$?
  • #7
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Let $n$ be the number of states of the automaton. Take a word $w\in L$ whose length is at least $n$ and feed it to the automaton. Then some state $s$ is visited at least twice. Split $w$ so that $x$ is read before the first visit to $s$, $z$ is read after the last visit to $s$ and $y$ is everything in between. Then $xy^iz\in L$ for all $i$. However, it does not follow that $|xz|\le n$. In the best case, the states visited reading $x$ are different from those visited reading $z$; then indeed $|xz|\le n$, but this does not have to happen. Another choice of $s$ may be needed.

By the way, are you sure it's $|xz|\le n$ and not $|xy|\le n$?

I am asked to show that $|xz|\le n$..
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  • #8
Is this sure that we cannot conclude that $|xz| \leq n$ ? :eek:
  • #9
I have to think about this.
  • #10
I am also asked to apply this lemma at an exercise.
Let the language be $L=\{ww|w \epsilon \{a,b\}^{*}\}$. To show that this language is not regular using the lemma above,what can I do? Do I have to take a specific word and apply this?
  • #11
At this point, I can only tell you how this is proved using standard pumping lemma. There are two differences with your version: first, it uses $|xy|\le n$ and not $|xz|\le n$ and, second, it says that every sufficiently long word (longer than the number of states) can be decomposed into $xyz$, not that there exists such a word. You can see a proof of this lemma in Wikipedia.

So, if $L$ is regular, then $a^kb^ka^kb^k\in L$ for every $k$. If $k>n$, then $xy$ and thus $y$ must consist of $a$s only. Pumping in $a$'s will break the balance between the first and second segments of $a$s, i.e., the number of $a$s in the two segments will be different and thus the word will no longer be a square.
  • #12
I found the proof of this version of Pumping Lemma in a textbook.

At at the path(from the initial state $I$ to an accepting state $T$) that generates a very large word, a state $K$ wil be repeated and the path has the form:
$I \to ... \to K ... \to K \to ... \to T$
If we delete the part $ K \to ... \to K$ the path still generates an accepting word.
If at the sub-path $ I \to ... \to K $ and $ K \to ... \to T $ there is no other common state $L$ (besides $K$), then we have finished: we set $x=I \to ... \to K$, $z=K \to ... \to T $ and $y=K\to ... \to K$. If there is a common state $L$ then we delete the part $K \to ... \to K$ and we continue with the path $ I \to ... \to L \to ... \to K \to ... \to L \to... \to T$.

I'm a little confused...Could you explain me the second case, when there is a common state $L$ ?
  • #13
mathmari said:
Could you explain me the second case, when there is a common state $L$ ?
Then we replace the middle path $K\to\dots\to K$ by just one state $K$. By assumption, there is a state $L$ that belongs to the first part $I\to\dots\to K$ and to the last part $K\to\dots\to T$. Therefore, after removing the middle part the path looks like \[
I \to\dots \to L \to\dots \to K \to\dots \to L \to\dots \to T.\] Then we apply the whole procedure again, and $L$ plays the role that $K$ played.
  • #14
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Then we replace the middle path $K\to\dots\to K$ by just one state $K$. By assumption, there is a state $L$ that belongs to the first part $I\to\dots\to K$ and to the last part $K\to\dots\to T$. Therefore, after removing the middle part the path looks like \[
I \to\dots \to L \to\dots \to K \to\dots \to L \to\dots \to T.\] Then we apply the whole procedure again, and $L$ plays the role that $K$ played.

I got! Thank you for explaining to me! :eek:

Related to Prove Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L

1. What is the Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L?

The Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L is a theorem that helps us determine whether a language is regular or not. It states that if a language L is infinite, then there exists a length p, called the "pumping length", such that any string s in L with length greater than or equal to p can be divided into three parts: s = xyz, where x, y, and z are strings. This theorem also states that for all values of n ≥ 0, the string xyⁿz must also be in L.

2. How is the Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L used to prove that a language is not regular?

To prove that a language L is not regular using the Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L, we must find a string s in L that cannot be pumped. This means that for all possible ways of dividing s into three parts (s = xyz), there must be at least one value of n for which the string xyⁿz is not in L. If we can find such a string, then we can conclude that L is not a regular language.

3. What is the Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L?

The Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L is a variation of the original Pumping Lemma that applies to languages that are not necessarily infinite. It states that if a language L is regular, then there exists a length p, called the "pumping length", such that any string s in L with length greater than or equal to p can be divided into three parts: s = xyz, where x, y, and z are strings. This theorem also states that for all values of n ≥ 0, the string xyⁿz must also be in L.

4. How is the Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L different from the original Pumping Lemma?

The main difference between the Modified Pumping Lemma and the original Pumping Lemma is that the Modified version applies to both finite and infinite languages, while the original only applies to infinite languages. This means that the Modified version can be used to prove that a language is not regular even if it is finite, whereas the original can only be used for infinite languages.

5. What is an example of using the Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L to prove that a language is not regular?

An example of using the Modified Pumping Lemma for Infinite Language L to prove that a language is not regular is the language L = {0^n1^n | n ≥ 0}, which consists of strings of 0's followed by an equal number of 1's. We can show that this language is not regular by assuming that it is regular and then using the Modified Pumping Lemma to find a string that cannot be pumped. Let p be the pumping length, and consider the string s = 0^p1^p. According to the Modified Pumping Lemma, we can divide s into three parts: s = xyz, where x, y, and z are strings. Since the length of xy is at most p, we know that y must consist entirely of 0's. Now, if we pump y (i.e. set n = 2), we get the string xy^2z = 0^p+|y|1^p, which is not in L because the number of 0's is now greater than the number of 1's. Therefore, we have found a string that cannot be pumped, and we can conclude that L is not a regular language.

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