Prove Primary Ideals in \mathbb{Z}: Peter's Questions Answered

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In summary, a primary ideal in ℤ is an ideal generated by a single element and closed under multiplication by any integer. To prove an ideal is primary, it must be shown that it is generated by a single element and closed under multiplication by any integer, or using the definition of a primary ideal. An example of a primary ideal is (6) = {6, 12, 18, 24, ...}. The concept of primary ideals is closely related to prime numbers, as every prime number generates a primary ideal. Proving primary ideals in ℤ is significant in understanding the structure of the ring and its ideals, and has applications in algebraic number theory.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
In Dummit and Foote on page 682 Example 1 reads as follows:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The primary ideals in [TEX] \mathbb{Z} [/TEX] are 0 and the ideals [TEX] (p^m) [/TEX] for p a prime and [TEX] m \ge 1 [/TEX].-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So given what D&F say, (4) is obviously not primary.

I began trying to show from definition that (4) was not a primary from the definition, but failed to do this

Can anyone help in this ... and come up with an easy way to show that (4) is not primary?

Further, can anyone please help me prove that the primary ideals in [TEX] \mathbb{Z} [/TEX] are 0 and the ideals [TEX] (p^m) [/TEX] for p a prime and [TEX] m \ge 1 [/TEX].

PeterNote: the definition of a primary idea is given in D&F as follows:

Definition. A proper ideal Q in the commutative ring R is called primary if whenever [TEX] ab \in Q [/TEX] and [TEX] a \notin Q [/TEX] then [TEX] b^n \in Q [/TEX] for some positive integer n.

Equivalently, if [TEX] ab \in Q [/TEX] and [TEX] a \notin Q [/TEX] then [TEX] b \in rad \ Q [/TEX]
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  • #2
Peter said:
In Dummit and Foote on page 682 Example 1 reads as follows:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The primary ideals in [TEX] \mathbb{Z} [/TEX] are 0 and the ideals [TEX] (p^m) [/TEX] for p a prime and [TEX] m \ge 1 [/TEX].-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So given what D&F say, (4) is obviously not primary.
But (4) is primary, because $4 = 2^2$, which is a power of a prime.
  • #3
Opalg said:
But (4) is primary, because $4 = 2^2$, which is a power of a prime.

oh! You are right of course!

Thanks so much for that! :-(

  • #4
Peter said:
oh! You are right of course!

Thanks so much for that! :-(


Are you able to indicate how a proof regarding the nature of the ideals in Z in general might go?Peter
  • #5
Peter said:
Are you able to indicate how a proof regarding the nature of the ideals in Z in general might go?
To show that $(4)$ is primary, we have to show that if [TEX] ab \in (4) [/TEX] and [TEX] a \notin (4) [/TEX] then [TEX] b^n \in (4) [/TEX] for some positive integer $n.$

So suppose that $ab\in(4)$, in other words $ab$ is a multiple of $4$, and that $a\notin(4)$. Thus $a$ could be an odd number, or an odd multiple of $2$, but not a multiple of $4$. It follows that $b$ cannot be an odd number, so it must be a multiple of $2$, say $b=2c.$ Then $b^2 = 4c^2\in(4)$.

The same argument applies for any prime power $p^m$. If $ab\in(p^m)$ but $a\notin(p^m)$ then $b$ must be a multiple of $p$ and so $b^m\in(p^m).$

To show that $(6)$, for example, is not primary, use the fact that $6=2\times3$. If you take $a=2$ and $b=3$ in the definition of a primary ideal, you see that $2$ is not a multiple of $6$, so the definition asks that some power of $3$ should be a multiple of $6$. But that cannot happen, because every power of $3$ is an odd number. Therefore the definition of primary is not satisfied and so $(6)$ is not a primary ideal of $\mathbb Z.$
  • #6
Opalg said:
To show that $(4)$ is primary, we have to show that if [TEX] ab \in (4) [/TEX] and [TEX] a \notin (4) [/TEX] then [TEX] b^n \in (4) [/TEX] for some positive integer $n.$

So suppose that $ab\in(4)$, in other words $ab$ is a multiple of $4$, and that $a\notin(4)$. Thus $a$ could be an odd number, or an odd multiple of $2$, but not a multiple of $4$. It follows that $b$ cannot be an odd number, so it must be a multiple of $2$, say $b=2c.$ Then $b^2 = 4c^2\in(4)$

The same argument applies for any prime power $p^m$. If $ab\in(p^m)$ but $a\notin(p^m)$ then $b$ must be a multiple of $p$ and so $b^m\in(p^m).$

To show that $(6)$, for example, is not primary, use the fact that $6=2\times3$. If you take $a=2$ and $b=3$ in the definition of a primary ideal, you see that $2$ is not a multiple of $6$, so the definition asks that some power of $3$ should be a multiple of $6$. But that cannot happen, because every power of $3$ is an odd number. Therefore the definition of primary is not satisfied and so $(6)$ is not a primary ideal of $\mathbb Z.$

Thanks for the helpful post, Opalg

Appreciate your help,Peter
  • #7
I have been reflecting on Opalg's helpful post above ... and I think I need a bit more help ...

I can follow the particular numerical cases but I am having trouble in showing, formally and explicitly, that ...

\(\displaystyle ab \in (p^m) \) and \(\displaystyle a \notin (p^m) \)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow b \) is a multiple of \(\displaystyle p \)

Would appreciate help in this matter.

  • #8
Peter said:
I am having trouble in showing, formally and explicitly, that ...

\(\displaystyle ab \in (p^m) \) and \(\displaystyle a \notin (p^m) \)

\(\displaystyle \Longrightarrow b \) is a multiple of \(\displaystyle p \)

Would appreciate help in this matter.r
Think about the prime factorisation of $ab$. It has to contain the prime $p$ at least $m$ times. If $a\notin(p^m)$ then the prime factorisation of $a$ contains $p$ fewer than $m$ times. Therefore at least one $p$ must occur in the prime factorisation of $b$.
  • #9
Opalg said:
Think about the prime factorisation of $ab$. It has to contain the prime $p$ at least $m$ times. If $a\notin(p^m)$ then the prime factorisation of $a$ contains $p$ fewer than $m$ times. Therefore at least one $p$ must occur in the prime factorisation of $b$.

Thanks Oplalg, that post was REALLY helpful!


Related to Prove Primary Ideals in \mathbb{Z}: Peter's Questions Answered

1. What is a primary ideal in ℤ?

A primary ideal in ℤ is an ideal that is generated by a single element, and is closed under multiplication by any integer. In other words, it is an ideal that contains all multiples of a single integer.

2. How do you prove that an ideal is primary in ℤ?

To prove that an ideal is primary in ℤ, you must show that it is generated by a single element and that it is closed under multiplication by any integer. You can also use the definition of a primary ideal, which states that for any a, b ∈ ℤ, if ab ∈ I for some ideal I in ℤ, then either a ∈ I or bn ∈ I for some positive integer n.

3. Can you give an example of a primary ideal in ℤ?

One example of a primary ideal in ℤ is the ideal (6) = {6, 12, 18, 24, ...}. This ideal is generated by the single element 6 and is closed under multiplication by any integer.

4. How does the concept of primary ideals relate to prime numbers?

In ℤ, every prime number p generates a primary ideal (p) = {p, 2p, 3p, ...}. This ideal is closed under multiplication by any integer, and any primary ideal can be written as a product of prime ideals. Therefore, the concept of primary ideals is closely related to prime numbers.

5. What is the significance of proving primary ideals in ℤ?

Proving primary ideals in ℤ is important because it helps us understand the structure of the ring ℤ and its ideals. It also has applications in algebraic number theory, where primary ideals play a crucial role in the unique factorization of ideals in number fields.

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